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Drugs which influence on functioning of digestive organs

Drugs which influence on functioning of digestive organs. Part 2. Among substances that influence on functioning of digestive organs there are following groups of drugs : Drugs which influence on appetite ; Emetic and antiemetic drugs ;

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Drugs which influence on functioning of digestive organs

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  1. Drugs which influence on functioning of digestive organs Part 2

  2. Among substances that influence on functioning of digestive organs there are following groups of drugs: • Drugs which influence on appetite; • Emetic and antiemetic drugs; • Drugs which are used in case of disturbed function of gastric glands; • Hepatotropic drugs; • Drugs used in case of disturbed excretory function of pancreas; • проносні засоби; • Drugs which influence on motor function of intestines

  3. Hepatotropic drugs Jaundice (?) Liver protectors Cholelytholytic

  4. Classification of жовчогінних drugs: • Drugs which stimulate bile ptoduction (choleretics, cholesecretors) • Drugs which increase secretion of bile and stimulate production of bile acids(true choleretics) • а) drugs which include bile acids(allochol, cholenzyme) • б) synthetic drugs(nicodine, oxafenamide) • в) drugs of plant origin(безсмертник піщаний, кукурудзяні приймочки, pepper mint, піжмо, dog-rose, cholagol) • Drugs which increase secretion of bile primarily due to water component(hydrocholeretics: mineral waters, valerian drugs) • Drugs which stimulate bile secretion (cholekinetics) • drugs which cause increasing of gall-bladder tone and decreasing of bile ducts tone (cholekinetics: magnesium sulfate, sorbit, barberries). • drugs which cause relaxation of bile ducts tone (cholespasmolytics: M-cholinoblockers, euphyllin, nitroglycerine).

  5. Allochol (Allocholum)

  6. Кукурудзяні приймочки Безсмертник піщаний Drugs of plant origin Dog-rose

  7. Cholagol

  8. Pharmacodynamics of magnesium sulfate depending of way of administration

  9. Clinical classification of antioxidants • Antioxidants of direct action • Drugs which contain vitamin E (tocopherole acetate, aevit). • Vitamin C drugs (acrobatic acid, galascorbin, ascorutin). • Bioflavonoids (legalon, flamin, flakumin, sylibor, convaflavin). • Drugs which include thiol groups (unithiol, thiosulfate sodium). • Antioxidants of indirect action • Drugs which regulate phospholipid contents of cell membranes (essentiale, lipin, retinol, aevit). • Precursors of pyridine nucleotides (nicotinic acid, nocotinamid). • Precursors of glutation (metionin, cystein, glutamic acid). • Drugs which induct glutationperoxydase (selenium containing drugs). • Other drugs which increase antioxidating potential of blood and tissues (lipoic acid, lilamid, organic drugs of liver).

  10. Tocopherole acetate (Tocopheroli acetas) Vitamin E is produced in many forms: 5 %, 10 % and 30 % oil solution in 10, 20 and 50 ml bottles; elastic capsules with 0,1 and 0,2 ml of 50 % solution in oil; ampoules with 1 ml of 5 %, 10 % and 30 % oil solutions.

  11. Розтропша плямиста

  12. CarsilLegalon

  13. Mechanism of action of legalon

  14. Essentiale Is produced in 5 ml ampoules and in capsules

  15. Lipostabil

  16. Pancreatin (Panсreatinum) Is produced in 0,25 gand 0,5 g dragee (tablets).

  17. Panzynorm forte

  18. Festal, Enzistal, Mezym-forte

  19. No-spa, nicospan

  20. Baralgin

  21. Крушина звичайна

  22. Bisakodil

  23. Guttalax

  24. Bil-berriesSt. John’s wort

  25. Pepper mintChamomile

  26. Imodium

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