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Important guidelines for parents during car line dismissal including car safety, loading procedures, staying visible, and password page submission for school programs. Details on class parties, volunteer opportunities, PTO events, booster-thon, and more.
Car line dismissal: • Please make sure your car is in park when in the loading zones. • After all children are safely in the car, please remove the car tag from view. (This will let the staff know that your car is loaded and ready to leave.) • Parents, you may not leave your cars, but we do encourage you to stand at your cars so the little ones can see you. • Thank you for your patience! (We are doing smaller loading zones which seems to make the whole process quicker.) **Safety for all is our highest priority!**
Password: for security and to protect personal information (The password page is the very last page of the packet in your Orientation folder.) This password reset will also sync across all the programs students use at school so only one password will be required. Please complete this tonight and email it to me. Title the email with your child’s name and simply state the password as the text.
Class Parties Kindergarten parties are held on the Tuesday of the week of the holiday. This is due to our limited parking. Different grade levels have parties on different days. Room Moms and party planners are the ones who attend. All parents are invited to our Winter Party & End of the Year Celebration. Fall Party: Tuesday, Oct. 29 Winter Party: Tuesday, Dec. 17 Valentine’s Party: Tuesday, Feb. 11 End-of-Year Party: Same day as field day (last week of school) TBA
Sign Up to Volunteer at Class Parties! Sign up tonight! We would love 4 volunteers per party. Fall Party: volunteers only Winter Party: all invited Valentine’s Party: volunteers only End-of-Year Party/Field Day: all invited
Room Parent (s) If you are interested in being our room parent, you can sign up tonight! Responsibilities of room parents: • Contact party volunteers to arrange party details. • Parties usually consist of 4 stations which last about 15 minutes each: special snack, a craft, a game, and other • Attend all parties, or as many as possible. • End-of-Year party sometimes consists of lunch (ordering pizza, chicken nugget tray, etc.) & ice cream social, if the volunteers wish.
Fall PTO Silent Auction- PTO’s largest fundraiser • Thursday, October 17 • Need a class coordinator • Kindergarten through 3rd grade will be asked to donate an original art piece OR gift basket to be auctioned off during our silent auction portion of the Fall Festival. • If interested, I need to send your name/s and email/s to Angela VanGroll (angela-vangroll@hotmail.com). Angela VanGroll & Bari Levens STCE PTO Fall Festival Chairs
PTO: Box Tops APP • Download the APP (BTFE) for Box Tops (info was sent home in Open House Packet) • The school is working together to meet a school goal of box tops for extra recess time this fall! • More info. to come from PTO.
Booster-thon Volunteers In the fall, we have the Booster-Thon Fun Run! This is when students get monetary pledges for each lap they run. It is a very fun event and parents are invited to come to cheer on their child as they run! The school uses the money to purchase special items for the school. Teachers receive 10% of their class profits to use for individual classroom purchases. If you would like to volunteer to provide water bottles and a snack for this event, please sign up tonight!
Field Day Volunteers Field Day is always a fun event! It is normally the last week of school. All parents are invited to help with events or to just spend time with your child. If you are interested in volunteering to send water bottles or a class snack on Field Day, sign up tonight!
Gifted Testing • Kindergarten students can be tested in the spring, but must be nominated in November. • Students can be nominated by parents or teachers. • Horizons teachers do not pull students from class until 2nd grade (45 min daily). • If the student does not qualify for Horizons in Kindergarten, he or she cannot be tested again for 2 years (2nd grade)! • It is difficult to qualify in Kindergarten. • Contact the Guidance Counselor for more information.
Sight Words • 4 Sight words will be sent home weekly. • Cut the sight words apart and place them on the metal ring (provided tonight). • Review sight words daily!
Birthdays Birthdays - You may send a class treat for your child’s birthday. We do have students with peanut allergies, so refrain from sending anything peanut-based as a class treat. We recommend individually portioned items (cupcake, doughnut/doughnut holes, etc.) instead of cakes that must be cut up or non-food treats. No balloons or drinks are allowed. We will give out the treats at the end of our lunch time.
Party Invitations Having a birthday party outside of school? You can send in party invitations, but you must invite the entire class or if you child is a girl, you can invite just the girls/if your child is a boy, you can invite just the boys. We can send invitations home in folders.
Eating with Your Child You are invited to come and eat with your child any time! However, fast food is not allowed in the cafeteria. Please get a “visitor” sticker from the Front Office before meeting our class at the cafe. There are benches for you to wait. We have a special “parent/child” table in the front of the cafeteria by the stage, or you may opt to take your child to our pleasant courtyard outside in the middle of our school.
Extra Items in Cafeteria The cafeteria line is a great option, but it does have “extra” items that your child can opt to purchase. These include chips, cookies, slushies, etc. If you do not want any unexpected charges, please fill out the green cafeteria form and they will mark it on your child’s account.
Daily Snack, Water Bottle, Clothes, Small Blanket Please send in a daily snack(separate from lunch) &(labeled) water bottle. A small blanket (Mondays) and a change of clothes (including undies and socks). Mud puddles, milk spills, paint, and accidents do happen in Kindergarten!
Sneakers on PE and Music Days Please send your child in comfortable shoes, especially on PE and Music days.
Check Folders Daily Folders will go home daily. Please empty them and send them back the next day. If you need to change your child’s transportation, please send a signed note in the folder.
Money If you send money for any reason (lunch, Red Feather Days, book orders, etc.) please put it in an envelope or ziplock bag and label it with your child’s name and the purpose of the money!
Label Everything! Please label everything with your child’s name! This includes jackets, lunch boxes, blankets, etc. The school’s Lost and Found pile is huge every year and the items that are not claimed are donated to charity.
Academics in Kindergarten Some of the ELA (English/Language Arts) skills that will be covered in kindergarten are: • alphabet recognition • letter formation • letter sounds • Rhyming • Syllables • blending sounds together to form words • tracking print • reading sight words (4 per week) • reading emergent readers • print concepts (tracking left to right, top to bottom, turning pages one at a time, pointing to the title, author or illustrator, finding the title page)
Academics in Kindergarten Some of the Math skills that will be covered in kindergarten are: • sorting like objects (by color, shape, size) • 2D and 3D shapes • counting numbers to 100 by 1’s and 10’s • decomposing numbers to 10 into pairs • comparing numbers to 10 • counting groups of objects to 20 • addition and subtraction to 10 • fluently adding and subtracting to 5 • Solving word problems
How Can You Help? • Teach your child to tie his/her shoes! • Make sure your child can put on his/her jacket, open his/her own lunch/snack containers, and pack up his/her tote bag independently. • Practice writing names and writing letters/numbers correctly. • Count orally and identify numbers. • Read daily with your child and quiz them on sight words!