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Chromatic Roots and Fibonacci Numbers Saeid Alikhani and Yee- hock Peng Institute for Mathematical Research University Putra Malaysia. Workshop “Zeros of Graph Polynomials” Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Science, Cambridge University, UK 21-25 January 2008. Outline of Talks
Chromatic Roots and Fibonacci NumbersSaeid Alikhani and Yee- hock PengInstitute for Mathematical ResearchUniversity Putra Malaysia Workshop “Zeros of Graph Polynomials” Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Science, Cambridge University, UK 21-25 January 2008
Outline of Talks • 1. Introduction • 2. Chromatic roots and golden ratio • 3. Chromatic roots and n-anacci constant • 4. Some questions
Introduction • A graph G consists of set V (G) of vertices, and set E(G) of unordered pairs of vertices called edges. • These graphs are undirected • A graph is planar if it can be drawn in the plane with no edges crossing. • A (proper) k-colouring of a graph G is a mapping , where for every edge
The four colour Theorem: • Probably the most famous result in graph theory is the following • theorem: • Four-Colour Theorem: • Every planar graph is 4-colourable. • Near-triangulationgraphs: plane graphs with at most one non-triangular face. • A near- triangulation with 3-face is a triangulation.
The number of distinct k-colourings of G, denoted by P(G;k) is called the chromatic polynomialof G. • A root of P(G;k) is called a chromatic rootof G. • An interval is called a root-free intervalfor a chromatic polynomial P(G; k) if G has no chromatic root in this interval. • (Birkhoff and Lewis 1946): (-∞,0), (0,1) , (1,2) and [5,∞) are zero free intervals for all plane triangulations graph. • Chromatic Zero-free intervals: (-∞,0), (0,1) • (Jackson 1993): (1,32/27] is also a chromatic zero-free interval.
(Thomassen 1997) There are no more chromatic zero-free intervals. • We recall that a complex number is called an algebraic number(resp. an algebraic integer) if it is a root of some monic polynomial with rational (resp. integer) coefficients. • Corresponding to any algebraic number , there is a unique monic polynomial p with rational coefficients, called the minimal polynomialof (over the rationals), with the property that p divides every polynomial with rational coefficients having as a root.
Two algebraic numbers and are called conjugateif they have the same minimal polynomial. • Since the chromatic polynomial P(G; k) is a monic polynomial in kwith integer coefficients, its roots are, by definition, algebraic integers. This naturally raises the question: • Which algebraic integers can occur as roots of chromatic polynomials?
Clearly those lying in are forbidden set. • Using this reasoning, Tutte [13] proved that the Beraha number cannot be a chromatic root. Salas and Sokal in [10] extended this result to show that the generalized beraha numbers , for and , with k coprime to n, are never chromatic roots. For n = 10 they showed the weaker result that and are not chromatic roots of any plane near-triangulation.
Fibonacci numbers are terms of the sequence defined in a quite simple recursive fashion. • However, despite its simplicity, they have some curious properties which are worth attention. • 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,…
Golden Ratio and Chromatic Roots • Fibonacci sequence: and • Golden ratio: • Theorem1: For every natural number n, . • Corollary 1: If n is even and if n is odd . • Theorem 2: [Cassini`s Formula]: .
Theorem 3: For every natural n, Proof. Suppose that n is even, therefore n-1 is odd, and by Corollary 1, we have ,and hence and by multiplying in this inequality, we have
Thus by Theorem 2, we have . Similarly, the result holds when n is odd. • Theorem 4.( [7], P.78): . The following theorem is a consequence of Salas-Sokal Proposition in [10]: • Theorem 5. Consider a number of the form , where p, q are rational, is an integer that is not a perfect square, and . Then is not the root of any chromatic polynomial.
Proof. If is a root of some polynomial with integer coeffcients (e.g. a chromatic polynomial), then so its conjugate .But or can lie in a contradiction. • Corollary 2: For every natural n, cannot be a root of any chromatic polynomials. Proof. By Theorem 4, we can consider of the form with and . Since by Theorem 3, .Therefore we have the result by Theorem 5.
Chromatic Roots and n-anacci Constant • An n-step ( ) Fibonacci sequence : for k>2 • n-anacci constant: • It is easy to see that is the real positive root of • Also note that . (See [8], [14]).
Theorem 6. ([8]) The polynomial is an irreducible polynomial over Q. • Theorem 7. ([4]) Let G be a graph with n vertices and k connected components. Then the chromatic polynomial of G is of the form with integer, , and Furthermore, if G has at least one edge, then .
Theorem 8. For every natural n, the 2n-anacci numbers cannot be roots of any chromatic polynomials. Proof. We know that is a root of which is minimal polynomial for this root. It is obvious that is not a chromatic polynomial. Now suppose that there exist a chromatic polynomial P(x) such that . By Theorem 6, . Since , and by the intermediate value theorem, and therefore has a root in (-1,0) and this is a contradiction. • Theorem 9. All natural powers of cannot be chromatic root. • Proof. Suppose that is a chromatic root, that is there exist a chromatic polynomial
Such that . Therefore So we can say that is a root of the polynomial, so . Since and and so have a root say in (-1,0). Therefore is a root of . Since , we have a contradiction. How about (2n+1)- anacci??
We think that (2n + 1)-anacci numbers and all natural power of them also cannot be chromatic roots, but we are not able to prove it! • Theorem 10. (Donget al [4]) Let be a chromatic polynomial of a graph G of order n. Then for any (where equality holds if and only if G is a tree). • Theorem 11.For every natural n, can not be a root of chromatic polynomial of graph G with at most 4n + 2 vertices. • Proof. We know that (2n+1)- anacci is a root of
Now suppose that there exist a chromatic polynomial , such that, Therefore, there exist , such that . We have for • By Theorem 7, , and so
. By the above equalities, we have . By Theorem 10, • So, we have . Therefore P(x) cannot be a chromatic polynomial, and this is a contradiction.
Some questions and remarks • (Jackson 1993) For any ε>0, there exists a graph G such that P(G, λ) has a zero in (32/27, 32/27+ ε). • Theorem above says what is on the right of the number of 32/27 in general case. But the problem has been considered for some families of graphs as well. One of this families is triangulation graphs, and there are some open problems for it. We recall the Beraha question, which says:
Question 1. (Beraha's question [1]) Is it true for every , there exists a plane triangulation G such that has a root in, , where is called the n-th Beraha constant (or number)? • Beraha et al. [3] proved that is an accumulation point of real chromatic roots of certain plane triangulations. • Jacobsenet al. [6] extended this to show that and are likewiseaccumulation points of real chromatic roots of plane triangulations.
Finally, Royle [9] has recently exhibited a family of plane triangulations with chromatic roots converging to 4. • Of course, it is an open question which other numbers in the interval ( 32/27, 4) can be accumulation points of real chromatic roots of planar graphs. • The following conjecture of Thomassen is one possible answer. • Conjecture 1. The set of chromatic roots of the family of planar graphs consists of 0,1 and a dense subset of ( 32/27,4).(See [12]).
Now, let , where . • Here we ask the following question that is analogous to Beraha's question. • Question 2. Is it true that, for any , there exists a plane triangulation graph G such that has a root in ?( ). • Note that . Beraha, Kahane and Reid [2] proved that the answer to our question (or respectively, Beraha question) is positive for i,n=2 (or n = 10).
References • [1] Beraha, Infinite non-interval families of maps and chromials, Ph.D. thesis, Johns Hopkins University, 1975. • [2] Beraha,S., Kahane, J, and R. Reid, B7 and B10 are limit points of chromatic zeros, Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 20(1973), 45. • [3] Beraha,S., Kahane,J. and Weiss, N.J., Limits of chromatic zeros of some families of maps, J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B 28 (1980), 52-65. • [4] Dong, F.M, Koh, K. M, Teo, K. L, Chromatic polynomial and chromaticity of graphs, World Scienti¯c Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. 2005.
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