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Effective Learning Systems

Module 3. Effective Learning Systems. Effective Learning Systems. Setting the stage for a successful Learning S ystem (How to set up PLCs) Effectively using Data to develop systemic processes for School I mprovement

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Effective Learning Systems

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  1. Module 3 Effective Learning Systems

  2. Effective Learning Systems • Setting the stage for a successful Learning System (How to set up PLCs) • Effectively using Data to develop systemic processes for School Improvement • Effectively using data to develop systemic processes for Balanced Assessments • Developing a system for Balanced Literacy • Advancing Mathematics for success for all students • Instructional Practices (Monitoring, adjusting, and strengthening) • Focusing Professional Growth

  3. Effectively using data to develop systemic processes for Balanced Assessments

  4. CASL

  5. What does CASL stand for? • Classroom Assessment forStudent Learning

  6. What CASL boils down to • 3 Questions • 7 Strategies • 5 Keys

  7. The 3 Guiding Questions • Where Am I Going? • Where Am I Now? • How Can I Close the Gap?

  8. The 7 Strategies • Where Am I Going? • Provide students with a clear and understandable vision of the learning target • Use examples and models of strong and weak work • Where Am I Now? • Offer regular descriptive feedback • Teach students to self-assess and set goals • How Can I Close the Gap? • Design lessons to focus on one learning target or aspect of quality at a time • Teach students focused revision • Engage students in self reflection, and let them keep track of and share their learning.

  9. 5 Keys to Quality Classroom Assessment • Clear Purpose • Clear Targets • Sound Design • Effective Communication • Student Involvement

  10. 1. Clear Purpose • Know what you are doing and why, then explain that to your students • Know why you are giving an assignment, quiz, test, project, etc. and how you are going to use the information gained to better help your students. • Know what is Formative and what is Summative

  11. 2. Clear Targets • Standards should be broken down into focused, student friendly language • Example: • I can define the term “Pygmalion” • I can use the term “Pygmalion” correctly in an educational context.

  12. Types of Learning Targets: • Knowledge • Facts, vocabulary, basic concepts, etc. • Reasoning • Using Knowledge to solve, infer, compare, etc. • Skills • Using Knowledge and Reasoning to do or perform • Products • Using Knowledge, Reasoning, and Skill to create

  13. 3. Sound Design • Your Assessment methods need to align with your Learning Targets to get the clearest picture of a student’s comprehension.

  14. Types of Assessment Methods: • Selected Response • Multiple Choice, True/False, Matching, Fill in the Blank • Extended Written Response • ORQ, CR, Essay • Performance Assessment • Student does/creates a product; teacher observes and judges quality • Personal Communication • Verbal Q&A, discussion, interview, oral exam, journals

  15. So which Assessment Method is best for which types of Targets?

  16. Test Plan Example

  17. Stages in Assessment Development • Plan – create the Learning Targets • Develop – decide which assessment methods best align with the Learning Targets, and create the assessment • Critique– look at the Targets and Assessment to make sure it is of good quality • Administer – give the assessment to the students • Revise– based on the data, modify the Targets and/or Assessment as needed.

  18. Under what circumstances is it okay to “teach to the test”? • When the Test is aligned with the Learning Goals and includes a variety of quality Assessment Methods

  19. 4. Effective Communication • Teachers record and report assessment information in a timely (aka – immediate) manner • Teachers give detailed feedback on student work • Model and show them what “good” looks like

  20. 5. Student Involvement • Have students reflect on their learning and their assessments • Have students set goals for their learning

  21. How often should students reflect on their learning? • All the time! • After a lesson - After a test • After a quiz - After a unit • After an activity - After the course • Students should be challenged to set goals for themselves and question what they did that worked or didn’t work

  22. Example of Test Correction Form

  23. So what does it look like in a real classroom? • Set your Goals (in student friendly language) • Create the Summative Assessment • Give a Pre-Test • Warm-ups and Exit Slips • Daily Formative Assessments 6. Post Goals everywhere! 7. Review 8. Give the Summative Assessment 9. Give Test Corrections and Reflections 10. Return to the material as you progress

  24. Developing a system for Balanced LiteracyANDInstructional Practices (Monitoring, adjusting, and strengthening)

  25. Debrief

  26. Wrap Up

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