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Accessory Organs of the Digestive System. Teeth. Know: 4 types & functions Humans have 32 (most have their 4 wisdom teeth removed). Salivary Glands. 3 pairs Parotid glands Submandibular Sublingual S ecrete saliva (mix of mucus and serous fluid) into mouth
Teeth • Know: • 4 types & functions • Humans have 32 (most have their 4 wisdom teeth removed)
Salivary Glands • 3 pairs • Parotid glands • Submandibular • Sublingual • Secrete saliva(mix of mucus and serous fluid) into mouth • Moistens food intoa mass bolus • Contains salivary amylase begins to break down starches • Has lysozymes and antibodies that kill bacteria
Mumps • Inflammation of the parotid salivary gland • Swelling, tenderness • Incidence has decreased since MMR vaccines
Pancreas • Makes enzymes that break down all food types (carbs, proteins, fats) • Enzymes secreted in duodenum in alkaline fluid • Produces hormones: insulin and glucagon that go into the blood
Liver • Largest gland • Digestive function – produces bile (goes to duodenum via bile duct) • When bile is not needed stored in gallbladder
Liver • Hepatitis – inflammation of the liver • - Often due to viral infection spread in contaminated water, needles, or blood-blood contact • Cirrhosis – chronic inflammation of the liver; becomes hard and fibrous • often caused by drinking too much alcohol • also caused by hepatitis
Gallbladder • Sac on inferior surface of liver that stores bile (inc. concentration) • Gallstones – too much water removed from bile & cholesterol crystallizes • Jaundiced – bile pigments back up and skin/eyes become yellow