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Industry and Occupation Projections

Industry and Occupation Projections. Looking out to 2020. VS. How does Idaho Compare to the Nation?. Industry. Total Employment. Idaho. Nation. Source: Idaho Department of Labor, Communications & Research Division.

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Industry and Occupation Projections

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  1. Industry and Occupation Projections Looking out to 2020

  2. VS. How does Idaho Compare to the Nation? Industry

  3. Total Employment Idaho Nation Source: Idaho Department of Labor, Communications & Research Division. Source: Employment Projections program, US Department of Labor, US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

  4. Growth by Industry Sector Source: Employment Projections program, US Department of Labor, US Bureau of Labor Statisticsand Idaho Department of Labor, Communications & Research Division.

  5. VS. How does Idaho Compare to the Nation? Occupations

  6. Percent Change vs. Numeric Change Percent employment growth in two occupations, projected 2010-20 Numeric employment growth in two occupations, projected 2010-20 Thousands Source: Employment Projections program, US Department of Labor, US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

  7. Percent Change in National Employment by Major Occupation Group 2010-20 Average All Occupations, 14.3% Source: Employment Projections program, US Department of Labor, US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

  8. Percent Change in Idaho Employment by Major Occupation Group 2010-20 Average All Occupations, 17.5% Source: Idaho Department of Labor, Communications & Research Division.

  9. National Employment Change by Major Occupation Group 2010-20 Thousands of Jobs Source: Employment Projections program, US Department of Labor, US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

  10. Idaho Employment Change by Major Occupation Group 2010-20 Source: Idaho Department of Labor, Communications & Research Division.

  11. Employment Growth vs. Replacement Needs Numeric employment growth in two occupations, projected 2010-20 Thousands Job openings for two occupations, projected 2010-20 1,775.9 1,207.4 Thousands Source: Employment Projections program, US Department of Labor, US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

  12. National Job Openings by Major Occupation Category 2010-20 Thousands of Jobs Source: Employment Projections program, US Department of Labor, US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

  13. Idaho Job Openings by Major Occupation Category 2010-20 Source: Idaho Department of Labor, Communications & Research Division.

  14. Idaho’s long term labor market needs…

  15. Idaho’s Ten Fastest Growing Occupations 2010-20 Fastest Growing 1Average annual job openings include new jobs plus replacement jobs. Education Key: PhD – Doctoral or professional degree; M – Master’s degree ; B – Bachelor’s degree; A – Associate’s degree; PVA – Postsecondary non-degree award; SC – Some college, no degree; HS – High school diploma or equivalent: <HS – Less than High school Job Training Key: I/R – Internship or residency; LT – long term on-the-job training; MT- moderate on-the-job training; ST – short term on-the-job training Source: Idaho Department of Labor, Communications & Research Division.

  16. Idaho’s Ten Most Abundant Occupations 2010-20 Most Abundant 1Average annual job openings include new jobs plus replacement jobs. Education Key: PhD – Doctoral or professional degree; M – Master’s degree ; B – Bachelor’s degree; A – Associate’s degree; PVA – Postsecondary non-degree award; SC – Some college, no degree; HS – High school diploma or equivalent: <HS – Less than High school Job Training Key: I/R – Internship or residency; LT – long term on-the-job training; MT- moderate on-the-job training; ST – short term on-the-job training Source: Idaho Department of Labor, Communications & Research Division.

  17. Idaho’s Ten Highest Demand Occupations 2010-20 Highest Demand 1Average annual job openings include new jobs plus replacement jobs. Education Key: PhD – Doctoral or professional degree; M – Master’s degree ; B – Bachelor’s degree; A – Associate’s degree; PVA – Postsecondary non-degree award; SC – Some college, no degree; HS – High school diploma or equivalent: <HS – Less than High school Job Training Key: I/R – Internship or residency; LT – long term on-the-job training; MT- moderate on-the-job training; ST – short term on-the-job training Source: Idaho Department of Labor, Communications & Research Division.

  18. Idaho’s Top Ten Hot Jobs1 2010-20 1Hot Jobs: Jobs that on average rank high in three major criteria — the abundance of jobs in the economy, jobs that are growing the fastest and jobs with the highest pay. 2Average annual job openings include new jobs plus replacement jobs. Education Key: PhD – Doctoral or professional degree; M – Master’s degree ; B – Bachelor’s degree; A – Associate’s degree; PVA – Postsecondary non-degree award; SC – Some college, no degree; HS – High school diploma or equivalent: <HS – Less than High school Job Training Key: I/R – Internship or residency; LT – long term on-the-job training; MT- moderate on-the-job training; ST – short term on-the-job training Source: Idaho Department of Labor, Communications & Research Division.

  19. How Employment Projections Are Used

  20. Relating Employment Projections and Education and Training • For both career exploration and policy decisions, users want to know: • What is the demand for workers with a college degree (or some level of education)? • What training or experience is needed in different careers, in addition to formal education? Source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

  21. Education Attainment by Occupation Education Key: PhD – Doctoral or professional degree; M – Master’s degree ; B – Bachelor’s degree; A – Associate’s degree; PVA – Postsecondary non-degree award; SC – Some college, no degree; HS – High school diploma or equivalent: <HS – Less than High school Job Training Key: I/R – Internship or residency; LT – long term on-the-job training; MT- moderate on-the-job training; ST – short term on-the-job training Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2005-2009 5-year file.

  22. Education and Training Classification Source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

  23. The Link Between Education and Idaho’s Workforce Needs Education

  24. In 2020 we estimate around 774,000 total jobs in Idaho In 2020 the department estimates there will be approximately 774,000 jobs in Idaho. Of these around 15% percent will be brand new jobs created in the economy. 113,000 of those jobs will be new jobs by 2020. Another 159,000 will be available through attrition. Therefore a total of around 35 percent or 273,000 jobs will be open through 2020. 273,000 total new jobs w/attrition by 2002. Source: Idaho Department of Labor, Communications & Research Division.

  25. Idaho’sEconomic Growth of the Next Decade Will Create… 35,600 new jobs in occupations that typically require at least a Post-Secondary Certificate. Source: Idaho Department of Labor, Communications & Research Division.

  26. Of these Jobs… 5,300 of these new jobs typically require a Graduate degree, 15,600 typically require a Bachelor’s degree and 15,100 typically require a Postsecondary non-degree award or Associate degree. Source: Idaho Department of Labor, Communications & Research Division.

  27. Additionally by 2020 Idaho will need to replace 159,000 jobs… 11,000 of these replacement jobs typically require a Graduate degree, 36,000 typically require a Bachelor’s degree and 29,500 typically require a Postsecondary non-degree award or Associate degree. Source: Idaho Department of Labor, Communications & Research Division.

  28. How did Idaho’s 2010 Workforce Compare to the Nation? Education Key: PhD – Doctoral or professional degree; M – Master’s degree ; B – Bachelor’s degree; A – Associate’s degree; PVA – Postsecondary non-degree award; SC – Some college, no degree; HS – High school diploma or equivalent: <HS – Less than High school Source: Idaho Department of Labor, Communications & Research Division.

  29. Percent Change in Idaho Employment by Typical Entry-level Education Category Average All Occupations, 17.5% Percent change, projected 2010-20 Education Key: PhD – Doctoral or professional degree; M – Master’s degree ; B – Bachelor’s degree; A – Associate’s degree; PVA – Postsecondary non-degree award; SC – Some college, no degree; HS – High school diploma or equivalent: <HS – Less than High school Source: Idaho Department of Labor, Communications & Research Division.

  30. Idaho Employment Change by Typical Entry-level Education Category Education Key: PhD – Doctoral or professional degree; M – Master’s degree ; B – Bachelor’s degree; A – Associate’s degree; PVA – Postsecondary non-degree award; SC – Some college, no degree; HS – High school diploma or equivalent: <HS – Less than High school Source: Idaho Department of Labor, Communications & Research Division.

  31. Idaho’s Top Ten Graduate Degree Occupations 2010-20 1Average annual job openings include new jobs plus replacement jobs. Graduate degrees include Doctoral and Professional Job Training Key: I/R – Internship or residency; LT – long term on-the-job training; MT- moderate on-the-job training; ST – short term on-the-job training Source: Idaho Department of Labor, Communications & Research Division.

  32. Idaho’s Top Ten Master’s Degree Occupations 2010-20 1Average annual job openings include new jobs plus replacement jobs. Job Training Key: I/R – Internship or residency; LT – long term on-the-job training; MT- moderate on-the-job training; ST – short term on-the-job training Source: Idaho Department of Labor, Communications & Research Division.

  33. Idaho’s Top Ten Bachelor’s Degree Occupations 2010-20 1Average annual job openings include new jobs plus replacement jobs. Job Training Key: I/R – Internship or residency; LT – long term on-the-job training; MT- moderate on-the-job training; ST – short term on-the-job training Source: Idaho Department of Labor, Communications & Research Division.

  34. Idaho’s Top Ten Associate Degree Occupations 2010-20 1Average annual job openings include new jobs plus replacement jobs. Job Training Key: I/R – Internship or residency; LT – long term on-the-job training; MT- moderate on-the-job training; ST – short term on-the-job training Source: Idaho Department of Labor, Communications & Research Division.

  35. Idaho’s Top Ten Postsecondary Non-Degree Award Occupations 2010-20 1Average annual job openings include new jobs plus replacement jobs. Job Training Key: I/R – Internship or residency; LT – long term on-the-job training; MT- moderate on-the-job training; ST – short term on-the-job training Source: Idaho Department of Labor, Communications & Research Division.

  36. Education & Training Pays Education and Training Pays!

  37. How do we shake up these projections? Next Moves

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