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WORKING GROUP ON ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT. Meeting on Environmental Assessments Geneva, 16-17April 2013 Items 3 - 8 of the provisional agenda. I. Legal and regulatory basis for publication of state-of-the-environment reports. Armenia – No specific legislation.

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  1. WORKING GROUP ON ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT Meeting on Environmental Assessments Geneva, 16-17April 2013 Items 3 - 8 of the provisional agenda

  2. I. Legal and regulatory basis for publication of state-of-the-environment reports • Armenia –No specific legislation. • Azerbaijan ––No specific legislation • Belarus –Law “On the Protection of the Environment”-1992 and government resolutions (#247 1993, #7342008 ).

  3. I. Legal and regulatory basis for publication of state-of-the-environment reports • Georgia – law on Environmental Protection-1996, Decree of President #389, 1999. • Kazakhstan – Environment Code -2007 • Kyrgyzstan –Framework Law on Environmental protection -1999. Government Decree #553, 2012.

  4. I. Legal and regulatory basis for publication of state-of-the-environment reports • Moldova -Law “On Environment Protection” - 1993. • Russia-Law “On Environment Protection” -2002 and government decree (#966 2012). • Tajikistan –Special Order of the Chairman of Committee on Environmental Protection

  5. I. Legal and regulatory basis for publication of state-of-the-environment reports • Ukraine –Law on Environmental Protection-1991 and Government Decree -1992. • Uzbekistan –Law on Nature Protection. Government Orders.

  6. II. Institutional mechanisms for the production of state-of-the-environment reports • Armenia – Ministry of Nature Protection. Information through the members of interagency working group or by official request. • Azerbaijan –No specific legislation. • Belarus – Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection. Academy of Science and other scientific institutions are involved.

  7. II. Institutional mechanisms for the production of state-of-the-environment reports • Georgia -Ministry of Environmental Protection. Data from State agencies and members of expert group. • Kazakhstan – Ministry of Environmental Protection. Data from State Fund of Ecological Information. • Kyrgyzstan –State Agency of Environment and Forestry. Data from State agencies and members of expert group.

  8. II. Institutional mechanisms for the production of state-of-the-environment reports • Moldova – Ministry of Environment. Institute of Geography and Ecology. • Russia – Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology using data from State Information Fund. • Tajikistan –Committee on Environmental protection. Special working group.

  9. II. Institutional mechanisms for the production of state-of-the-environment reports • Ukraine -Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine. 15 Government agencies. • Uzbekistan –State Committee on Nature Protection. State agencies.

  10. III. Structure and content of state-of-the-environment reportsA. Consistency of the state-of-the environment reports with the UNECE Guidelines for the Preparation of Indicator-based Environment Assessment Reports • Armenia –No SOE since 2002. Sector oriented assessment reports. • Azerbaijan –Partial consistency. Additional: “Measures taken” • Belarus – Last SOE is based on UNECE Guidelines. 9 chapters in accordance with key indicator groups. Specific indicators on radiation pollution.

  11. A. Consistency of the state-of-the environment reports with the UNECE Guidelines for the Preparation of Indicator-based Environment Assessment Reports • Georgia -Partial consistency. Additional :ionizing radiation; natural disasters. • Kazakhstan –Partial consistency. Additional: industry, radiation. • Kyrgyzstan –According to the Guidelines. Additional chapter on Health and Environment.

  12. A. Consistency of the state-of-the environment reports with the UNECE Guidelines for the Preparation of Indicator-based Environment Assessment Reports • Moldova – Partial consistency. Future SOE will follow guidelines. • Russia- Partial consistency.SOE-2012 will be structured following to the constituent territories of the Russian Federation and country in whole by economic activities and environment components. • Tajikistan –Partial consistency. Additional according to the NEAP priorities.

  13. A. Consistency of the state-of-the environment reports with the UNECE Guidelines for the Preparation of Indicator-based Environment Assessment Reports • Ukraine -Partial consistency. Additional on consumption and production patterns. • Uzbekistan - Partial consistency. Two reports: National SOE and Monitoring and assessment of SOE.

  14. B. Use of environmental indicators in the state-of-the environment reports • Armenia – Some key indicators. No cross-country comparisons . • Azerbaijan – Some key indicators. No cross-country comparisons . • Belarus – All key indicators, except of some on energy. No cross-country comparisons.

  15. B. Use of environmental indicators in the state-of-the environment reports • Georgia – Few indicators. Some comparison with EU standards. • Kazakhstan – Most of indicators. No cross-country comparisons . • Kyrgyzstan – Actually all indicators, with some additions for country priority areas (e.g. pastures). No cross-country comparisons .

  16. B. Use of environmental indicators in the state-of-the environment reports • Moldova – Some key indicators. Others in energy. No cross-country comparisons . • Russia- Currently 7 group of Indicators from the Guidelines and several others. No cross-country comparisons . • Tajikistan – Not clear.

  17. B. Use of environmental indicators in the state-of-the environment reports • Ukraine -The majority of environmental indicators. Additional indicators on radiation. No cross-country comparisons . • Uzbekistan - Some key indicators. No cross-country comparisons .

  18. C. Data assurance and control systems • Armenia – Data control by divisions of the Ministry. • Azerbaijan – Only the official data provided by the relevant institutions, data from projects and investigations. • Belarus – Mathematical & logical data control.

  19. C. Data assurance and control systems • Georgia -Official data. No additional control. • Kazakhstan – Official data. No additional control. • Kyrgyzstan – Official data. Approval of draft SOE from State Agencies before endorsement.

  20. C. Data assurance and control systems • Moldova – Data control by Environmental State Inspectorate. • Russia- Official data. Draft SOE is open for expert and public discussions. • Tajikistan -Official data. Interagency meeting.

  21. C. Data assurance and control systems • Ukraine –Official data controlled by State agencies. • Uzbekistan – Special working group for SOE.

  22. D. Use of modern technologies for data presentation • Armenia – Diagrams, maps , tables, charts. • Azerbaijan – Diagrams, maps, photos and other. • Belarus – Diagrams, maps and other visual formats.

  23. D. Use of modern technologies for data presentation • Georgia - Graphs, tables, figures, maps. • Kazakhstan –Diagrams, tables, charts. • Kyrgyzstan – Graphs, maps, tables.

  24. D. Use of modern technologies for data presentation • Moldova – All visual materials. • Russia- Diagrams, maps , tables, charts. Interactive visualization for future SOE. • Tajikistan – Cartographic materials.

  25. D. Use of modern technologies for data presentation • Ukraine -Diagrams, maps , tables, charts. • Uzbekistan– Different visual materials.

  26. IV. Publication and dissemination of state-of-the-environment reports • Armenia – Last SOE from 2002, in Armenian and Russian. • Azerbaijan –Only one SoE report for 2008-2013. Other assessment reports on a regular basis. • Belarus – 4 years period SOE report is available in hard copies and on the website of the Ministry in Russian and English languages.

  27. IV. Publication and dissemination of state-of-the-environment reports • Georgia -Once in three years. Hard copies and web-pages in Georgian and English. • Kazakhstan – Annual SOE. Hard copies and web-pages in Russian. • Kyrgyzstan – Once in three years. Hard copies and web-pages in Kyrgyz, Russian. English in future.

  28. IV. Publication and dissemination of state-of-the-environment reports • Moldova – Annual according to law. For all stakeholders in electronic format. • Russia- Annual SOE is available in hard copy and on web-page of the Ministry in Russian. • Tajikistan – Annual SOE. Government agencies and other stakeholders in hard and electronic format. Summary in Committee newspaper.

  29. IV. Publication and dissemination of state-of-the-environment reports • Ukraine –Annual SOE is printed publication and is uploaded on the website of the Ministry. Resume in English. • Uzbekistan– 3-4 years period SOE in hard copy (1000) and at Committee web-page in Uzbek and Russian.

  30. V. Links with other assessment reports • Armenia – Reports required by EMAs. • Azerbaijan – Reports required by EMAs. • Belarus – Annual analytical reviews of the state of the environment. Environmental information to the consumers at various levels

  31. V. Links with other assessment report • Georgia – Annual State of Human Health report. Reports required by EMAs. • Kazakhstan -Reports required by EMAs. • Kyrgyzstan - Reports required by EMAs.

  32. V. Links with other assessment report • Moldova – Children health and environment 2010. Reports required By MEAs. • Russia- Several assessment reports for different environmental components. • Tajikistan – Different environmental assessment reports and NEAP.

  33. V. Links with other assessment report • Ukraine -Sectoral assessment reports. • Uzbekistan – Sectoral assessment reports.

  34. VI. Use and evaluation of state-of-the environment reports • Armenia – For policy documents, including NEAP. No evaluation. • Azerbaijan – For state authorities, scientific and public organizations, general public. No evaluation procedures. • Belarus –For environmental decision making. Socio-economic planning. No evaluation procedures.

  35. VI. Use and evaluation of state-of-the environment reports • Georgia – Wide range of stakeholders , international organizations. No evaluation procedures. • Kazakhstan –For policy documents and scientific publications. No evaluation procedures. • Kyrgyzstan – For State Agencies, general public and other stakeholders. No evaluation procedures.

  36. VI. Use and evaluation of state-of-the environment reports • Moldova – For different stakeholders. No evaluation procedures. • Russia- For decision-makers and different stakeholders. No evaluation procedures. • Tajikistan – For environmental priorities. International organizations. Academy of science.

  37. VI. Use and evaluation of state-of-the environment reports • Ukraine -For decision makers and other stakeholders. No evaluation procedures. • Uzbekistan–For decision makers and other stakeholders. No evaluation procedures.

  38. Thank you

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