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9E Reactions of metals and their compounds. Elements. What is an element? Where can we find a list of all the elements? Where are the metals in the periodic table? Give 3 examples. Where are the non-metals? Give 3 examples.
Elements • What is an element? • Where can we find a list of all the elements? • Where are the metals in the periodic table? Give 3 examples. • Where are the non-metals? Give 3 examples.
Colour this periodic table and put a key to show metals, non-metals and metalloids
Group I Metals • What are theGroup I Metalscalled? • Namethegroup I Metals and writetheir symbols • Whichisthemost reactive metal? • Whichistheleast reactive? • Whathappenstoreactivity as yougodownthegroup?
Metals and water • Name 3 metals that react with water. • Name a metal which reacts violently with water. • Complete this general equation: Metal + water → __________ _______ + ________
Symbol equations • How do thenames of theseelementschange in a compound? • Oxygen: • Chlorine: • Bromine: • Iodine: • Why do wehaveto balance symbol equations?
Group II Metals • What are thegroup II Metalscalled? • Namethegroup II Metals and writetheir symbols. • Whathappenstoreactivity as yougodownthegroup?
Group II Metals • Aim: Toinvestigatethereactivity of group II metalswithwater. Draw and writeaboutwhatyouseewheneach metal is placed in water
Metals and acids • Name 3 metals • Name 3 acids • What happens when a metal reacts with an acid? • Complete this equation Metal + Acid _______ +______
A reaction that usually makes hydrogen is the reaction of a metal and an acid. You are going to test several metals to see if they react with the acid. Remember you are looking for bubbles! Fill in the table in your booklet.
Metals and oxygen • Whatisproducedwhen a metal reactswithoxygen? • Name a metal thatreactsviolentlywithoxygen. • Name a metal thatreactsslowlywithoxygen.
Thereactivity series • Whatisthereactivity series?
Acids and carbonates • Name two carbonates • Complete this equation Acid + carbonate ______ + _______ + ________
A reaction that makes carbon dioxide is the reaction of a carbonate and an acid. These things are all carbonates.
Copy and complete this table to describe the reactions of carbonates with acid
Nowwrite a conclusionwithword and symbol equationsforthereactions…
Displacementreactions • What is a displacement reaction? • How do we know if one metal will displace the other?
Aim: To investigate displacement reactions of metals and salts Zinc ___________ Magnesium ________ Copper ____________ Lead __________
Conclusion • Which dimples had a chemical reaction? • Write word equations for these reactions. • Write symbol equations. The symbols of the salts are as followed • Copper sulphate: CuSO4 • Lead nitrate: Pb(NO3)2 • Magnesium sulphate: MgSO4 • Zinc sulphate solution: ZnSO4
What is a displacement reaction? A more reactive metal can take the place of a less reactive metal in a compound. Magnesium+ copper sulphate Magnesium + Copper sulphate
Thethermitreaction • Whattype of reactionisthethermitreaction? • Whereisitused? • Writethe symbol equation of theThermitreaction?
The thermite reaction Aluminium + iron oxide Aluminium + iron oxide
http://lgfl.skoool.co.uk/content/keystage3/chemistry/pc/learningsteps/DIRLC/launch.htmlhttp://lgfl.skoool.co.uk/content/keystage3/chemistry/pc/learningsteps/DIRLC/launch.html • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6cMmk8LZgQ
Gas testsrecap • Whatisthe test forOxygen? • Whatisthe test forCarbondioxide? • Whatisthe test forHydrogen? http://youtu.be/LiAvDpl5aJA
Assessment • Youwill plan aninvestigationintohowtochangetherate(speed) of thisreaction: Calcium carbonate + Hydrochloricacid→