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Brussels - October 9, 2012 Francesca Pasquini

New Communities and Territorial Development First results of the Work-Life Balance Roadmap implemented in Lombardy. Brussels - October 9, 2012 Francesca Pasquini. The regional socio-economic system. 9,6 million citizens, 4,3 million families

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Brussels - October 9, 2012 Francesca Pasquini

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  1. New Communities and Territorial Development First results of the Work-Life Balance Roadmap implemented in Lombardy Brussels - October 9, 2012 Francesca Pasquini

  2. The regional socio-economic system 9,6 million citizens, 4,3 million families 12 Provinces and 1.546 Municipalities Milan, a metropolis and an international cross point: Italy’s major economic & financial centre 29.000 € GDP per capita 809.144 Enterprises 4,3 million Workers (unemployment rate: + 4,7%) 12 Universities, 500 technology & research centres, 45.000 Researchers One of the most developed and industrialized regions in EU: Part of the Network Four Motors for Europe: Baden-Württemberg (Germany), Catalonia (Spain), Lombardy (Italy), Rhône-Alpes (France) Co-founder of the World Regions Forum

  3. Maternity and Family Indicators 1.4 Children per woman (2010, increasing from 1.3 in 2008) 55.8 % Female employment(national average 46,1%) Maternity and participation in the labour market are both crucially important to women in Lombardy • A trade-off between career and family-life is still visible: • about20% of employed women leave the job market during the first year of maternity • 30,5% women in part-time, 5,2% men in part-time

  4. Le famiglie lombarde (I) Family care responsibilities There are more families in Lombardy with at least an elderlyperson than with at least a minor among its members (ISTAT, 2010) About 126.182 irregular care givers are estimated to work in Lombardy (D. Mesini, S. Pasquinelli e G. Rusmini, 2006)

  5. Work-life balancing: a new regional policy Work-life balance as a privileged platform to experiment innovative actions

  6. Building the Multilevel Governance System: instruments and phases

  7. Family care responsibilities • Introduction of a “family voucher” • Improving accessibility to services • Promoting domicile care for dependent persons • Hosing policies and programme (increasing supply, requalification, etc.) • Time policies • Opening hours of commercial services • Opening hours of: • Sanitary and socio-sanitary services • Local Public Transport • Schools • Promoting Corporate Family Responsibility • Dote system on reconciliation (Services to citizens and enterprises) • Second-level collective bargaining • Award incentives • Reconciliation in Lombardy Region • Second level collective bargaining and new organisational model (tele-work, part-time…) • Communications and formative services for the workforce Work-life balance: the Action Plan 2011-2013 • Family mainstreaming • Adoption of reconciliation measures in norms and guidelines at regional level • Introduction of a family-related indicator into KPIs on welfare recipients • Multilevel governance and networks • Set up of the Strategic Committee Woman, Family, Work • Local agreements for territorial networks for reconciliation • The White Paper as a road map: adoption of the OMC • Communications and awareness-raising • Communications and engagement • Award for best practices to reconcile Family-Work Systemic actions Specific actions

  8. The scheme of the specific incentives works on three parallel trajectories:

  9. The composition of multi-actor territorial networks for work-life balancing before.. and a work in progress! Coops and networks of enterprises Schools edu.& training instituions ChambersofCommerce Province Public local Offices TradeUnions University Enterprises Region Third Sector Socio-sanitary services. Cities Family Assoc.s Local Sanitary Services Professional associations Diocese Equality Counsellor Hospital Citizens Service providers

  10. Networks’ results • 13 Territorial Pacts • 13 Action Plans defined and launched • 443 actors actively involved in the networks • 127 ongoing projects • 6 out of 13 pilot areas with the Dote experimental programme: • - 1.700 for citizens - vouchers for services • - 600 for enterprises – incentives for hiring • - 78 flexibility plans and maternity/paternity leaves • for SMEs Achieved results are even more positive than expected ones Francesca Pasquini - Eupolis Lombardia

  11. Reconciliation work and family life Dote reconciliation – for workers Dote reconciliation – for firms Small and Medium Enterprises notify the engagement, through fixed term contract (not less than 6 months) or permanent contract, of mothers with children up to 5 years old, excluded from the job market or working in precarious working conditions • parents returning to work after the maternity leave which don’t benefit of a part-time contract, and are employed in SMEs • parents exercising free professional vendor • mothers freelancers 1.000 € for company Delivered 600 doti Type of enterprise: 32% Micro; 23,5% Small; 44,5% Medium Type of mother engage: 77% work in precarious working conditions 23% excluded from the job market Type of contract: 16% max 6 month 52,5% more than 6 month 31% permanent contract Reimbursement of € 200 per month for 8 months for the purchase of conciliation services Delivered 1700 doti 80% Nursery, 7,5% Small nursery, 4,5% Family nursery

  12. Promote welfare in local SMEs Tender for enterprise and inter-enterprise welfare projects • 66 projects submitted • 33 eligible to funding • 377 actors in partnership networks Workers beneficiaries: 6.346 Financial resources allocated: 5 M € Share of enterprise co-financing (20%): 1.390.933 € • Examples of actions: • “Time saving” services: agreements with local shops for goods, support for paperwork and errands, to carry out domestic work (ironing, laundry etc.). • Transport services and car sharing • Expansion of health coverage by joining a Health care Supplementary Fund • Agreements with local services (Nursery, kindergartens, educational tutoring) Project Area: 60,5% Welfare models integrated to promote social development at local level 27% Enterprise welfare 12,5% Pilot projects of second-level agreements for the activation of inter-Enterprise welfare programmes

  13. Future perspectives • The work on the 13 territorial networks continues: • - new resources for experimenting the Dote programmes in all 13 areas • - extension to new target to families with care responsibilities for the elderly and • disabled • - expansion of the range of welfare services • New call for company-based welfare projects • Closer focus on second-level collective agreements • The total budget for the next programme of incentives amounts to around 15 mio€ Francesca Pasquini - EupolisLombardia

  14. INTERNATIONAL WORKLIFE BALANCE AWARD the Lombardy region rewards companies, non-profit organizations and Public Administrations, all over the world, that exemplify the best work-family conciliations adopted. Practices that conciliate work and family include, with reference to this award, all policies and initiatives regarding: personnel management, task management, company and inter-company welfare and connections with local welfare policies. These practices aim to improve the business climate and create the perfect balance between personal commitments, family life, and business associates/colleagues. 5 awards: Africa, America, Asia, Europe and Lombardy Region 147 project from over the world

  15. Thank you for your attention! Visit our website http://www.famiglia.regione.lombardia.it Contact: francesca.pasquini@eupolislombardia.it daniele_ghitti@regione.lombardia.it

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