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ASAR WIDE SWATH MODE PRODUCT STATUS. Nominal Characteristics Initial Image Quality Characterization Optimization performed Current Image Quality Characterization Conclusions. Ground range projected detected products Nominal resolution < 150 m Swath width: 406 Km Pixel spacing 75 m

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  1. ASAR WIDE SWATH MODE PRODUCT STATUS • Nominal Characteristics • Initial Image Quality Characterization • Optimization performed • Current Image Quality Characterization • Conclusions

  2. Ground range projected detected products Nominal resolution < 150 m Swath width: 406 Km Pixel spacing 75 m ENL > 12 for all the different subswaths Antenna pattern and range spreading loss correction applied Data output as unsigned 16 bit Systematic stripline processing: products as long as the complete acquisition segment Product size: multiple of granule interval (4 seconds) WSM PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS

  3. WSMproduct acquired 18 March over the Larsen Peninsula FIRST WSM IMAGE

  4. Only one acquisition available over the ESA transponders (on SS3 and SS4) and multiple rainforest acquisitions in VV polarization INITIAL QUALITY MEASUREMENTS

  5. IRF quality measured on trasponders in SS3-SS4 Range Resolution: 155160 m [150 m] Azimuth Resolution: 98  115 m [150 m] PSLR rg: -21.4  -19.3 [-20 dB] PSLR az: -11.7  -10 [-20 dB] ISLR: -12  -10 dB [-12 dB] ENL [>2.17] IRF QUALITY RESULTS 7,5 SS1 7,6 SS2 7,5 SS3 5,5 SS4 5,4 SS5

  6. Optimizing (which) quality ? > = 100 combinations   !

  7. Parameters subject to optimization Processing parameters Range look: number, bandwidth and overlap [Burst shaping window] [Range look window shape] System parameters [Scan cycle] Transmitted bandwidth Some parameters have already been set at their optimal values. Most parameters are decoupled, and optimization is trivial. The transmitted bandwidth is the most critical to be tuned, due to its contrasting effects on the quality figures ENL vs CNR

  8. The impact of bandwidth on quality measures + the many different requirements and operative conditions discourage searching for closed form optimizations/inversions. The optimization is carried out by modelling the end-to-end ScanSAR acquistion & processing and coding into a worksheet for comprehensive quality check. Bandwidth Optimization

  9. The bandwith optimization provided a better exploitation of the system resources and a fine tuning of performances. Bandwidth Optimization Before (SS1) After (SS1)

  10. IRF quality measured on trasponders in SS5 Measured expected constraint Range Resolution: < 130 m 130  140 [150 m] Azimuth Resolution: 95  130 m 95  100 [150 m] PSLR rg: -15  -14.6 [-20 dB] PSLR az: -15  -10 [-20 dB] ISLR: -11 dB [-12 dB] ENL (SS1-SS5) ~ 14 15  16 [>2.17] CNR > 13.4 14.4  16.4 Measures after optimization

  11. ESA Transponder (SS5)

  12. Azimuth resolution: measured 80 m, expected 95-100

  13. Range resolution: measured 110 m, expected 130-142

  14. mean value 11e6 minimum Nes0 < 0.5e6 CNR > 13.4 dB expected 14.4

  15. DIFFERENT PROCESSING GAINS 1474 1610 1975 2111

  16. DIFFERENT PROCESSING GAINS 1474 1610 1975 2111


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