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ATT Contribution to GEO

ATT Contribution to GEO. Archive Task Team W GISS – 22 Sep 11 – 15, 2006 Annapolis, USA. Contribution to GEO. Contribution to GEO 2006 workplan As a response to WGISS AI 21-5 ATT identified 3 tasks as “ possible ATT contribution tasks” - DA-06-05 - EC-06-06

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ATT Contribution to GEO

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  1. ATT Contribution to GEO Archive Task Team WGISS – 22 Sep 11 – 15, 2006 Annapolis, USA

  2. Contribution to GEO Contribution to GEO 2006 workplan As a response to WGISS AI 21-5 ATT identified 3 tasks as “ possible ATT contribution tasks” - DA-06-05 - EC-06-06 - DI-06-01 When activity has need for long term data preservation GEO can count on ATT

  3. Contribution to GEO Contribution to GEO 2007 – 2009 workplan ATT nominated and reviewed to support the following tasks - DA-06-05 - EC-07-P1 (EC-06-06 will be merged into) - DI-06-05 (DI-06-01 will be merged into) - AR-07-P3

  4. DA-06-05:Guidance Document for Basic geographic Data 1.Task: Develop a guideline document for basic geographic data (including format, precision, etc), taking into account relevant national, regional and global initiatives 2.Work to be Performed: 1. Define the scope and request proposals to develop “Basic geographic data framework document. 2. Define recommendations with support from designated lead organizations, building on appropriate contributions including existing system, from GEO members and relevant external communities. 3.ATT review: - ATT can develop recommendation notes for data/information system for the area. However - There is no archive related requirement in “work to be performed” - Target area is “basic geographic data” only, ATT engaged with raw sensor or data? 4. ATT recommendation not to be engaged in DA-06-05

  5. EC-06-06:Ecosystem 1.TASK: Conduct an inventory of archived data for ecosystems, identify data gaps, identify data at risk, and evaluate costs of data rescue, In complement, conduct a workshop to define a data archiving strategy taking into account data types, processing levels and supporting media. 2.Work to be performed: (1).Establish Data archive Task Force, with members selected for expertise in data archiving in one or more societal benefit area. (2). Task force to design and conduct a survey to encompass critical archived ecosystem information for each societal benefit area. (3). Task force to analyze responses and gather information so as to identifydata at risk, and evaluate cost of data rescue. 3.ATT review: - Archive system will be required for the data management to each benefit area . - ATT can participate partly, can develop CEOS recommendation document for the task team. - EC-06-06 will close. It move to EC-07-P1

  6. EC-07-P1: Global Ecosystem Observation and Monitoring System(1/2) 1.Task: Characterization, mapping and monitoring of ecosystems at local, national, regional, and global scale is requires systematic and formal methods for measuring land surface and vegetation attributes. These data are needed to both calibrate(train) and validate(test) landcover, vegetation and ecosystem maps. While a vast number of systems exist, there is need to develop formal methods for collecting plot(in-situ) data, and for translating between different systems. This task will produce a manual of field methods for terrestrial data, and capture existing plot data into an operational information system. Historic AVHRR, MODIS, MERIS, and SPOT-VGT data must be reprocessed to develop composite time series and temporal phenologic metrics to enable monitoring of vegetation condition and charge over time. The use of earth observation data to detect the effects of insects, pathogens, water and chemical stresses on ecosystem should be performed, and scaling studies conducted.

  7. EC-07-P1: Global Ecosystem Observation and Monitoring System(2/2) 2.ATT review: - data/information system will be required for the access to archived data. - ATT can develop recommendation strategies for data access to archive data. However it covers very few area of the task.

  8. DI-06-05: Reference geographic products 1.TASK: The scope of the task was extended beyond the coastal Regions to provide proper reference to a multihazard approach. Initial focus will anyhow be on coastal regions. Include activities from task DI-06-01. It will include specific mention of SRTM data. - DI-06-01 Encourage in-situ and space agencies to (i) systematically record data over coastal regions subject to tsunami risk, and (ii) archive data in a form easily accessible to all countries. 2.ATT review: suggest to apply CEOS recommended standards (OAIS) for data archives and formats associated with standard catalog include how to ingest data .

  9. AR-07-P3: Virtual Constellations(1/2) 1.TASK:Advocate virtual constellation space observations following the “CEOS constellation concept” for better temporal, spatial, and spectral resolution and related data management and dissemination. Space agencies and related organizations should consider the development of space and ground segments for such constellation concepts in the mission planning phase. Addressing objectives of all SBAs and filling gaps between them must be duly taken into account. This task would include a broad array of active and passive sensor systems operating over broad spectral, spatial and temporal coverage and resolutions, possibly considering specific cases such as constellations of SAR systems or micro satellites for a range of Earth observation applications. In addition, a robust verification and validation program including both spatial and radiometric elements is needed to ensure the accuracy and integration of a diverse collection of sensor systems. The UN registration of space objects in accordance with the Registration Convention (1975) shall be taken into account. This task includes relevant synergies with AR-06-09 and DI-06-09.

  10. AR-07-P3: Virtual Constellations(2/2) 2.ATT activity: - ATT can develop recommendations for the archive of system satellite data. • ATT can also recommend method for access to the data. • Provide metadata for data in archive • Provide method for generation preview image. • Recommendation offline archive media for backup.

  11. discussion • need to consider which area should ATT cover ? - satellite data - in-situ ? • want to focusATT activities on satellite archive data for the GEO contribution • Need Volunteer from WGISS member.

  12. Summary • DA-06-05 ATT not participate • EC-06-06 (will merge to EC-07-P1) ATT partly participate. • EC-07-P1 ATT not participate • DI-06-01 (DI-06-05) As presented at NDMP ATT will develop recommend (OAIS) document. • AR-07-P3 ATT will participate

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