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TURKISH GREAT PERSONALITIES. MIMAR(ARCHITECT) SINAN. He is an architect who grew up in one of the most splendid periods of the Ottoman State , and who contributed to this era with his works . Some works of Mimar Sinan; - The Selimiye Mosque in Edirne - The Sulemaniye Mosque
MIMAR(ARCHITECT) SINAN • He is an architectwhogrewup in one of themostsplendidperiods of theOttomanState, andwhocontributedtothiserawith his works. • Someworks of Mimar Sinan; -The Selimiye Mosque in Edirne -TheSulemaniyeMosque -TheMihrimah Sultan Mosque
MimarSinan was a prolific artist, who reached higher standards with every work. His volume of work is mammoth, to say the least and legend has that he constructed: • 84 mosques • 57 universities • 52 smaller mosques • 41 bath-houses • 35 palaces • 22 mausoleums • 20 inns • 17 public kitchens • 8 bridges • 8 store houses • 7 schools • 6 aqueducts • 3 hospitals
NASREDDIN HODJA • The people in Turkey are very familiar with the jokes and stories of NasreddinHodja. Since their childhood, people have been hearing these jokes all along. They are part of the Turkish culture. The whole thing began with a man called NasreddinHodja who has lived in central Turkey, in the small town called Aksehir. The jokes were part of his daily life and they became accepted and welcomed by the public since his time.
IBN-I SINA • Thegreatdoctor, scholarandphilosopher of theeasternworldduringthemiddleAges. Foryears, his workswereused as textbooks at western universities. He was a truepathfinder not only in medicine but also in mathematicsandphysics.
MEHMET AKIF ERSOY • A greatTurkish - Islamicpoet, he has alsowrittenthelyrics of ournationalanthem. • Akif practicallyscreamswith his poetrywhere he displays a strikingstrongvoicewhichkindlesnationalisticfeelings.
PIRI REIS • FamousTurkishsailorandthefirstTurkishmarinecartographer. Piri Reis wasboth a greatseacommanderwhowasheroicandsmart in battleandone of themostimportantcartographersandsailorwriters of his time.
MEVLANA(RUMI) • Come! Comewhoeveryouare. Doesn`t matterifyouare an unbeliever. Doesn`t matterifyouhavefallen a thousandtimes. Come! Comewhoeveryouare. Forthis is not thedoor of hopelessness. Come, Just as youare! • Rumi`s vibrantcall of lovestillresonates. Ittouchestheuniversewiththesamefervor as it did seven hundredyearsago. Passionateandspiritual, theologianandmystic, Rumi soughtGodeverywhereand in everybody. He has becomeone in his verses.
He is also known as Dr. Oz, is an American/Turkish (dual citizenship) cardiothoracic surgeon, author, and television personality.