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Introductory presentation. Introduction What is design quality Conceptual framework Using the DQI Aims of the DQI What to do now. About this presentation. Introduction What is design quality Conceptual framework Using the DQI Aims of the DQI What to do now.
Introductory presentation Introduction What is design quality Conceptual framework Using the DQI Aims of the DQI What to do now
About this presentation Introduction What is design quality Conceptual framework Using the DQI Aims of the DQI What to do now • this presentation brings together information about the aims of the DQI and how the toolkit works • it is publicly available on the DQI website and may be used to help introduce a DQI workshop • the slides are annotated in the notes section
Why is design quality so important? Introduction What is design quality Conceptual framework Using the DQI Aims of the DQI What to do now Peckham Library, Alsop Associates, RIBA Stirling Prize Winner 2000. This new library replaced two existing libraries in the area. In the new library completed cumulative use went up 3 times, and book borrowing increased 8 times. The aspirations for the library, the involvement of users in its design allowed the building to perform better than those it replaced.
Current aspirations Introduction What is design quality Conceptual framework Using the DQI Aims of the DQI What to do now Will our children arrive every morning at a place like this…. Recently completed school - Wootton Bassett (North Wiltshire PFI) main entrance
Current aspirations Introduction What is design quality Conceptual framework Using the DQI Aims of the DQI What to do now Or this… Another recent school - John Cabot CTC (Bristol) main entrance
Current aspirations Introduction What is design quality Conceptual framework Using the DQI Aims of the DQI What to do now Into a lobby like this….. Wootton Bassett (North Wiltshire PFI) - school street
Current aspirations Introduction What is design quality Conceptual framework Using the DQI Aims of the DQI What to do now Or this… Another recent school - entrance hall and school street
Current aspirations Introduction What is design quality Conceptual framework Using the DQI Aims of the DQI What to do now Gather in a hall like this….. Wootton Bassett (North Wiltshire PFI) - main hall
Current aspirations Introduction What is design quality Conceptual framework Using the DQI Aims of the DQI What to do now Or this… Another school - Main Hall
Process and product Process Key Performance Indicators Product Design Quality Indicator Sustainability of Process and Product Introduction What is design quality Conceptual framework Using the DQI Aims of the DQI What to do now
Resource envelope Introduction What is design quality Conceptual framework Using the DQI Aims of the DQI What to do now Design Quality in context
DQI Framework Introduction What is design quality Conceptual framework Using the DQI Aims of the DQI What to do now Visual Form Efficiency Engineering Systems Sustainability Fitness for Purpose Effectiveness Context Aesthetics Net to Gross Cost in use Performance Attention to detail Location Robustness Kerb Appeal Space standards Access Daylight Flexibility Functionality Meaning Safety Order Innovation Comfort Acoustics Finishes Air Quality
Vitruvius & Wootton Introduction What is design quality Conceptual framework Using the DQI Aims of the DQI What to do now Commodity Utilitas Delight Venustas Firmness Firmitas
New terms Introduction What is design quality Conceptual framework Using the DQI Aims of the DQI What to do now Commodity Utilitas Delight Venustas IMPACT FUNCTIONALITY Firmness Firmitas BUILD QUALITY
Subsections applicable to buildings Introduction What is design quality Conceptual framework Using the DQI Aims of the DQI What to do now Urban & social integration Internal environment Form & materials Character & innovation IMPACT Access Space Uses FUNCTIONALITY Performance Engineering Construction BUILD QUALITY
Overlapping quality fields FUNDAMENTAL ADDED VALUE EXCELLENCE Introduction What is design quality Conceptual framework Using the DQI Aims of the DQI What to do now
Increasing detail DQI tool in project stages Increasing legibility for users briefing version of the DQI used to define project values to ensure completeness of briefing information DQI tool tailored to stage of project, stakeholders score how well a design or building is achieving project values Introduction What is design quality Conceptual framework Using the DQI Aims of the DQI What to do now Project stages: 1.Briefing Commit to Invest 2.Mid Design Commit to Construct 3. Ready for Occupation 4. In-Use FAVE
Using the DQI: Stage 1, briefing Introduction What is design quality Conceptual framework Using the DQI Aims of the DQI What to do now • at briefing the DQI is used to create a value profile for the building using the FAVE briefing tool • project stakeholders work together to reach a consensus as to what the project should achieve • the FAVE briefing tool has a default set of weightings from which to work
With the FAVE briefing tool stakeholders define what is Introduction What is design quality Conceptual framework Using the DQI Aims of the DQI What to do now • Fundamental, factors which the building must achieve in order to fulfil its purpose. These factors are basic and are essential to achieve • Added value, factors that will enhance the building’s usefulness and pleasure value. These factors are desirable to achieve and would be beneficial to the final building • Excellence, factors that make the design sparkle as a whole and help create a building of distinction. These factors would make the building exceptional • …and factors that may be not applicable to a particular building
Questionnaire to define FAVE Introduction What is design quality Conceptual framework Using the DQI Aims of the DQI What to do now
Default FAVE Introduction What is design quality Conceptual framework Using the DQI Aims of the DQI What to do now Functionality Access 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 Space 0 0 1 1 1 0 Uses 0 0 1 2 0 1 1 1 1 1 Build Quality Performance 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Engineering 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 Construction 0 0 0 1 2 1 2 Impact Urban & Social Integration 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Internal Environment 1 0 2 2 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 Form & Materials 1 1 0 1 1 1 Character & Innovation 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2
Customised FAVE Introduction What is design quality Conceptual framework Using the DQI Aims of the DQI What to do now Functionality Access 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 Space 0 0 1 1 1 Uses 0 0 1 2 0 1 1 1 1 1 Build Quality Performance 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Engineering 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 Construction 0 0 0 1 2 1 2 Impact Urban & Social Integration 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Internal Environment 1 0 2 2 1 1 0 1 1 1 Form & Materials 1 1 0 1 1 1 Character & Innovation 1 2 1 1 2 1 2
Using the DQI Stages 2,3&4Assessing a building or design Introduction What is design quality Conceptual framework Using the DQI Aims of the DQI What to do now • when assessing a design or building the DQI collects views from stakeholders using the DQI assessment tool • this highlights different views and allows comparison between groups of stakeholders, project stages and different projects • compare with the briefing data to see how well the design or building is achieving aspirations
Questionnaire to assess your design Introduction What is design quality Conceptual framework Using the DQI Aims of the DQI What to do now
Who should be involved? Introduction What is design quality Conceptual framework Using the DQI Aims of the DQI What to do now • A DQI leader will need to be nominated to champion the process, ideally they should be a member of the project team • Respondents, project stakeholders who’s opinions the DQI collects, including • clients • members of the design team • users • contractors • facilities managers • A facilitator who will help get the most out of the process
Workshop Introduction What is design quality Conceptual framework Using the DQI Aims of the DQI What to do now
Tips when using the DQI Introduction What is design quality Conceptual framework Using the DQI Aims of the DQI What to do now • it should be fun and the conversation between participants is an important part of the process • the conversation should be captured, the facilitator will help with this • when assessing a design or building if statement is irrelevant then answer ‘Not applicable’, or if someone doesn’t know about the statement then answer ‘Don’t know’ • you can take a break and revisit it later • use the information tips
Output and results Introduction What is design quality Conceptual framework Using the DQI Aims of the DQI What to do now Assessment results from stakeholders are presented in graphs and Excel sheets to help compare between groups of respondents, project stages and different projects
Output and results Introduction What is design quality Conceptual framework Using the DQI Aims of the DQI What to do now Data from assessments is compared with the FAVE weightings defined at briefing to visualise how well the building or design is achieving stakeholders aspirations Maximum possible score Score achieved by design or building
The DQI aims to Introduction What is design quality Conceptual framework Using the DQI Aims of the DQI What to do now • focus on comparison to help communication and encourage involvement within the project team • improve briefing • monitor and review design aspirations throughout the process • manage expectations by aspiring for qualityand in the longer term • through benchmarking and cross comparison to correlate quality with factors in the procurement process to influence decisions for delivering excellent quality
What to do now Introduction What is design quality Conceptual framework Using the DQI Aims of the DQI What to do now Thank you for viewing this presentation, you can now: • read case studies about how the DQI has been applied at www.dqi.org.uk/casestudies • find out more about applying the DQI, the DQI leader guidance, a set of instructions for using the tool is available from www.dqi.org.uk/resources • contact an accredited facilitator who can help with the application of the DQI, see www.dqi.org.uk/facilitator • attend an introductory workshops about the DQI, see www.dqi.org.uk/events dqi@cic.org.uk020 7399 7424CIC 26 Store Street London WC1E 7BT