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TOPIC STATEMENT. By Rafael Ferrer M. When you face a research or a thesis, the first step you need to do is to write your topic statement. Here you’ll find some hints to do such task. Identifying a reseach topic. Charateristics of your reseach topic. Your research topic statement.
TOPIC STATEMENT By Rafael Ferrer M. When you face a research or a thesis, the first step you need to do is to write your topic statement. Here you’ll find some hints to do such task. Identifying a reseach topic Charateristics of your reseach topic Your research topic statement Examples of research topic statement Hints to write your topic statement Evaluate your own topic statement Links for further help
You can get your research topic from: Teaching translation Translation working field Conference interpretation Trasnlation in cultural interchange An area of your interest An area related to your specialisation Computing Material design Your favourite subject at school An actual problem you have in your development • Bibliographical references (from your school books, papers, serials, lectures, etc.) Fashion topics in lectures, leaflets, etc. Questions from your school material, classes, etc. Newmark, P. (2003). A textbook of translation. Essex, England: Pearson Education Limited. (1a. publicación 1988) Newmark, P. (1988). Approaches to translation. Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshie: Prentice Hall International (UK). (1a. publicación 1982) Sánchez Calderaro, D. (1998). ‘Considerations on teaching translation’. Translation Journal Vol. 2. No. 3. [On line]. Disponible en línea en http://accurapid.com/journal/05educ.htm. (fecha de acceso 08 de abril de 2005) The first step is that the student asks himself what is the topic on which his research will be base on. In the case that he has already chosen a topic, or at least he has a grasp of it, then it must be evaluated if this topic is feasible to carry on in a research, taking into account its importance, magnitude, feasibility, congruence and viability, as well as the required knowledge to do the research. Go back to the first slide
Researchable Interesting Narrowed Be sure your research topic has these caracteristics: Specific Information available Accurate Manegeable Challenging Debatable Originality One point Go back to the first slide
Express your research topic in a statement + v + c It has a conjugated verb It has a unit of analisis(subjects, documentes, institutions, etc.), two variables (aspects you can and cannot manipulate). Go back to the first slide
Too general Improving Reading Comprhension Improving Reading Comprehension through the Use of Reading Skills Not a statement The use of literal translation improves students’ learning vocabulary Good... The limitations of the MT (Machina Translation) affects the naturalness of a technical text translation output Good... Go back to the first slide
Write an aspect of your area of interest which you could manipulate, control, etc. For example: translation of simple sentences translation of simple sentences Write an aspect of your area of interest which you could not manipulate, control, etc. For example: translation competence translation competence Write an element in which you could apply, observe, etc, the above aspects. For example: first semester students First semester students The translation of simple sentences as a didactic strategy develops first semester students’ tranlation competence at the cohesive level Organise the above written elements in a coherent statement Go back to the first slide
Write your topic statement and tick each aspect it fulfills. If your topic lacks more than 3 then think deeper and rearrange it. If you are not sure about what a statement is, first check in a grammar book Go back to the first slide
For further help check these links... Turner (2007) Writing a topic sentence. http://www.writingcentre.uottawa.ca/hypergrammar/partopic.html Anson (2007) Thesis statements http://www.unc.edu/depts/wcweb/handouts/thesis.html Wells (2008) How to write a thesis statement http://www.indiana.edu/~ wts/pamphlets/thesis_statement.shtml University of Ottawa-Canada’s University http://www.uottawa.ca/academic/arts/writcent/hypergrammar/thstatment.html#thesis%2ostatement Writing tutorial services http://www.indiana.edu/~wts/pamphlets/thesis_statement.shtml #unassigned Handouts and links http://www.unc.edu/depts/wcweb/handouts/thesis.html Go back to the first slide