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EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on Ozone Monitoring o3saf.fmi.fi

Ozone SAF Project. EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on Ozone Monitoring http://o3saf.fmi.fi. 1. Satellite Application Facility Network 2. The Ozone Monitoring SAF (O3M SAF)  Objectives  Management Structure  Products and Responsibilities 3. Product tables

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EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on Ozone Monitoring o3saf.fmi.fi

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  1. Ozone SAF Project EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on Ozone Monitoring http://o3saf.fmi.fi

  2. 1. Satellite Application Facility Network 2. The Ozone Monitoring SAF (O3M SAF)  Objectives  Management Structure  Products and Responsibilities 3. Product tables 4. Product & Validation Service examples 5. Current Status Overview

  3. Distributed element of the EUMETSAT Application Ground Segment Providing services to operational and other users  real time/off line products, in principle up to level 2  user software packages  data management and related user services  co-ordination of/support to research and development Focus Operational meteorology and climate monitoring in line with the new Convention Development/operations co-funded by EUMETSAT & Member States 1. The Satellite Application Facility Network

  4. 2a. The O3M SAF - Objectives Development and generation of the operational facility which produces: Near Real Time (NRT) products and Offline products based on GOME-2 (or HIRS/4) data. Validation services based on ground-based measurements Research and development of radiative transfer calculation methods and other algorithms used for data retrieval User Community Met. Services and research organizations

  5. 2b.The O3M SAF- Management Structure • Distributed operations structure • 2 archive facilities • 4 processing sites • 3 validation services

  6. 2c. The O3M SAF - Products and Responsibilities

  7. 3a. Product Tables - Near Real Time

  8. 3b. Product Tables - Off-Line (15 Days)

  9. 3c. Product Tables - Experimental

  10. 4a. Product Examples (DLR): NRT & Off-Line Total Column Ozone, GOME-2 • Accuracy • NRT : 6% • Off-line : 4% • GOME-2 Resolution • 40×40 km2 (960 km) • 80×40 km2 (1920 km) ERS/GOME-1 @ 40 × 320 km2 Resolution

  11. 4b. Product Examples (M-F and FMI) NRT HIRS Total Ozone HIRS-3/NOAA-16 @ 30 kmResolution Accuracy: HTO : 12 % HPO : 8 %

  12. 4c. Validation Service Examples (LAP/HNMS) Total Ozone using Ground-Based Measurements Responsibility: LAP/U. Thessaloniki (WMO O3 Mapping Centre) Web page: http://lap.physics.auth.gr/o3safval Using stations from the GO3OS/GAW network: Dobson, Brewer  accuracy better than 2% M-124, SAOZ  accuracy better than 3% Validation Results: Comparison at daily time scale, for each station Results as functions of time, latitude, obs. type, zenith angle, geographic area, …

  13. 4d. Validation Service Examples (LAP/HNMS) Total Ozone using Ground-Based Measurements contd ...

  14. 4e. ProductExamples (KNMI) NRT & Off-Line Ozone Profile, GOME-2

  15. Responsibility: KMI/RMI Brussels Uses O3 sounding stations: Daily time scale, max. distance 500 km, max. time difference, 8 h Validation Results: Comparison of individual pairs of O3 profiles, scaled to the same vertical resolution Statistical comparison of the set of observed (sondes) and retrieved profiles Error analysis Trajectory mapping 4f. Validation Service Examples (KMI/RMI) Validation of Ozone Profiles using Balloon Soundings

  16. 4g. Validation Service Examples (RMI) Validation of Ozone Profiles using Balloon Soundingscontd … Station: Uccle

  17. Responsibility: DWD, Hohenpeißenberg (DWD in NDSC) Lidar: Observation of the Ozone profile in the upper stratosphere Self-calibrating instrument Long-term stability Night time observations Clear sky conditions Accuracy : 15-40 km : better than 5%, 40-50 km : 10-20% Microwave Radiometer: Bern, Bordeaux, Lauder, Mauna Loa, Ny Ålesund Collocation: Pixel centres ± 2° latitude and longitude from ground station 4h. Validation Service Examples (DWD) Validation of Ozone profiles by Lidar and Microwave Radiometer

  18. 4i. Validation Service Examples (DWD) Validation of Ozone profiles by Lidar and Microwave Radiometer contd ... Station latitude longitude Eureka 80.0 N 85.9 W Ny Ålesund 78.9 N 11,6 E Andoya 69.3 N 16.0 E Hohenpeissenb 47.8 N 11.0 E Toronto 44.8 N 79.5 W Haute Provence 43.9 N 5.7 E Tsukuba 36.1 N 140.1 E Table Mountain 34.4 N 117.7 W Mauna Loa 19.5 N 155.6 W Lauder 45.1 S 169.7 E

  19. 4j. Validation Service Examples (DWD) Validation of Ozone profiles by Lidar and Microwave Radiometercontd ... Mauna Loa (98) Haute Provence (84) Lauder (25)

  20. 4j. Validation Service Examples (DWD) Validation of Ozone profiles by Lidar and Microwave Radiometercontd ... HohenpeissenbergJune 2000 (8 profiles) Hohenpeissenberg December 2000 (7 profiles)

  21. 4k. Validation Service Examples (KNMI) Validation of Ozone Distribution by Data Assimilation • Responsilbility: • KNMI, De Bilt • Experiments: • Validation of SCIAMACHY products • Ozone profile assimilation, T3D-DAM advection model forced with ECMWF analyses • http://www.knmi.nl/gome_fd • Quality control of observations

  22. 4k. Validation Service Examples (KNMI) Validation of Ozone Distribution by Data Assimilation contd ...

  23. 4l. Product Example (DLR) Off-line Trace Gas Products

  24. 4m. Product Examples (DLR) Off-line Trace Gas Products contd ...

  25. 4n. Product Examples (FMI) Off-Line UV Fields TOMS-data, CIE UV-daily dose (J/m2) NOAA-satellite AVHRR-picture

  26. 4o. Validation Service Examples (FMI) Validation of Off-Line UV Fields • Responsibility: • FMI, Helsinki • Using ground stations from the WOUDC and European UV databases • Currently 4 validation sites • Sodankylä: Brewer • Toronto: Brewer • San Diego: SUV-100 • Ushuaia: SUV-100 • OUV product processed with • GOME-1 Total Column Ozone Version 3.0 • 2000: N-14 and N-15 AVHRR data • 2001: N-15 and N-16 AVHHR data • Comparisons on • daily CIE Dose, Maximum Dose Rate, Maximum UV-B:UV-A Ratio

  27. 4p. Validation Service Examples (FMI) Validation of Off-Line UV Fields contd ...

  28. 5. The Ozone Monitoring SAF Status Currently in an extension of the development phase Continue research and development activities Develop & disseminate pre-operational products Align integration & verification activities with those of the full EPS system & ground segment Aims Support the first MetOp launch in the fourth quarter of 2005 Support subsequent commissioning activities

  29. The EUMETSAT SAF Web pages The SAF Network Web Pages were recently upgraded and improved, to provide more information on the SAF Network, SAF Projects, Targeted Products, and running SAF Demonstrators. The SAF public documentation is available on the EUMETSAT Web. The new SAF Web pages can be seen at the following address: http://www.eumetsat.de/saf/

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