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This project aims to improve environmental monitoring and assessment in EECCA countries through initiatives on water quality, air and climate change, and data reporting. It includes capacity building, training workshops, and the development of indicator methodologies and guidebooks.
UNECE Working Group on Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 27-29 November 2006, Geneva Asim Acikel/Tacis Project Coordinator
TACIS project (2006-2007) • Presentation on Tacis project at the 6th Session of UNECE/WGEMA is available at (http://ewindows.eu.org/belgrade07/eecca/tacis/tacis_06/fol468791/doc614226) • Effective start of the Tacis project was announced at the 6th Session of UNECE/WGEMA and was notified to the Ministries of Environment of EECCA countries in June 2006 • Tacis project objectives, outputs, plan of operations, logical framework, overall output performance plan, newsletter (RU/EN) etc., is available at Tacis website under Belgrade portal of the EEA website (http://ewindows.eu.org/belgrade07/eecca/tacis/tacis_06)
Project focus & structure • 3 key areas: A. Water B. Air and climate change C. Improve environmental information and reporting in the framework of Belgrade report preparations (with focus on indicators)
Tasks: Needs assessment reports on water quality monitoring for each EECCA country for future funding through international/bilateral donors; Support EECCA countries in development of national databases and data sharing Eionet water (AZ, BE, MO, RU, UKR) Training and capacity building in the field of water management. Activities: Country visits to 10 EECCA countries were carried out for: Needs Assessment on water quality monitoring (sampling, laboratory analysis and information management) Assessment of the state of the national databases and the capacity to be able to provide data electronically for the construction of indicators (i.e. join in the Eionet-Water priority data flows) Water component
Preliminary Findings for Capacity to deliver data for EECCA water indicators
Tasks: Training of EECCA experts through participation in relevant Tacis workshops Support in the translation of the EMEP/CORINAIR Emission Inventory Guidebook. Activities: TACIS training seminar on air pollutant and greenhouse gas emission inventories, 19-20 October 2006, Almaty, Kazakstan Tacis training seminar on air quality monitoring, assessment and management in EEA and EECCA region, 07-08 November 2006, Chisinau, Moldova EMEP/CORINAIR Emission Inventory Guidebook translated into Russian (QC in process) Air and Climate change component
Feedbacks from participants to the workshops • Workshops were assessed as useful and practical one • Underlined importance of continuity and systematic approach, • Participants suggestions for future capacity building/trainings on: • available inventory IT tools • calculation of uncertainties • How to use facility level data for the national inventory (reliability, incompleteness) • health impact of air quality in bigger cities of EECCA region, • methodology for monitoring and measurements of air pollution (case studies), • air quality modelling in EECCA countries • Participation in EIONET air workshops • Country-specific trainings
Tasks: Build expertise in environmental assessment & the use of indicators; Production of EECCA core set of indicator methodological guide and compendium Review of Belgrade report chapters on the occasion of different Tacis project events/workshops/meetings Activities: UNEP and UNECE are partners for development of EECCA CSI Methodological guide and compendium (see presentation of UNEP and UNECE for details) Review of draft pan-European Assessment Report, Belgrade 2007: Consultation with non-governmental and other bodies, November 16-17, 2006, Copenhagen (Eco-Forum) Improve env. information and reporting: Belgrade report preparation