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The Extended Essay. What is it? And why should I care?. The Extended Essay is a requirement of the diploma program. WHY?. Aims of EE. To provide students with an opportunity to: Pursue independent research on a focused topic Develop research and communication skills
The Extended Essay What is it? And why should I care?
Aims of EE To provide students with an opportunity to: Pursue independent research on a focused topic Develop research and communication skills Develop the skills of creative and critical thinking Engage in a systematic process of research appropriate tot eh subject Experience the excitement of intellectual discovery
Extended Essay Requirements • Compulsory and externally assessed • Contributes in combination with TOK; up to 3 points to diploma • A piece of independent research on a topic chosen by the student in cooperation with a supervisor • In a subject on the approved Diploma Program list • A formal piece of scholarship in a form that matches how research is done in the field • No more than 4000 words • About 40 hours of work • Concluded with a short interview with the supervising teacher
Changes to the EE Same for 2009 New for 2009 • 4000 words max • 300 word abstract • 40 hour commitment for student (?) • no editing by supervisor • supervisor submits predicted grade & supervisor report • strongly recommended that supervisors spend 3-5 hours with each student supervised • Bibliography lists only sources cited • one set of assessment criteria A-K interpreted for each subject • concludes with the Viva Voce
Viva Voce(optional) • The viva voce is a short interview (10 and 15 minutes) between the student and the supervisor, and is a recommended conclusion to the extended essay process. • Students who do not attend the viva voce may be disadvantaged.
Choosing a subject • The essay can be done in any of the IB areas of study • It cannot cross boundaries (e.g. a psychological look at a biological problem) since it would not fit into one discipline for grading purposes. • Highly recommended that students choose a subject they are studying since then they have been exposed to the “way” academic study in that field is done. (A TOK approach) • The research and essay should align with the way work is done in the field.
Subjects • Chemistry • Biology • English • History • French • Mathematics • Each one has specific requirements for the nature of the paper; e.g. an EE in math would look very different from one in English.
After the Subject…what next? • Subject (e.g. English) • Topic (Shakespeare & Hamlet) • Research Question (How is Hamlet a guideline for mental illness in the modern world?)
It is a Persuasive Essay or Investigation • You develop an answer to your research question: • You can only say what you can prove • You can only prove what you can find evidence to support • You can only find evidence that supports your question, if you can identify the experts in the field • You can only identify experts in the field by searching who the people are who write on this field and who are respected; professors, writers • So, you state a point, and find some evidence from a reputable, reliable source to back it up
Criteria for Good Questions • It meets the requirements for the subject under the EE guide (will tell you how the RQ should be phrased…question, hypothesis, thesis) http://xmltwo.ibo.org/publications/DP/Group0/d_0_eeyyy_gui_1012_1/html/production-app3.ibo.org/publication/258/part/1/chapter/1.html
Criteria for Good Questions • Research Question: This criterion assesses the extent to which the purpose of the essay is specified. In many subjects, the aim of the essay will normally be expressed as a question and, therefore, this criterion is called the “research question”.
Criteria for Good Questions • However, certain disciplines may permit or encourage different ways of formulating the research task. • Can it be asked and answered (Is there an answer? Can info be found to answer?) • Can sources be found in English? (Shouldn’t be translated) • Will you find experts whose words and work will support this? It can’t be about how you feel or think…it is about what you can prove!) • Is it worthwhile to answer? Does it add to the discussion in the field? • Is the topic focused? Can it be answered in only 4000 words? • Is the topic broad enough to discuss in up to 4000 words? Not trivial or already answered. • Can the topic be objectively treated? Not just conjecture or in “pseudo” areas • Does the question fit squarely in the area of study • Does the topic avoid hypothetical discussion? (No, what if ….didn’t happen?) • Are all terms in the question clearly defined and understood by all in the field
Choosing a supervisor • Once you have selected your subject and begun to narrow down your focus, we can begin the search for a good supervisor to match your interests • The supervisors must be someone on staff, not related to you and with qualifications in the subject you want to work with them on. • If you choose to do a paper in history, we have several trained teachers on staff who are trained in history. Depending on what sub-field of history you choose, we will match you with the best person.
Supervisor/EE Mentor • Your Mentor must be a teacher at Ancaster • Teachers are not required to supervise an extended essay • Teachers normally only supervise 3 to 4 students • We will try to match you up
Supervisor/EE Mentor • The extended essay supervisor has a few principal responsibilities: • Provides advice & guidance in the skills of undertaking research • Encourages & supports the student throughout the writing of the EE • Ok's the research question • Knows the regulations governing the EE & the assessment criteria • Reads & comments on first draft only – does not edit the draft • Monitors the progress • Submits a predicted grade • Completes the supervisor's report which among other things states that the essay you are submitting is your work (so supervisor must see enough of you and your research process to honestly say this)
Student Responsibilities • It is required that students: • Choose an appropriate topic • Observe the regulations relating to the EE (on website) • Meet deadlines (sheet of dates will be posted) • Read and understand IB Academic Honesty Policy (on website) • Realize that your papers will be sent in and examined by Turnitin and you will receive an Originality report showing any problem areas. (you will go over this with the supervisor) • Acknowledge all sources of information & ideas in an approved academic manner appropriate to the field of study (Which citing style)
Ancaster Library - EE Website http://schools.hwdsb.on.ca/ancasterhigh/library-2/ • Go to the AHS Extended Essay web site to find all of the information and forms needed to complete the EE.
Student Responsibilities • It is strongly recommended that students: • Start early • Think about and choose the research question carefully • Plan how, when & where you will find the research material • Plan a schedule for researching and writing the essay • Record all sources accurately • Have a clear structure for the essay before beginning to write • Check & proofread the final version carefully • Treat your supervisor appropriately according to IBO guidelines • Seek out your supervisor or EE Co-ordinator for help early • Use the Library and Librarians to help • Go to our school website for direction (under IB; Extended Essay) • Remember it is your responsibility, not anyone else’s
Responsibility of Academic Honesty • Read the Honour Code Specifics for the EE: • Important for the essay to be based on a question for which there is no obvious answer. • You cannot use someone else’s question • It cannot be based on a piece of work you did for assessment or evaluation in any other class • It must be based on your own work • It must include proper citations for any thoughts, ideas, used from others.
Choose a subject first • Go through the curriculum of your IB subjects • It is recommended that you study a question that relates to something in that curriculum • Do some web searching • Read a lot on the topic…remember you are going to have to focus on a specific question • Complete Form #1 and Honour Code and return to Ms. Swackhammer in the library by Sept. 28.
That’s all for now… Any questions?
Choosing a topic • Narrowing it down to the form of a research question • This takes pre:research; literature search • Helps to have several questions • You should check with your supervisor and work through which one seems to offer thee best chance for a successful paper. • WHO IS YOUR SUPERVISOR????
Deciding on your topic • Your supervisor may help you: • Ensure that the chosen research question is appropriate for the subject • Advise you on: • Access to appropriate resources • Techniques of information, evidence , data gathering, and analysis • Writing an abstract • Documenting sources
Emphasis is placed on the Research Process • Choose a topic (no later than Dec. 1) • Check the EE guide to make sure your intended research matches the requirements for the subject • Formulate the research question (RQ) • Plan the investigation & writing process • Plan a research structure (outline) • Undertake some preparatory reading • Carry out the investigation
Structure of the Extended Essay A common assessment rubric has been established
Assessment • A -- Research Question (2) • B -- Introduction (2) • C -- Investigation (4) • D -- Knowledge and Understanding of the topic studied (4) • E – Reasoned Argument (4)
Assessment • F – Application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject (4) • G – Use of Language appropriate to the subject (4) • H -- Conclusion (2) • I – Formal Presentation (4) • J -- Abstract (2) • K – Holistic Judgment (4)
Time Management • Recommended: 40 hours in total • Work done outside of regular class time • Attendance at Library Workshops count towards final hours • Consultation Sessions with supervisor • Internal Deadlines established by supervisor • Final Deadline: Monday, November 29
How to Write a 4000 word EE... • Attend the Research Skills Workshop in the Library on Wed., June 2 @ 11:10 a.m. • Consult the guide ($10) • Look at exemplars (on website) • Work in the library during free time
Definition of Malpractice • Plagiarism • The representation of ideas or work of another person as the candidates own • Collusion • Supporting malpractice by another candidate, as in allowing one’s work to be copied or submitted for assessment by another
Definition of Malpractice • Duplication of work • The presentation of the same work for different assessment components and/or diploma requirements • Any other Behaviour • Which gains an unfair advantage for a candidate or which affects the results of another candidate
Research & Writing The process of writing a 4000 word essay for the first time. Suggestions for the students... Tackle the EE by breaking it down into small parts.
The Research and Writing Process • The success of an extended essay is shaped largely during the preparatory stages.
The Research and Writing Process • The iceberg analogy illustrates clearly the importance of the analysis/research/experimentation that underpins the completed essay.
The Research and Writing Process • Since the initial work is so crucial, consider following the steps in preparing the extended essay.
The Research and Writing Process • Title • Provide a concise title that clearly indicates the focus of the essay. • Do not use your research question or hypothesis as your title.
The Research and Writing Process • Abstract • An abstract is not an introduction, although there is some overlap. (250 to 300 words) • An abstract is a synopsis of the essay. • It also sets the tone of the essay.
The Research and Writing Process • Table of contents • The contents page outlines the main sections with corresponding page numbers. • It also indicates the structure of the essay.
The Research and Writing Process • Introduction • Although not listed as a criterion of assessment, an introduction is an important component of an extended essay.
The Research and Writing Process • Body and development • This is the longest and most important section.
The Research and Writing Process • Conclusion • Remember that last impressions are lasting impressions.
The Research and Writing Process • Quotations • Use quotations judiciously and integrate them smoothly into the text of the essay.
The Research and Writing Process • Structure • Organization enhances the clarity of your thesis.
The Research and Writing Process • Style • Write your essay in a style that is clear and smooth and in a tone that is formal and scholarly.
The Research and Writing Process • Subheadings/chapters • Longer essays in certain subjects, like the sciences, might require section headings.
The Research and Writing Process • Documentation • Whether you are citing a quotation, an idea, an illustration or Internet information, you must document the source.