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Day 2 Instructors

Systematic Planning for Environmental Decision-Making DOE EM-5/NAMP Day 2 DQO Training DOE RICHLAND Real Property Release Interest Group HAMMER Training and Education Center, Al Alm Building, Room A5 2890 Horn Rapids Road Richland, WA 99352 Date: Tuesday, March 19, 2002. Sebastian Tindall

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Day 2 Instructors

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  1. Systematic Planning for Environmental Decision-MakingDOE EM-5/NAMP Day 2 DQO TrainingDOE RICHLANDReal Property Release Interest GroupHAMMER Training and Education Center, Al Alm Building, Room A5 2890 Horn Rapids RoadRichland, WA 99352Date: Tuesday, March 19, 2002

  2. Sebastian Tindall Bechtel Hanford Inc. 3350 George Washington Way Richland, WA 99352 (509) 372-9195sctindal@mail.bhi-erc.com James R. Davidson, Jr. Davidson and Davidson, Inc. (DDI) 8390 Gage Blvd., Suite 205 Kennewick, WA 99336 (509) 374-4498 davidson@owt.com Day 2 Instructors Mitzi Miller Environmental Quality Management, Inc. (EQM) 1777 Terminal DriveRichland, WA 99352 (509) 946-4985 eqmmitzi@owt.com Al Robinson Environmental Quality Management, Inc. (EQM) 1777 Terminal Dr. Richland, WA 99352 (509) 946-4985 arobinsn@3-cities.com

  3. Day 2 DQO Training CourseModule 1 Introduction, Objectives, and Agenda Presenter: Sebastian Tindall 8:00 AM - 8:15 AM (30 minutes)

  4. Introduction NAMP/EM-5 DQO Mission: • Make defensible decisions by managing uncertainty via systematic planning • Institutionalize the standardized Data Quality Objectives (DQO) Process (systematic planning) throughout the Department of Energy (DOE) complex

  5. NAMP/EM-5 Courses To accomplish the mission, two courses have been developed: • Day 1- Managing Uncertainty for Environmental Decision Making • Overview of Systematic Planning with implementation approaches and tools • Audience - anyone • Day 2- Systematic Planning for Environmental Decision Making • ‘How to’ Implement the process • Audience - those who perform the DQO Process

  6. Day 2 Course Objectives • Learn • “How to” for each activity in each of the 7 steps of the DQO Process • Basic statistical concepts using hands-on examples and computer simulations • How to manage uncertainty in the sampling and analysis design process • New Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) “TRIAD” approach for implementation of sampling

  7. Systematic Planning Dynamic Work Plans Real-Time Measurement Technologies The TRIAD Approach

  8. Important “How To” Concepts • Scoping is the most important activity • Poor scoping promotes distrust between regulators and facility managers • Using an independent facilitator who has technical knowledge promotes agreement between different opinions • Interviews with decision makers promote consensus and resolution of global issues

  9. Important “How To” Concepts (cont.) • Global issues are those that do not require data to resolve but are crucial for success • Global issues are those that include interpretation of regulations • Resolution of global issues ensures technical staff resolve disagreements between decision makers prior to developing sampling designs • Good decisions require defensible sampling and analysis designs

  10. Statistical Concepts • Generate frequency distributions • Transform numerical to graphical probability functions • Generate histograms • Evaluate error consequences versus target error rates • Evaluate error rates, number of samples, versus cost of analysis

  11. How Many Samples do I Need? REMEMBER: HETEROGENEITY IS THE RULE!

  12. Remember • Population is the TOTAL universe of objects within the decision unit • The only way to make decisions without errors is to take a CENSUS • Can’t sample or “measure” the ENTIRE site • Population must therefore be sampled representatively THUS

  13. Uncertainty is additive!Analytical + Sub-sampling +Natural heterogeneity of the site=Total Uncertainty

  14. Errors Are unavoidable!

  15. Decision errors can be managed

  16. How Many Samples do I Need? Sampling heterogeneity decreases as sampling density increases. REMEMBER:

  17. To Control Sampling Error • Control sub-sampling methods and sample mixing methods • Take larger sample volumes • Reduce particle size • Specify methods that fit the sample size and particle size • Increase sample density by performing more on-site, rapid analyses

  18. Deficiencies and Inconsistencies in Environmental Decision Making • Exist because an integrated decision-making process is not being used to make environmental decisions • Result from the lack of systematic planning • Result from failure to manage uncertainty • Result from lack of standard documentation • Result in decisions that are not scientifically, technically, or legally defensible • Result in vulnerability to third-party challenges

  19. Day 2 DQO Training CourseModule 2 The EPA 7-Step DQO Process Step 1 - State the Problem Presenters: Mitzi Miller and Al Robinson 8:15 AM - 9:30 AM (75 minutes)

  20. Day 2 DQO Training CourseModule 3 The EPA 7-Step DQO Process Step 2 - Identify the Decisions Presenter: Sebastian Tindall 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM (15 minutes)

  21. Day 2 DQO Training CourseModule 4 The EPA 7-Step DQO Process Step 3 - Identify Inputs Presenters: Mitzi Miller and Al Robinson 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM (45 minutes)

  22. Day 2 DQO Training CourseModule 5 The EPA 7-Step DQO Process Step 4 - Specify Boundaries Presenters: Sebastian Tindall and Al Robinson 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM (60 minutes)

  23. Day 2 DQO Training CourseModule 6 The EPA 7-Step DQO Process Step 5 - Define Decision Rules Presenter: Sebastian Tindall 11:45 AM - 12:00 PM (15 minutes)

  24. Day 2 DQO Training CourseModule 7 The EPA 7-Step DQO Process Statistical Concepts and Demonstrations Presenter: Jim Davidson 1:00 PM – 2:45 PM (105 minutes)

  25. Day 2 DQO Training CourseModule 8 The EPA 7-Step DQO Process Step 6 - Specify Error Tolerances Presenter: Sebastian Tindall 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM (30 minutes)

  26. Day 2 DQO Training CourseModule 9 The EPA 7-Step DQO Process Step 7 - Optimize Sample Design Presenters: Mitzi Miller and Al Robinson 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM (75 minutes)

  27. Day 2 DQO Training CourseModule 10 Closing Remarks Presenter: Sebastian Tindall 4:45 PM - 5:00 PM (15 minutes)

  28. Appendix AEvolution of the DQO Concept • Objectives: • To illustrate how the DQO Process has matured over time from a qualitative concept to practical implementation • To reinforce DOE’s requirement for integrating the DQO Process into all environmental sampling activities • To dispel the misconception that DQOs are the PARCC parameters

  29. Appendix BU.S. EPA Inspector General Audit Reports • Objectives: • To highlight important findings from the EPA Inspector General Audit Reports • To underscore the fact that EPA itself has not been implementing the DQO Process properly • To present EPA’s new commitment to a systematic planning process for environmental decision-making

  30. Appendix C: • Thomas Grumbly DOE DQO directive, September 1994 • Appendix D: • Timothy Fields EPA OSWER directive,June 1999 • Appendix E: • Expedited Site Characterization Field Quality Assurance Meeting minutes,January 1994

  31. Appendix F: Effective Data • Deana Crumbling, U.S. EPA-HQ • ES&T: Managing Uncertainty… • White Paper: Triad Approach… • White Paper: Applying Effective Data... • White Paper: Relationship: SW-846, PBMS... • White Paper: Clarifying DQO Terminology… • Dr. Bart Simmons, CAL/EPA DTSC • Using Field Methods: Court decisions • Dr. Al Robbat, Tufts University • Dynamic Work Plans & Field Analytics • Sebastian Tindall, BHI • ESC M-Cubed Approach • Culture Change Flow Chart

  32. Appendix G: • List of Acronyms and Symbols used in course materials • Appendix H: • U.S. EPA ORDER 5360.1 A2 CHG 2 May 5, 2000

  33. Do it! (Get the job done - right) Prove it! (Document what/why/how) Certified We want to help you:

  34. Final Exam Preview • Old answer - A painful elaboration of the obvious • Hint: Answer has 3 items What is the DQO Process in a Nutshell?

  35. Evaluation Form

  36. End of Module 1 Thank you

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