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Leadership. Mark Krupski, Director Olmsted County Property Records & Licensing November 10, 2011. Leadership. What is it? What does it look like?. We know it when we see it. A dynamic, world-class County delivering excellence every day. Mission. Why we exist. Values. Our Character

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  1. Leadership Mark Krupski, Director Olmsted County Property Records & Licensing November 10, 2011

  2. Leadership What is it? What does it look like? We know it when we see it.

  3. A dynamic, world-class County delivering excellence every day

  4. Mission Why we exist.

  5. Values Our Character What’s important to us! • Integrity • Dedication • Respect • Innovation

  6. Vision The Vision Statement sets the course. It is the most important aspect in providing direction to both the leader and the organization.

  7. The Vision is your map. 19th Century World Map Political world map illustrated by the English artist Walter Crane showing the extent of the British Empire in1886

  8. Property Records & Licensing Strategy Map Vision: WORLD CLASS CUSTOMER SERVICE Mission: “The purpose of Property Records and Licensing is to preserve land and individual records; past, present and future for the benefit of the public.” Values: Integrity - Dedication - Respect - Innovation Build the Community Manage the Resources Run the Business Develop the Employees Effective use of resources How? Why? Innovationand operational excellence Fostering internal and external partnerships and collaborations Culture of excellence Learning and growth Embrace diversity Maintain public trust Effective, accessible and responsive

  9. World Class Customer Service Our vision drives everything… What are we striving for? Perfection? Continuous improvement? Can we celebrate our successes even though we never fully achieve our vision?

  10. Property Records & Licensing – M4R Strategies, Objectives, Measures, Targets and Owners 1. Effective, accessible and responsive 2. Maintain public trust Build the Community 1.1. Provide excellent customer services 2.1. Assess public perception 2.2. Professional integrity

  11. Build the Community Our customers are why we are here. A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. They are not dependent on us, we are dependent on them. They are not an interruption of our work. They are the purpose of it. They are not an outsider to our business. They are a part of it. We are not doing them a favor by serving them. They are doing us a favor by giving us the opportunity to do so. Mahatma Gandhi

  12. Property Records & Licensing – M4R Strategies, Objectives, Measures, Targets and Owners 3. Effective Use of Resources Manage the Resources 3.1. Evaluate services to assess continued effective use of resources 3.2. Performance Based Budgeting

  13. Manage the Resources Our customers expect us to be good stewards of their resources. It is part of providing “World Class Customer Service.”

  14. Property Records & Licensing – M4R Strategies, Objectives, Measures, Targets and Owners 4. Innovation and operational excellence 5. Foster internal & external partnerships & collaborations Run the Business 4.1. Meeting, and at times exceeding deadlines 5.1. Utilize internal and external “connections” to facilitate better results for customers

  15. Run the Business We hear a lot about six sigma, continuous improvement and Kaizen. In order to improve processes and practices, we must first understand our current processes and practices. We do this by mapping these. Kaizen: Japanese for "improvement", or "change for the better" refers to philosophy or practices that focus upon continuous improvement of processes in manufacturing, engineering, game development, and business management.

  16. Property Records & Licensing – M4R Strategies, Objectives, Measures, Targets and Owners 6. Culture of excellence 7. Learning and growth 8. Embrace Diversity Develop the Employees 7.1. Cross-training of staff 6.1 Hold staff accountable “standards of excellence” 8.1. Create opportunities 6.2 Provide recognition 7.2. Support professional training

  17. Have Faith in Yourself Believe you can and you're halfway there. Theodore Roosevelt Without faith nothing is possible. With it, nothing is impossible. Mary McLeod Bethune Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other. Abraham Lincoln

  18. Have Faith in Yourself

  19. Allow Others to Make Mistakes I have always found that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice. Abraham Lincoln

  20. Make Mistakes It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed. Theodore Roosevelt

  21. Have Fun!

  22. Aesop Fable: Wind and the Sun • The Wind and the Sun were disputing which was the stronger. Suddenly they saw a traveler coming down the road, and the Sun said: "I see a way to decide our dispute. Whichever of us can cause that traveler to take off his cloak shall be regarded as the stronger. You begin." So the Sun retired behind a cloud, and the Wind began to blow as hard as it could upon the traveler. But the harder he blew the more closely did the traveler wrap his cloak round him, till at last the Wind had to give up in despair. Then the Sun came out and shone in all his glory upon the traveler, who soon found it too hot to walk with his cloak on. • Kindness effects more than severity

  23. Continue to learn. Be curious. Read.

  24. Learning and Growth

  25. Strengths Finder Solar System

  26. Leadership

  27. Property Information Website • Marriage License Web Application • Managing 4 Results Balanced Scorecard • ACH Property Tax Payments • Girard’s Solution Software • Online Property Tax payments • Online Recorded documents • E-Signatures • Countywide cashiering system • Passport Kiosk • Marriage License Kiosk • Service Delivery-remodel Vital Records & Licensing area • ERER – eRecording (Lighthouse), eCRV • OCR – Optical Character Reader (Flex Indexing) • Workflow – Recorder • Workflow – PRL • Collaboration / Public Education • Property Tax System rewrite • Replace Election night reporting software • Credit Cards for ‘Point of Sale’ • Online shopping cart for PRL services

  28. Online Marriage License Application

  29. Passport Kiosk

  30. PRL’s Communication Plan Who - All personnel What - Define key messages When - Continuously Where - Department Meetings, staff meeting, performance plans, posters, newsletters Why - clear expectations; understanding how what we are doing today, contributes to our strategic direction; know what we have done has been effective; etc.

  31. Department wide means everyone!

  32. Team Work!

  33. Communication Plan It is critical that Managing for Results is supported by Administration and the County Board. Olmsted County started implementing Managing for Results using the Balanced Scorecard in 2005. PRL completed their first Balanced Scorecard in late 2007. Skeptics thought that this may be the flavor of the month. However many of them have begun to embrace the concept over time. I have found that staff are energized by being informed about the big picture and how, “what they do”, contributes to the overall goals and objectives of the department and the county as a whole. There is feeling of being part of something larger than oneself. PRL developed and implemented the Balanced Scorecard as a Management Team Assistance from the Associate County Administrator. The following year we reworked the scorecard with non management personnel. This was very effective in improving understanding of the scorecard and Managing for Results as well as better buy in from Staff.

  34. Alignment

  35. Conclusion

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