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2011 NEASC Visiting Team Report

What does it all mean?. 2011 NEASC Visiting Team Report.

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2011 NEASC Visiting Team Report

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  1. What does it all mean? 2011 NEASCVisiting Team Report

  2. “The Minnechaug Regional High School community consciously and continuously builds a safe, positive, respectful and supportive culture that fosters student responsibility for learning and results in shared ownership, pride, and high expectations for all.” (2011 Report)

  3. Remember the process:The Accreditation Cycle Evaluation Visit Follow-Up Ten Year Cycle Self-Study Two-Year Report Special Progress Reports Pre-Self-Study Report Five-Year Report

  4. Don’t Forget to Celebrate!!! Represents a ten year period at Minnechaug Represents three years of work on behalf of the faculty and staff This report is not Minnechaug’s…it is representative of…..Us…..We….Ours….. Everyone has a role in maintaining the highpoints and assisting with the improvement areas.

  5. 53 Commendations

  6. CommendationsBig Ideas: Community Teaching & Learning Culture Curriculum

  7. CommendationsBig Ideas: Community That the citizens of Hampden & Wilbraham, along with the support of the towns’ Boards of Selectmen worked collaboratively with the School Committee to support and procure funding for a new, 21st Century High School opening in August of 2012!

  8. CommendationsBig Ideas: Teaching & Learning • The efforts made by teachers on a consistent basis to differentiate, personalize, and support student learning while maintaining high expectations and rigor. • The high level of student support: MCAS tutoring, New Special Education Model, STAT, Counseling Programs. • The high level of faculty expertise in their content and their dedication to engaging students in active and reflective learning that promotes inquiry, problem solving and higher order thinking

  9. CommendationsBig Ideas: Culture Students, Parents, Teachers, Administrators and the NEASC Visiting Team frequently commented on Minnechaug’s School Culture as: • Safe • Postive • Respectful • High Expectations for All

  10. CommendationsBig Ideas: Curriculum The NEASC Visiting Team affirmed that our school’s curriculum is: • Well written and consistent across disciplines • Written Curriculum matches the Taught Curriculum • Driven by Higher Order Thinking • Challenging and Rigorous • Offers unique Partnership Opportunities for Extended Learning: • 460 Internships in last 5 years • WNEU, STCC, HCC Dual Enrollment, CTEC • Online Learning opportunities

  11. Improvement Focus In order to be effective, School Improvement needs to be…. Continuous… Meaningful… Collaborative…

  12. Improvement AreasBig Ideas: Facility Advisory Program Staffing & Resources Student Learning Expectations (SLEs) Collaboration Time for Teachers

  13. Improvement AreasBig Ideas: Facility • Current facility is inadequate to deliver our intended curriculum • If not for the community’s support for a new Minnechaug, we believe we would be on Probation for our Accreditation status • NEASC Acknowledged the community’s commitment for a new facility • NEASC has concerns regarding appropriate custodial staffing and appropriate capital planning for future improvements to the new facility

  14. Improvement AreasBig Ideas: Advisory • Developing and implementing an effective Advisory program that meets the needs of our students, utilizes the strength of our faculty & staff, and is meaningful for all has been a struggle for many years • Progress already being made in this area…met with DD/RC about piloting a high school curriculum at MRHS • Student Leaders conducted a survey in the fall and spring of 2011 asking students if there was an adult in the building they felt safe going to if they had a problem • In the Spring of 2011 83% said yes • In the Fall of 2011 94% said yes • List given to Guidance Counselors to follow up with those that said no.

  15. Improvement AreasBig Ideas: Staffing & Resources • Per pupil expenditure of $11,508 is not competitive with our neighboring districts and falls below state average of $13,006 • Reduction of staff members over the past five years: • 131.2 staff in 2007 for 1288 students • 119.6 staff in 2012 for 1251 students • Difference of 37 students while a reduction of 11.6 staff members • New building, new equipment, new technology…..sustainability plan….what happens in five years, ten years….at our next NEASC visit?

  16. Improvement AreasBig Ideas: SLEs • Student Learning Expectations need to drive curriculum & instruction, policy, and resource allocation • Need more clarity for students, parents, and teachers. • Need to identify which are academic, social, and civic • Develop an assessment tool and consistent evaluation cycle across all disciplines • New to NEASC, we were one of the first cycles to be evaluated on SLEs • Beginning this work already

  17. Improvement AreasBig Ideas: Collaboration Time • Teachers need common collaboration time for planning and curricular alignment: • Horizontally • Vertically • Interdisciplinary • Atlas Rubicon will help and this training has already begun. • Time that is teacher directed but that addresses multitude of state and federal mandates • The spirit of collaboration amongst the teachers is very evident…..all we need is time

  18. So…What does all this mean? • Based on our experience and the evidence cited in the report, Minnechaug can anticipate receiving Continued Accreditation • I would also anticipate a Focused Improvement Plan to address: • Certified Library/Media Specialist • This position is in the FY13 Budget, has been posted, and we anticipate beginning to interview in May

  19. Lessons for HWRSD

  20. So What’s the Score…? We have continued improvement ahead of us Of the seven NEASC standards, our strongest areas were: • School Culture • Curriculum • Instruction • Assessment These are the areas you would want any school to be strongest in

  21. “Students describe their relationship with the teachers as one of mutual respect and describe their school as a close and caring community.” (2011 Report)

  22. Student Centered Learning Place The students, parents, faculty, and staff feel safe at Minnechaug Teaching & Learning is rigorous for all and well supported The curriculum is comprehensive, well documented, and matches the taught curriculum The community supports education

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