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The Barefoot Traveler. His name is Johnny Chapman but the world knows him as Johnny Appleseed. Library Program for Arkansas School for the Deaf Elementary School b y Sharon Cox Fall 2011 – LIBM 6371. Objectives for this library program are from Standards for the 21 st Century Learner
The Barefoot Traveler His name is Johnny Chapman but the world knows him as Johnny Appleseed Library Program for Arkansas School for the Deaf Elementary School by Sharon Cox Fall 2011 – LIBM 6371
Objectives for this library program are from Standards for the 21st Century Learner AASL Learning Standards Standard numbers will be noted on slides with explanations of how the objectives are being met
1.1.6 Read, view and listen for information presented in any format in order to make inferences and gather meaning. Students attentively listening to reading of story.
APPLESbyElaine Landau Non-fiction books and fiction books relating to apples are found in the clock cabinet. Marilyn reads (signs) to students . Johnny Appleseed by Christin Ditchfield in her lap will be read next.
1.4.2 Use interaction with and feedback from teachers and peers to guide own inquiry process. Students interacting with Marilyn as she asks questions about what they have learned.
Johnny Appleseed by Christin Ditchfield Marilyn reads Johnny Appleseed to set the stage for “Johnny” to arrive.
Johnny Appleseed arrives High School student, Clint W. dressed as Johnny Appleseed, matching the illustrated cover of Johnny Appleseed by Carol York.
Character interview gives opportunity to inquire and clarify… Why are you barefoot? How far have you travelled? Why do you have a pot on your head? Do you have a family? Why do you plant apple trees?
2.3.1 Connect understanding to the real world. Tables behind Johnny have variety of apples displayed an and labeled, selection of books, and U.S.A. map. The map was used to show the route Johnny travelled in planting apple seedlings across the U.S.A.
4.4.6 Evaluate own ability to select resources that are engaging and appropriate for personal interests and needs. Clock cabinet has books relating to apples and Johnny Appleseed for students to discover Trunk has items made from apples, i.e. apple butter, applesauce, apple vinegar, pickles (made with apple vinegar), apple chips, candy covered apple. Note: This Special Education class is limited to 30 minutes so the clock cabinet and trunk were shown but not discussed at length. Other 45 minute classes used these props to a greater extent.
2.1.3 Use strategies to draw conclusions from information and apply knowledge to curricular areas, real world situations, and further investigations. Johnny gives students a choice of red or golden delicious apples. Students tell Johnny how many slices they will need from one apple for each student to get a slice.
Johnny slices apple in equal number of pieces for students to taste. 2.3.1 Connect understanding to the real world. Johnny shows the apple seed inside the sliced apple and explains how the seed eventually becomes a tree.
1.1.6 View and listen for information in order to make inferences and gather meaning. I demonstrate Apple Dumpling recipe using measuring, math, knowledge of kitchen tools and safety. We discuss working in the kitchen at home and allow them to bring their experiences into the conversation.
3.2.2 Show social responsibility by participating actively with others in learning situations and contributing ideas during group discussions. Students signing ingredients with me and telling how they use ingredients in other ways.
Teacher interacting with character Note: Teacher asked that program evaluation been done in her classroom due to time limitation.
Arkansas School for the Deaf LibraryBibliography A Tree is a Plant LS 583 Bul Bulla, Clyde Robert Published 2001 The Apple Pie Tree LS 583 Hal Hall, Zoe Published 1996 Life Cycle of an Apple LS583 Roy Royston, Angela Published 1998 Apples LS641.3 SpiSpilsbury, Louise Published 2001 Johnny Appleseed LS92 Cha Demuth, Patricia Published 1996
ASD Library Bibliography continued Johnny Appleseed LS92 Cha Ditchfield, Christin Published 2003 The Story of Johnny Appleseed LS92 Cha Anderson, LaVere Published 1974 Dappled Apples LS Fic Car Carr, Jan Published 2001 Apples to Oregon: being the (slightly) true narrative of how a brave pioneer father brought apples, peaches, pears, plums, grapes, and cherries LS Fic Hop Hopkinson, Deborah Published 2004 Ten Red Apples LS Fic Hut Hutchins, Pat Published 2000 Ten Apples Up On Top! LS FicLeSLeSieg, Theo
ASD Library Bibliography continued Applesauce Season LS Fic Lip Lipson, Eden Ross Published 2009 Best Friends LS FicMicMickaels, Anna Published 2004 Down the Road LS FicSchSchertle, Alice Published 1995 Apple Farmer Annie LS FicWel Wellington, Monica Published 2001 A Dozen Dozens LS FicZieZiefert, Harriet Published 1998 Rabbit and Hare Divide an Apple LS FicZieZiefert, Harriet Published 1998
ASD Library Bibliography continued Johnny Appleseed MS398.2 Yor York, Carol Beach Published 1980 Johnny Appleseed: A Tall Tale MS92 Cha Kellog, Steven Published 1988 The Story of Johnny Appleseed MS 92 Cha Aliki Published 1963 Ida B: and her plans to maximize fun, avoid disaster, and (possibly) save the world MS Fic Han Hannigan, Katherine Published 2004 Mr. Peabody’s Apples MS Fic Mad Madonna Published 2003
APPLE DUMPLINGS • Ingredients: Two (2) apples, two (2) tablespoons brown sugar, two (2) tablespoons butter, ½ teaspoon cinnamon, one (1)10 count canned biscuits, powdered sugar. • Supplies: Mixing bowl, mixing spoon, measuring spoons, paring knife, spatula, toaster oven, foil, serving tray, napkins. • How to: • Preheat toaster oven to 350 degrees. • Peel and dice two apples into mixing bowl. • Measure and add brown sugar, butter and cinnamon. Stir thoroughly. Mixture will become a bit liquidy. • Flatten biscuit and add spoonful of mixture in center. Fold edges to top and pinch together to form dumpling. Repeat for all biscuits. • Place on toaster oven pan. Cook about 10 minutes until golden brown. • Remove from oven and let cool 2-3 minutes. • Sprinkle powdered sugar on dumplings. • Transfer to serving tray using spatula. • Serve to guests on napkins.
APPLE DISPLAY NAME CARDS • Red Delicious • Golden Delicious • Jonathan • McIntosh • Granny Smith • Winesap • Arkansas Black • Gala
“The Barefoot Traveler” • Program Evaluation • Please circle your response DID NOT LIKELIKEREALLY LIKE • 1. The story, Johnny Applessed1 23 • 2. The character, Johnny Appleseed 1 2 3 • 3. Tasting the apples 1 2 3 • 4. Making the Apple Dumplings 1 2 3 • 5. Learning about different apples 1 2 3 • 6. Looking at the books about apples 1 2 3 • Students: List three things you learned today _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • Teachers/aides: Three comments about today’s program _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • Thank you for attending and participating in the program.
References American Association of School Librarians. (2011). Standards for the 21st – Century Learner. Retrieved from http://www.ala.org/aasl/standards Arkansas School for the Deaf. (2011). Bibliography: Johnny Appleseed AND Apples. Retrieved from https://asd.follettdestiny.com/catalog/search Anderson, Catherine. (1993). Recommended Uses for Selected Apple Varieties. Retrieved from http://www.the4cs.com/~cathy/Apples/variety.html York, Carol. (1980). Johnny Appleseed. Mahwah, N.J. : Troll Associates.
Student/teacher photo use permission granted… Thank you … from the Barefoot Traveler The End