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DFG SPP 1090 Activities 2000 - 2006

DFG SPP 1090 Activities 2000 - 2006. Activities 2000 - 2001. Twenty-eight projects are funded and started in summer 2000. Four working groups were established. WG 1: Interaction of organic matter with the mineral matrix (coordinated by G. Guggenberger)

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DFG SPP 1090 Activities 2000 - 2006

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  1. DFG SPP 1090 Activities 2000 - 2006

  2. Activities 2000 - 2001 • Twenty-eight projects are funded and started in summer 2000 • Four working groups were established WG 1: Interaction of organic matter with the mineral matrix (coordinated by G. Guggenberger) WG 2: Recalcitrant organic materials and their contribution to stabilized organic matter(coordinated by B. Marschner) WG 3: Compartments – Microhabitats(coordinated by V. Wolters/K. Ekschmitt) WG 4: Pools – Turnover – Modelling(coordinated by H. Flessa) • Samplings in 2000 and 2001 - Forest sites: Waldstein, Steinkreuz (coordinated by E. Matzner/ K. Kalbitz) - Agricultural sites: Halle, Bad Lauchstädt(coordinated by W. Merbach)

  3. Activities 2000 - 2001 • First annual meeting at Schloss Hohenkammer, near Munich. October 2000. - Establishment of a web-page, which gives information on analytical techniques/methods, sample types and materials used by different groups, turnover rates and their measurement - Group reports • Poster session at the biannual meeting of the German Soil Science Society in Vienna, September 200124 poster contributions • 2nd annual meeting, Leucorea, Wittenberg. October 2001 Keynote speakers: - M. Gerzabek, Wien - C. Chenu, INRA Versailles - A. Smucker, Michigan State University - P. Smith, University of Aberdeen

  4. Activities 2003 • 3rd annual meeting in Hannover, February 2003 reports of the working groups, poster presentations Integrating thematic sessions: conceptual model establishment of a ‘common value’ for turnover estimates  inert C-pool  newsletter 7 • Start of the integration project, March 2003 • SPP-workshop: modeling the C dynamics of agricultural soils. Halle/Saale, August 2003 • Biannual meeting of the German Soil Science Society in Frankfurt/Oder September 2003 about 20 SPP contributions2 poster prices (Comm. I, VII)

  5. Activities 2003 - 2005 • International SOM-Conference October 2003, Schloss Hohenkammer near Munich ‘Mechanisms and Regulation of Organic Matter Stabilization in Soils’  about 150 participants • Edition of the Geoderma Special Issue, Vol. 128, 2005 Selected publications of the international conference ‚Mechanisms and regulation of organic matter stabilization in soils’ Schloss Hohenkammer near Munich, 5.-8.October 2003. 13 manuscripts, 10 SPP-manuscripts Guest-Editors: I. Kögel-Knabner, M. v. Lützow, G. Guggenberger, H. Flessa, B. Marschner, E. Matzner, K. Ekschmitt

  6. TOP25 articles Geoderma/20.2.06 Number of downloads in a three-month period • Soil structure and management: a review • Review articleBronick, C.J.; Lal, R. • The role of plants and land management in sequestering soil carbon in temperate arable and grassland ecosystems • ArticleRees, R.M.; Bingham, I.J.; Baddeley, J.A.; Watson, C.A.^^ • Strategies used by soil biota to overcome soil organic matter stability - why is dead organic matter left over in the soil?• ArticleEkschmitt, K.; Liu, M.; Vetter, S.; Fox, O.; Wolters, V. • Storage of organic carbon in aggregate and density fractions of silty soils under different types of land use • ArticleJohn, B.; Yamashita, T.; Ludwig, B.; Flessa, H. • Soil wettability, aggregate stability, and the decomposition of soil organic matter • ArticleGoebel, M.O.; Bachmann, J.; Woche, S.K.; Fischer, W.R. • Stability and composition of different soluble soil organic matter fractions-evidence from 13C and FTIR signatures • ArticleEllerbrock, R.H.; Kaiser, M. • On digital soil mapping • ArticleMcBratney, A.B.; Mendonca Santos, M.L.; Minasny, B. • Transformation of organic matter in agricultural soils: radiocarbon concentration versus soil depth • ArticleRethemeyer, J.; Kramer, C.; Gleixner, G.; John, B.; Yamashita, T.; Flessa, H.; Andersen, N.; Nadeau, M.J.; Grootes, P.M. • Principal component analysis as a tool to indicate the origin of potentially toxic elements in soils • ArticleBoruvka, L.; Vacek, O.; Jehlicka, J. • Microbial influence on metal mobility and application for bioremediation • ArticleGadd, G.M. • Soil carbon sequestration to mitigate climate change • Review articleLal, R. • Analysing the space-time distribution of soil water storage of a forest ecosystem using spatio-temporal kriging • Article • Morphological and chemical properties of black carbon in physical soil fractions as revealed by scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy • ArticleBrodowski, S.; Amelung, W.; Haumaier, L.; Abetz, C.; Zech, W. • Influence of humic substances on phosphate adsorption byaluminium and iron oxides • Article Borggaard, O.K.; Raben-Lange, B.; Gimsing, A.L.; Strobel, B.W. • A molecular method to evaluate basidiomycete laccase gene expression in forest soils • Article Luis, P.; Kellner, H.; Martin, F.; Buscot, F. • Priming effects in soils after combined and repeated substrate additions • Article Hamer, U.; Marschner, B. • Carbon-13 natural abundance as a tool to study the dynamics of lignin monomers in soil: an appraisal at the Closeaux experimental field (France) • Article Dignac, M.F.; Bahri, H.; Rumpel, C.; Rasse, D.P.; Bardoux, G.; Balesdent, J.; Girardin, C.; Chenu, C.; Mariotti, A. • Digital terron mapping • Article Carre, F.; McBratney, A.B. • Functional characterization of soil organic matter fractions different in solubility originating from a long-term field experiment • ArticleKaiser, M.; Ellerbrock, R.H. • Exploring the spatial relations between soil physical properties and apparent electrical conductivity • Article Carroll, Z.L.; Oliver, M.A. • Effects of biofertilizer containing N-fixer, P and K solubilizers and AM fungi on maize growth: a greenhouse trial • ArticleWu, S.C.; Cao, Z.H.; Li, Z.G.; Cheung, K.C.; Wong, M.H. • Modelling Al competition for heavy metal binding by dissolved organic matter in soil and surface waters of acid and neutral pH • ArticleTipping, E. • Role of assisted natural remediation in environmental cleanup • ArticleAdriano, D.C.; Wenzel, W.W.; Vangronsveld, J.; Bolan, N.S. • Initial characterization of processes of soil carbon stabilization using forest stand-level radiocarbon enrichment • Article Swanston, C.W.; Torn, M.S.; Hanson, P.J.; Southon, J.R.; Garten, C.T.; Hanlon, E.M.; Ganio, L. • Effects of sand and litter availability on organic matter decomposition in soil and in casts of Lumbricus terrestris L.• ArticleMarhan, S.; Scheu, S.

  7. Activities 2000 - 2006 • EUROSOIL Conference in Freiburg September 2004 about 13 SPP contributions (9 oral presentations, 4 posters) • 4th annual meeting in Hannover, February 2005 • Second Conference on Mechanisms of Soil Organic Matter Stabilization, October 2005 near Monterey, CA, USA organized by Phil Sollins 4 oral SPP presentations, 13 SPP posters • Presentation of the SPP within the DFG-magazine ‚forschung‘ 3-4/2005 ‚Das Klima aus dem Untergrund‘I. Kögel-Knabner und M. v. Lützow • Final colloquium of the SPP 1090 at Schloss Thurnau near Bayreuth, March 2006 with invited international experts

  8. DFG - SPP 1090 Future activities • European Geosciences Union, Vienna, 2. - 7. April 2006  Identification and characterization of the stable C pool(s) in soils (SSS24) Convenor: I. Kögel-Knabner, Germany and M. Gerzabek, Austria • Symposium at the World Congress of the Soil Science Society, 5.-15. Juni 2006 in Philadelphia, USA  Oral Symposium Commission 2.2 Soil Chemistry: Soil organic matter stabilization and C sequestration Convenor: A. Piccolo, ItalyCo-convenor: I. Kögel-Knabner, Germany, A. Smucker, USA • Edition of the final SPP report as a special issue of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science

  9. Activities 2000 - 2006 • More than 120 publications in scientific journals • About 120 contributions to SOM Conferences • About 15 PhD theses • Two postdoctoral lecture qualifications

  10. Acknowledgements • DFG for financial support  All participants in the SPP  The review panel

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