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Concepts and Methods for Assessing and Evaluating Water System Response to Climate Change. Capacity Building Programme on the Economics of Climate Change Adaptation (ECCA) Supporting National/Sub-national Adaptation Planning and Action Siem Reap, Cambodia 17-20 Sept. 2014.
Concepts and Methods for Assessing and Evaluating Water System Response to Climate Change Capacity Building Programme on the Economics of Climate Change Adaptation (ECCA) Supporting National/Sub-national Adaptation Planning and Action Siem Reap, Cambodia 17-20 Sept. 2014 Brian H. HurdProfessor of Agricultural Economics & Agricultural BusinessNew Mexico State University bhurd @ nmsu.edu http://agecon.nmsu.edu/bhurd
Overview • Overview of adaptation concepts • Current water issues and problems along America’s Rio Grande • Conjunctive-use externalities • Basic concepts and strategies in Hydro-Economic Modeling • Case Study: Rio Grande Break • Systems modeling basic structure, concepts and application • Case Study: Systems modeling of small community irrigation systems in New Mexico • Ideas and strategies for modeling adaptation in watershed assessments
Changing Hydrographs What does it mean for? • Water storage and distribution systems? • Urban and rural water users? • Water quality? • Hydropower? • Recreational and cultural functions? • Riparian ecosystems and migratory patterns? Model assumptionstemperature ↑4°C Precipitation ↑ 10%
Droughts and Floods Sept 2014, Pakistan Rio Grande Drought: Elephant Butte Reservoir (1) 89% June 2, 1994 • (2) 3% July 8, 2013
Resiliency Reliability Sustainability Stamina Agility Long-Term Stability Climate Adaptation Related Terms and Concepts • Climatic Vulnerability - Measures a system’s susceptibility to climate change as a function of exposure to climate, sensitivity to climatic changes, and adaptive capacity • Adaptive Capacity - The ability of systems, organizations, and individuals to: • Adjust to realized and potential changes and disturbance events • Take advantage of existing and emerging opportunities • Successfully cope with adverse consequences, mitigate damages, and/or recover from system failures • Adaptation - A deliberate change in system design, function or behavior in response to or anticipation of external events or changing conditions. • Reactive (autonomous) adaptation – disturbance occurs and systems absorb impacts and attempt restoration to pre-disturbed conditions • Proactive (anticipatory) adaptation – nature and timing of disturbance is anticipated and systems are appropriately reorganized to improve their capacity to avert adverse damages and to leverage resulting opportunities • Adaptation is successful if, following a change or disturbance, the level of services and functionality (i.e., social value) is approximately maintained or restored.
Net Social Value Proactive + Reactive Time - Timing Adaptations: the Relative Cost and Success of Reactive versus Proactive Adaptation • Benefits of delayed action • Increased accuracy based on evolving knowledge and information • Postponed expenditures and possibly better technologies and lower unit costs • Risks of delayed action • Less successful adaptation • More welfare losses and service disruptions • Greater likelihood of irreversible losses • Reduced adjustment time
Water in the Southwest United States: Rio Grande Rio Grande Project (U.S. Bureau of Reclamation project; initiated 1905; Elephant Butte Dam, 1916; Caballo Dam, 1938) Elephant Butte Irrigation District (EBID) Rio Grande Compact (Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, 1939) 1906 Treaty with Mexico (for “Equitable Distribution of the Waters of the Rio Grande” delivers 60 (kaf/yr) to Ciudad Juárez) El Paso County WaterImprovement District #1(EP No. 1)
Water Use Along the Rio Grande, 2005 Groundwater 0.7 maf Surface Water 1.2 maf Longworth, John W., Julie M. Valdez, Molly L. Magnuson, Elisa Sims Albury, Jerry Keller. 2008, New Mexico Water Use by Categories, 2005. NM Office of the State Engineer, TR 52.
Climate Change or Climate Variability Rio Grande Drought: Elephant Butte Reservoir (1) 89% June 2, 1994 (2) 3% July 8, 2013 source: http://climate.nasa.gov/state_of_flux#Elephant_Butte_930x607.jpg
Watershed Assessment Goals and Objectives • Describe the important hydrological, bio-physical, economic, and institutional characteristics at appropriate spatial and temporal scales • Identify and characterize plausible alternative environmental and management scenarios and/or system changes • Assess, analyze and describe the bio-physical and economic consequences of modeled scenarios and changes in environment, management, technology, infrastructure etc. • Models are tools that help planners • examine data • integrate concerns • analyze alternatives • evaluate outcomes
Objectives of Hydro-Economic Watershed Models • Represent major spatial, physical, and economic characteristics of water supply and use • Evaluate welfare, allocation, and implicit price changes associated with alternative hydrologic, management, and institutional conditions • Identify opportunities to improve water management systems from a watershed perspective
Hydro-Economic Modeling Basics • Develop a schematic diagram of the watershed system • Describes physical structure (tributaries, inflows, and reservoirs • Identifies and locates watershed services • Show diversion points and instream uses • Derive estimates for the model’s objective function • Develop demand and supply curves for each service based on water diversion or instream flow • Describe model constraints • Mass balance (upstream to downstream flow) • Intertemporal storage in reservoirs • Institutional flow restrictions
Model Objective Function Given water supply, expected streamflows, and water demands in the watershed, the model objective is to choose (manage) all water diversions (allocations), reservoir storage and releases in order to: Maximize present value of total long-run net economic welfare ($) defined as the sum of all net benefits less the sum of all costs and damages where Bint and Cnit define benefits and costs as a function of diverted water Wnit, Qnt and Hnt generate value from water stored Snt and released Rnt, Ent environmental services and flood damages Dnt are functions of flow Fnt.
Model Constraints: River Flow Mass Balance Instream Flow Balance at each node (n) models the contemporaneous flow, storage and distribution of water. where streamflow Fnt equals previous streamflow Fn-1,t plus additional rainfall and tributary inflow Int, net reservoir-release Rnt, upstream return-flow rni, and less diversions Wnit.
Model Constraints: Reservoir Storage Mass Balance Reservoir (aquifer) Storage Balance for each time period (t): where storage Snt equals previous period storage Sn,t-1 plus net additions from inflow Int and net-seepage from upstream diversions nniWn-1,it, less net amounts pumped or released Rnt and evaporation losses Lnt.
$($/m3) P1 P0 NBT W0 (normal) WA0 Water W1 (drought) A Two-Sector Model of Efficient Water Distribution, Use and Drought Damages Note: NB1 and NB2 are marginal net benefit curves that illustrate marginal benefits for water (water demand) after all associated marginal costs (e.g., conveyance, treatment, distribution) have been subtracted. NBA Drought Damages NBB WB0 WA1 WB1
Water Demand Estimation • A basic inverse linear water demand function: • Pw = b0 + b1 Qw + b2 Z • Pw = unit price of water ($/m3) • Qw = quantity of water consumed (volumetric units e.g., m3) • Z = other important factor(s) – could be several. E.g., land quality, seasons, irrigation technology. • b0, b1 and b2 = parameters to be estimated • Estimating water demand functions
Simple Water Demand Model • With minimal data – i.e., a single data point and an estimate of the price-elasticity of water demand – a water demand function can still be approximated. Example: • Total annual sector water use = 250 MCM • Estimated water value or price (marginal value of water) = $20 / MCM • Estimate of price elasticity of demand in sector = 1.5
Elasticity: In Mathematical Notation Where: E is the elasticity of Q with respect to P Q1 is the new level of Q Q0 is the old level of Q ditto for P
Estimate Linear Demand Parameters: b0 and b1 • Linear demand function: Pw = b0 + b1 Qw • Recall definitions: • ε = (Δ Q / Δ P) * (P0 / Q0) • b1 = (P1 – P0) / (Q1 – Q0 ) • Data: P0, Q0, and ε • Therefore, parameter are estimated as: • b1 = 1/ε * P0 / Q0 question: what should be the sign of b1?) • b0 = P0 * (1 – 1 / ε)
Merci’ Beaucoup! Grazie Gracias Thank You Brian H. Hurd, PhD Department of Agricultural Economics & Agricultural Business Gerald Thomas Hall Rm. 350 New Mexico State University Tel : (575) 646-2674 Email: bhurd@nmsu.edu Web: http://agecon.nmsu.edu/bhurd