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THE CHRISTIAN AND HIS RELATIONSHIP TO MORALSA LOOK AT SEXUAL IMMORALITY • You and I live in a very promiscuous society! Only a few years ago, our society reverenced God and patterned their thinking according to the principles of the Bible. Now, most of our society displays no respect for the Scriptures concerning the quality of being pure in sexual conduct. • Many factors contribute to the sexual immorality in our age: movies, television, radio, pornographic magazines and false philosophies: agnosticism, atheism, humanism and the "New Morality" are responsible for disseminating the "if it feels good, do it" syndrome!
THE CHRISTIAN AND HIS RELATIONSHIP TO MORALSA LOOK AT SEXUAL IMMORALITY • The Greek word underlying the English word "fornication" is porneia, found 26 times in Greek New Testament. Paul, in listing some of the evil works of the first century includes "fornication,“ porneia, in five of the references and puts it first on the list each time (1Cor. 5:11; 6:9; Gal. 5:19; Eph. 5:3; Col. 3:5). • Porneia is defined by Arndt-Gingrich's lexicon of the Greek New Testament (P. 699) as "prostitution, unchastity, fornication, of every kind of unlawful sexual intercourse.”
THE CHRISTIAN AND HIS RELATIONSHIP TO MORALSA LOOK AT SEXUAL IMMORALITY • Thayer's lexicon (p. 532) has the following regarding porneia, "properly of illicit sexual intercourse in general." • In the New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology a very significant analysis is made on page 497, by H. Reisser. He states: "The word group (porneuo. pome, pornos and porneiajh) can describe various extra-marital sexual modes of behavior insofar as they deviate from accepted social and religious norms (e.g. homosexuality, promiscuity, paedophilia and especially prostitution).”
THE CHRISTIAN AND HIS RELATIONSHIP TO MORALSA LOOK AT SEXUAL IMMORALITY • Historical data leads one to conclude that porneia in its ancient setting also included the gruesome act of homosexuality. A discussion of porneiaas it relates to homosexuality can be read in a book entitled Flesh and Spiritby William Barclay (pp. 24-28 • It becomes obvious from these definitions that the word "fornication" even though used at times to refer to specific acts, in general refers to any and all sexual immorality, that is sexual acts that deviate from that which God intended for man and woman in the beginning.
THE CHRISTIAN AND HIS RELATIONSHIP TO MORALSA LOOK AT SEXUAL IMMORALITY • SEXUAL ACTS BETWEEN THE UNMARRIED IS FORNICATION (sexual immorality) • In the beginning, God made them male and female Gen 1:27 • Not good for man to be alone so God made a help "meet“ (suitable) for him Gen 2:18 • Leave father and mother - cleave to wife - become one flesh Gen 2:24; Matt 19:4-6 • God designed marriage as the medium in which man's and woman's sexual needs are to be satisfied. 1Cor 7:1-5 Heb 13:4a • Those who satisfy sexual desires outside of marriage, God will judge Heb 13:4b
THE CHRISTIAN AND HIS RELATIONSHIP TO MORALSA LOOK AT SEXUAL IMMORALITY • PORNOGRAPHY IS FORNICATION (sexual immorality) • Definition of Pornography: • Webster: "A depiction (as in writing or painting) of licentiousness or lewdness: a portrayal of erotic behavior designed to cause sexual excitement.“ • The American Heritage Dictionary: "Writing, graphic, or other forms of communication intended to excite lascivious feelings.“ • The word is formed from two Greek words "porne" which is one of the "family" of words earlier defined involving sexual immorality and another family of Greek words "graphe" translated "scripture“ (writings); "grapho" translated describe, write or writings (Vines) and "graphein" which means to write and was originally defined as any work of art or literature depicting the life of prostitutes”
THE CHRISTIAN AND HIS RELATIONSHIP TO MORALSA LOOK AT SEXUAL IMMORALITY • PORNOGRAPHY IS FORNICATION (sexual immorality) • PTA Magazine, Oct., 1973 "Pornography has become as American as apple pie, Mom, and the Fourth of July. It is now everywhere.“ This quote was 40 years ago and it is much, much worse now than then • Pornography appeals to the prurient (lascivious) interest of individuals. Matt 6:22,23 • Pornography promotes the actual acts of fornication (sexual immorality) of all kinds and promotes the visualization of these acts in the mind See Prov 6:26-32; 1Cor 6:19,20; 1Pet 2:11; Jas 1:15; Matt 5:27,28
THE CHRISTIAN AND HIS RELATIONSHIP TO MORALSA LOOK AT SEXUAL IMMORALITY • HOMOSEXUALITY IS FORNICATION (sexual immorality) • Homosexuality - sexual relations between those of the same sex, as male with male or female with female. Unnatural - Romans 1 • Now have homosexual clubs in schools. • This sin caused God to destroy Sodom Gen 19:5 • Paul condemns such activity Rom 1:26,27 and says they are worthy of death Rom 1:32 • Sign on Billboard: "God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve”
THE CHRISTIAN AND HIS RELATIONSHIP TO MORALSA LOOK AT SEXUAL IMMORALITY • ADULTERY IS FORNICATION (sexual immorality) • Adultery (moichao) - means "to have unlawful intercourse with another's wife, to commit adultery with." Thayer & Vines Matt 5:32; 9:9 (verb): Luke 18:11; 1Cor. 6:9; Heb. 13:4 (noun) • New ideas on the meaning of adultery are being presented in an effort to avoid having to leave an adulterous relationship. • Adultery is the result of the unlawful putting away of ones spouse for both the one put away and the one who remarries and the one who marries the one "put away" Matt. 5:32; Matt 19:9; Mk 10:11,12; Lk 16:18; Matt 19:9 • If adultery is only the breaking of a covenant, how does one commit adultery in their heart (Matt 5:28) or how is it adultery when someone marries the "put away one“ (Matt 19:9) • God's solution: Matt 19:5,6 One man married to one woman for life.
THE CHRISTIAN AND HIS RELATIONSHIP TO MORALSA LOOK AT SEXUAL IMMORALITY • Certainly this has not been an exhaustive study of these matters, but hopefully has opened our eyes to the seriousness of the problem of sexual immorality • Sexual passions are strong. God placed these desires in man's nature, and when they are exercised within the marriage relationship are a beautiful expression of love, human compassion, and physical and psychological delight. Heb 13:4; 1Thess 4:3-7; 1Cor 7:1-5 • We must make sure we avoid sexual immorality in any form and teach our children to do so as well, if we ever hope to be pleasing to the God of heaven