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Lansing School District Effective Parent Involvement Programs. Dr. Carolyn Stone and Paula Frantz Title I District Parent Involvement Coordinators November 6, 2008. Michigan Requirements School Improvement. MCL 380.1277 (1)
Lansing School DistrictEffectiveParent Involvement Programs Dr. Carolyn Stone and Paula Frantz Title I District Parent Involvement Coordinators November 6, 2008
Michigan RequirementsSchool Improvement • MCL 380.1277 (1) Each school district shall adopt and implement and…shall make available to the department a copy of a 3 to 5 year school district school improvement plan and continuing school improvement process for each school within the school district.
Michigan RequirementsSchool Improvement Partnerships • MCL 380.1277 (1) School board members, school building administrators, teachers and other school employees, pupils, parents of pupils attending that school, and other residents of the school district shall be invited and allowed to voluntarily participate in the development, review, and evaluation of the district's school improvement plans.
Board Adopted Goals 2007 - 2008Focus Areas 2008 - 2012 • To think beyond today and propose for the district • Student Achievement and Quality of Instruction • School Safety, Climate and Environment • Staff Development and Employee Relations • Fiscal Responsibility • Facilities and Support Services • Parental and Community Involvement • Customer Service and Communications • Cultural Competence • Strategic Planning • Stabilize or Increase Student Enrollment • Community Education and Extended Learning
2008 – 2009 District Strategic PlanProtocols of Progress Goal 6 Parental and Community Involvement The district will increase involvement by parents, businesses, faith-based agencies and other community interests through partnerships designed to achieve both management and academic improvement; and will increase volunteerism, service learning, and mentorship among our students through an extensive community outreach program.
2008 – 2009 District Strategic Plan(3) Target Objectives Goal 6 Parental and Community Involvement • Increase parent, family, and community involvement at all elementary and secondary schools. • Establish a working partnership between teachers, administrators, students, parents, families, and the community to maximize student achievement. • Maximize two-way communication between teachers, administrators, students, parents, families, and the community and include them in decision making and policy development.
Parental and Community InvolvementPerformance Indicators Target Objective #1: Increase parent, family, and community involvement at all elementary and secondary schools. • Annual 10% increase in parent involvement at each elementary building. • Annual 10% increase in parent involvement at each secondary building. • Enhance access to Lansing School District’s information so that a majority (80%) of survey respondents among families rate access to district information as “B” or better.
Lansing’s EffectiveParent Programs – Objective #1 • PTSA/PTA • Region H Officer’s Training: “Putting The Pieces Together, Together” • The Lansing School District will be hosting a PTSA Officer’s training for all of Region H on Saturday, November 8, 2008. • The training will include sessions on: • Servant Leadership • Presidents/Vice Presidents • Treasurers • Secretaries/Bylaws • Membership • PTA Potpourri • Roundtable Discussions • MPTSA Annual Conference • Brought 50 parents from the Lansing School District to the MPTSA Annual Conference in May 2008. • Provided registration costs and transportation for participating parents.
Parent Involvement Conferences/Workshops • Parent Involvement Program sponsors the following conferences and/or workshops to increase parent involvement at the schools and to assist parents with their students’ academic achievement. • Retention Workshop • MEAP Workshop • PTA Officers’ Training Workshop • School Improvement Workshop • How To Make Your Schools More Family Friendly • Parent Involvement School Policy Workshop • District Wide Parent Involvement Policy Workshop • District Wide School Improvement Workshop • Parenting Conference • NASBE Conference • PTA National Conference
Three-For-Me Parent Program • A parent volunteer program where parents commit to three hours of volunteer service for the entire school year. • Parent Involvement Sponsored Initiatives • To increase parent involvement at the schools: • Visit Your Child’s School • Have Lunch with your child • Father’s Day at School • Home Visitations • Parent Involvement Coordinators do home visits to encourage parents to sign the parent-teacher compact, lunch applications, attendance issues, possible retentions and at the request of the principal.
Parental and Community InvolvementPerformance Indicators Target Objective #2: Establish a working partnership between teachers, administrators, students, parents, families, and the community to maximize student achievement. • Increase parent, family and community participation by 10% in a working partnership between administrators and teachers.
Lansing’s EffectiveParent Programs – Objective #2 • The Parent Involvement Coordinators work with Central Administration and provide the following services: • Review and revise District Parent Involvement Policy • Implement and monitor the Parent Involvement Strategic Plan 2008-2012 • Recruit parents to serve on the Student Reinstatement Hearings • Recruit parents to serve on various committees, task force, advisory councils and other organizations, such as the following: • Instructional Council • Drug Free & Safe Schools Advisory Council • Board Committees (NCLB, Finance, etc.) • School Improvement Teams • Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) • District Wide Parent Advisory Council (DWAC) • Parent Involvement Task Force
Central Administration Support Con’t. • Be a facilitator or presenter for professional development • Attend elementary and secondary principals’ meetings • Promoting Academic Success with Boys of Color (PAS) – Assist with the parent component of this project • Restorative Justice – Assist with the parent breakfast meetings once a month at the elementary schools • Do interviews with Lansing State Journal reporters and provide appropriate parent information • Do interviews with television news reporters and provide appropriate parent information
The Parent Involvement Coordinators work with twenty-five elementary schools. We provide the following services at the buildings: • Home visitations • Parenting Classes • Literacy Night Make-It-Take-It • Math Night Make-It-Take-It • Science Night Make-It-Take-It • Review School Improvement Plans • Revise and Monitor Parent Involvement Policy • Parent Teacher Compact • Attend PTA/PTO and other parent group meetings at the schools • Attend Open Houses, Curriculum Nights at the schools and assist in recruiting parent volunteers
Provide community resources to the schools • Provide parent support and advocacy at the schools • Assist with parent involvement planning and/or activities at the schools (such as Title I meetings, Cafes, Literacy Night, Math Night, Science Night, etc.) • Provide translations at the schools as needed • Assist with calling parents • Assist with creating parent rooms at schools • Provide parent workshops, presentations at the schools • Provide counseling to parents with issues and concerns, problems and/or complaints and with proper procedures and protocol • Provide summer packets to parents, such as math packets, literacy packets, and MEAP practice
Love & Logic Parenting Classes • Parenting with love and logic is all about raising responsible kids. It’s a win-win philosophy. Parents win because they love in a healthy way and establish effective control over their kids, without resorting to the anger and threats that will haunt them later through rebellious teenage behavior. Kids win because at an early age they learn responsibility and the logic of life by solving their own problems. Thus they acquire the tools for coping with the real world. – Foster W. Cline, M.D. and Jim Fay • Parents are taught how to discipline their children with love and logic without losing their respect through a variety of tools and strategies. • Parents work through workbooks, class discussions, CD’s and have homework assignments. • 2 Classes are taught: Ages 0-5 and Ages 6-18 • Each class is 6 weeks long • Dinner and child care are provided • Classes consist of 20-25 students with a waiting list of 10 or more
Parents as Educational Partners – starting 2008 • Parenting Program for language minority parents • Objective of program is to increase awareness and understanding of local school system, understand the importance of parent involvement, learn ways they can become involved in their child’s education and school, and improve their English language proficiency. • Topics will include: • School Personnel & the School Day • School Procedures • Parent-Teacher Conferences • Report Cards & Curriculum • Study Skills & Homework • Health • Gang & Drug/Alcohol Awareness. • Each session will be taught by language group • Each session will meet twice a week for 6 weeks • Interpreter will be in each class • Food, transportation, and child care will be provided
Promoting Academic Success Program (PAS) • The purpose of PAS is to help families, schools, and communities promote the academic, social, and emotional development of boys of color between 3 and 8 years old. • The 5 major components of the PAS Program are: • Teacher Professional Development • Mentoring • After-School, weekend, and summer enrichment programs • Character and moral development • Parent Involvement • Parent Involvement Coordinators are involved in the operations team and planning of the parent component of the program. PAS Parent Involvement Program Manual V1 (3.1.08)
Parent Leadership Institute Network (PLIN) • The Parent Leadership Institute Network™ of Michigan (PLIN) focuses on developing parents as leaders to form a network of parents to make a positive change in student achievement (http://www.mfel.org/plin/about_plin.html). • Learning Goals for PLIN Graduates: • Able to provide leadership in parent-school-community partnerships that enhance student achievement • Will design and implement school-wide or district-wide projects designed to improve student achievement • Will reach out to historically under-involved parents to involve them as partner’s in their child’s school • Academic Expectations for PLIN Graduates: • Bring parents and schools together • Create family-friendly schools • Take action to improve student achievement • Understand Michigan’s standards-based education system • Design and implement a project • In 2008, 17 parents completed 90 hours of training and graduated from PLIN • PLIN Fellows are provided with a $250 mini-grant to help fund their project. • Parents are taught skills in conducting meetings, disaggregating MEAP data, designing an educational project, developing a budget, and writing a proposal.
Math Mamas & Papas • A math project developed as a result of the Parent Leadership Institute Network (PLIN). There are two components of this project: • Provide monthly parent workshops • Teachers facilitate the workshop sessions and teach a math lesson to the parents • MEAP Practice • Strategies for working on math at home • Summer activities/resources • After School Math Tutorial for 3rd & 4th grade students who do not reach proficiency on the MEAP test • 4 days per week for one hour • Math practice and tutoring by MSU & high school students
Circle of Parents® • Mission: Prevent child abuse and neglect and strengthen families through mutual self-help parent support groups(http://www.circleofparents.org/about_us/mission.html) • Issues are brought up and discussed by parents, community resources are shared and presentations are sometimes provided by community leaders and businesses based on parents’ needs and concerns. • The meetings are led by a trained facilitator and a parent leader. • Parent Involvement Coordinators have been trained as group facilitators. • Groups will be starting at various sites this school year.
Promoting Rigorous Outcomes in Math and Science Education PROM/SE • An academic program in partnership with MSU where parents work with teachers to develop math parent guides for grades K-8. • Parents are trained to do power point presentations in math at schools, faith based institutions, and community groups and agencies. • Mathematics Counts & Science Matters • Collaboration with MSU and Lansing School District • Initiate a dialog in our community about the importance of math and science education to our children and provide parents with the school and community resources they need. • 17 Lansing School District parents were trained as facilitators
Nurturing Parenting Program • A parenting class that teaches parents and/or guardians, or whoever takes care of children, how to be more nurturing. • Allows parents to work through exercises with workbooks, discussions, lessons assignments and tapes. • A pre and post test are administered to determine the parents’ level of nurturing before and after taking the class. • Grandparents University • A program for grandparents (or other adults) and grandchildren (ages 8-12) to spend time together while enjoying the college experience of living in a dorm, attending classes across campus, and sampling the many highlights of MSU. • Grandparents and their grandchildren attend programs together, customizing their experience by selecting classes that fit their family interests. • Participants share hands-on learning activities led by MSU faculty and staff members. • Provides parents and their children an opportunity to experience college life and attend classes with the hope that they might attend a college and university in the near future.
Parent Teacher Resource Center • A wealth of FREE resources for parents and teachers: • Computer lab with internet access • Meeting area for up to 12 people • Bulletin board, construction, and oak tag paper • Poster board • Book binding machine • Ellison machines (cut designs, numbers, and letters) • Reproducible clip art • Laminating machine • Educational materials by grade level • Opaque projector for tracing and enlarging • Paperback books for children in all grade levels • An extensive library that is updated frequently: • Parenting and teaching tips from the experts, including: audio tapes on motivating parents, disciplining students, and being a better parent • Love & Logic books, audio tapes, CDs, and DVDs • A host of booklets on topics including Skills for School Success, Homework and Study Skills, Building Student Responsibility, and Reinforcing Learning at Home • Children’s Learning Center: • For children in pre-kindergarten through sixth grade • Learning activities cover math, reading, writing, science, vocabulary, and phonics
Round Up Rally • Coordinate the District’s “kick off event” at the beginning of the school year • Parade of all schools and programs in the district • Community speakers to welcome students and families back to school • Games and activities for students and families to participate in together (field games, moonwalk, dunk tank, face painting, etc.) • Free food • Students register for a free bag of school supplies • Promotes unity among all students, families, and staff • Operation Back Pack • Partnership with DeWitt Rotary Club, UAW Local 6000, and AT&T to provide backpacks stuffed with school supplies to elementary students.
Parent Involvement Coordinator Partnerships • Partner with Community Agencies • Michigan State University • Lansing Community College • Lansing-DeWitt Rotary Club • AT&T • UAW Local 6000 • Prevention Network – Parenting Awareness Month • Chicano/Latino Advisory Committee • Refugee Services & Refugee Development Center • CACS Head Start
Parental and Community InvolvementPerformance Indicators Target Objective #3: Maximize two-way communication between teachers, administrators, students, parents, families, and the community and include them in decision-making and policy development. • Two-way communication will be increased so that 100% of teachers, administrators, students, parents, families, and the community are better informed and report a more positive attitude about communication. • Two-way communication will be maximized so that 100% of teachers, administrators, students, parents, families, and the community are included and part of the decision-making process and/or present at meetings where important matters are discussed and implemented.
Lansing’s EffectiveParent Programs – Objective #3 • District-wide Parent Advisory Council (DWAC) • The purpose of this Council is to provide a parent voice on a district-wide level and thereby: • To bring about effective communication between parents and the Board of Education. • To express parent concerns and encourage parent involvement in school issues. • To strive toward unity among all facets of the Lansing School District. • The DWAC consists of parent representatives, principals, and teachers from elementary, middle, and high schools, and community representatives. • The Council empowers parents so they are able to take on leadership roles, have a voice in decision-making and governance, and act as a liaison between the district and their school.
District-wide Parent Advisory Council (DWAC) • 5 Sub-Committees were created this year to implement the target objectives of the District’s Strategic Plan: • Survey Committee:responsible for creating 4 surveys to be used district wide: a parent needs/involvement survey, a parent satisfaction survey, a school accessibility checklist, and a building level parent involvement survey. • Community Outreach Committee: establish partnerships with local businesses and the Chamber of Commerce and challenge local businesses to adopt schools to offer mentoring and shadowing opportunities for students, recognition events, and student and business incentives. • LSD Resource Book Committee:create a resource book for families in the Lansing School District that lists all of the extracurricular activities, clubs, organizations, sports, etc. at each of the schools. • Parent Handbook Committee: create a handbook for all parents that includes information on volunteering, expectations, school etiquette, problem/issue resolving, complaint procedure, etc. • DWAC By-Laws/Policy Committee: review current DWAC by-laws and policies to make recommendations on any changes, additions, updates, etc. to ensure compliance with district parent involvement policy and district strategic plan and goals.
Parent Involvement Strategic Task Force • Established to look at a 4-year strategic plan from 2008-2012 for parent involvement for the Lansing School District. • The task force consisted of teachers, administrators, parents, students and the community. • A survey was done based on five questions and ideas were generated through a brainstorming process. • Target objectives were determined from the surveys and strategies and action steps were developed based on the target objectives. • The Parent Involvement Strategic Task Force did a presentation before the Strategic Advisory Council. • The Parent Involvement Strategic Task Force went before the Lansing School District Board of Education.
Connect-Ed • An automated telephone computer calling system that sends emergency messages, community outreach messages, etc. to Lansing School District families and employees in less than 10 minutes. • Messages are sent via email, telephone, cell phone, etc. • The Parent Involvement Program uses this system to announce programs, send messages and also surveys. • Ed-Line • A software based computer program where teachers develop their own web pages. • Teachers able to post class grades, homework assignments, tests, etc on their web pages. • Parent Involvement provided a series of sessions to make parents aware of this program and how to use it. • Parents are given access codes to use this system. • As a result of parents wanting more teachers to use ed-line on a more regular basis they are in the process of writing a proposal to strongly encourage all teachers to use it.
Technology • Parent Involvement Program Webpage • Parent Involvement Program has a school success content web page. • Parents are able to type in a parenting concern or question and receive an answer fairly quickly by national experts in the educational field. • Parents are also able to research over 10,000 educational topics. • Parent Involvement is scheduling a series of technology workshops for parents to assist them in communicating more efficiently with one another by showing them how to establish their own wiki pages.
For more information, please contact us at: • Dr. Carolyn Stone Carolyn.Stone@lansingschools.net (517) 755-4081 • Paula Frantz Paula.Frantz@lansingschools.net (517) 755-4083 • Parent Teacher Resource Center 5815 Wise Road – NE Annex Lansing, MI 48911