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Developing Successful Academic Relations with Taiwan

Developing Successful Academic Relations with Taiwan. Presented by: Dr. Gail Cuthbert Brandt Dr. Lawrence Huang Dr. Mario Laforest. Canada - Taiwan Comparison Chart (2004-2005). Numbers of Student Visas Issued by Major Countries of Destination. (Source: Ministry of Education).

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Developing Successful Academic Relations with Taiwan

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  1. Developing Successful Academic Relations with Taiwan Presented by: Dr. Gail Cuthbert Brandt Dr. Lawrence Huang Dr. Mario Laforest

  2. Canada - Taiwan Comparison Chart (2004-2005)

  3. Numbers of Student Visas Issued by Major Countries of Destination (Source: Ministry of Education)

  4. Foreign Students in Taiwan (Source: Ministry of Education)

  5. INCREASING NUMBER OF FOREIGN STUDENTS IN CANADA (FLOWS) Foreign Student Population by Principal Country of Origin, Annual Flows – Initial Entries, 2000-2002 Reference: Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Facts and Figures 2002

  6. Major Agenda of Higher Education in Taiwan • Quality Assurance • Internationalization • Accountability

  7. Government Partnership • The Canadian Trade Office in Taipei (CTOT) • Ministry of Education • “Memorandum of Understanding on Education Cooperation” • Canada-Taiwan Conference on Higher Education

  8. Scholarship Opportunities to Canadian Students • Taiwan Scholarships: 5 scholarships (duration 3 to 4 years) for degree programs, e.g. Bachelor, master and Ph.D. degrees • Mandarin Language Scholarships: 5 Scholarships (duration 1 year) for language and culture programs

  9. Research Grants for Taiwan Studies • Nature of grants: Promote Taiwan studies in Canada and foster contacts between academics in both countries. Only scholars are eligible for this grant. • Benefits: Travel allowance (round – trip Canada – Taiwan economy ticket) Per diem of US$180 (up to three weeks) • Total number of grantees since 1994: “Canadian Association of Taiwan Studies” (CATS) with 36 members • Annual Conference Meetings: 2003 in Ottawa, 2004 in Calgary and 2005 in Montreal

  10. English Teachers Recruiting • Canada, through the CECN Network, is the first country to reach an agreement with Taiwan in 2004 to recruit certified English teachers to come to Taiwan to teach at elementary schools. • Since September 2004, 35 teachers have come to Taiwan • The target for 2006 is 100 teachers

  11. Agreement of Academic Cooperation Between Quebec and Taiwan • Quebec offers ten “Quebecer tuition fees rate” bursaries to Taiwanese college students • Taiwan offers ten “tuition fees free” bursaries • The agreement will be signed in Spring 2006

  12. Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC)International Academic Mobility (IAM) Initiative • Program for North American Mobility in Higher Education • Canada – European Union Program for Co-operation in Higher Education and Training • Canada – Asia (?)

  13. Tips on Working with Taiwan Partners • Participation in overseas education fairs • Establish direct academic linkages with colleges or universities • Choose a reputable local recruiting agent for ESL program • Provide your best service to the students on campus • Work closely with our offices in Canada

  14. Useful Links for Canadian Students • GOVERNMENT LINKS IN TAIWAN Taiwan’s Ministry of Education – www.moe.gov.tw Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs – www.mofa.gov.tw Taiwan’s Government Information Office – www.gio.gov.tw • VISITING TAIWAN Taiwan Map –www.taiwan-map.com General Information on Taiwan – • STUDY OPPORTUNITIES IN TAIWAN Study in Taiwan – www.studyintaiwan.org Taiwan Scholarship for Canadian Students – www.comnet.ca/~moecult/2005_2006_Scholarship.htm Language Scholarship for Canadian Students – www.comnet.ca/~moecult/Language_Scholarship.htm List of Universities and Colleges in Taiwan – www.studyintaiwan.org/university_college_guide/university_college_guide.htm List of Mandarin Language Centers – www.studyintaiwan.org/learning-chinese/learning-chinese.htm • TAIPEI ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL OFFICE, CANADA Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, Canada – www.taiwan-canada.org Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, Toronto – www.toronto-teco.org Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, Vancouver – www.taiwan-vancouver.org

  15. 2005 Autumn Education UK Exhibition The Best You Can Be!! The British Council is holding an Education UK Exhibition from the 29 October to 5 November 2005, in Taipei, Hsinchu, Taichung and Kaoshiung. Representatives from 95 British Universities and Schools will be taking part and you will be able to find out about a wide range of full time and distance learning courses from Secondary School to University study including English Language and Vocational Courses as well as Undergraduate, Masters and PhD qualifications.

  16. Canadian Education Fair Taipei, Taiwan October 7~8, 2005

  17. The Go Abroad Fair Toronto, Canada October 14~15, 2005

  18. Opportunities for Canadian Universities in Taiwan Dr. Gail Cuthbert Brandt University of Waterloo Canadian Bureau for International Education November 14, 2005

  19. Personal and Institutional Connections to Taiwan • 1992-2002 (Principal, Renison College, UW) -annual East Asian Festivals -generous support by TECO Toronto and TECO Ottawa in supporting the cultural programming (e.g. loaning traditional Chinese costumes) - Renison professor of Psychology awarded a Taiwan Studies Grant for Canadian scholars to support her research in cross-cultural study of how children learn

  20. Institutional Connections,2 • 2003-present (Associate Vice-President Academic – responsible for international relations) • Faculty of Engineering, UW has had an exchange with National Taiwan University since 2003 • 2005 – UW signed an MOU with NTU - attended the 8th annual Canada-Taiwan Conference on Higher Education held at National Taiwan University, May 2-4, 2005 -main theme: “University Education for Global Citizenship” -attended by representatives of 12 Canadian universities and 14 Taiwanese universities

  21. 8th Canada-Taiwan Conference on Higher Education

  22. 8th Canada-Taiwan Conference on Higher Education • Issues explored included: joint degree/dual degree recognition, credit recognition between universities, faculty and student exchanges, and other areas for collaboration • Minister of Education announced that the government of Taiwan will provide extra funding to Taiwanese universities that internationalize • Taiwanese focus on advanced engineering, S & T

  23. Areas of Collaboration • Research -Taiwan is one of the world’s leader in computer technology and semiconductor research - government invests heavily in R & D - world renowned research park in Hsinchu (72 km. south of Taipei) -two of Taiwan’s top national universities – National Tsing Hua University and National Chiao Tung University are located in same city -Hsinchu known as the “Science City of Taiwan”

  24. Research, 2 • Given emphasis on internationalization, many excellent opportunities for Canadian faculty to go to Taiwan as visiting professors • Areas of strength in Taiwanese Universities: Chinese literature, indigenous studies, biodiversity, semiconductors , SME management, international business, regional studies, semi-tropical diseases

  25. Research, 3 • Academia Sinica (www.sinica.edu.tw) - Taiwan’s pre-eminent research institute, affiliated directly to the Presidential Office of R.O.C. -headed by Nobel laureate in Chemistry, Dr. Yuan-Tseh Lee -25 research institutes in the areas of mathematics, physical sciences, life sciences, humanities and social sciences headed by world-class scholars -tremendous opportunities for Canadian graduate students and faculty to connect with these research institutes

  26. Areas of Collaboration • Student Exchanges -in 2004, 32,000 outgoing students from Taiwan; only 6,000 incoming -Taiwanese government and universities are keen to achieve more balance - % of student body that is international will become a KPI for universities

  27. Student Exchanges, 2 - 158 universities in Taiwan represent excellent opportunities for Canadian universities to develop exchanges - many top quality, comprehensive universities as potential partners - graduate exchanges

  28. Areas of collaboration: Joint Degrees • great potential at both the undergraduate and graduate level • advantageous to students – less expensive since spend only two years (or 1 yr. in case of Masters) in Canada & get degree from both institutions • reinforces connections among faculty members on both sides

  29. Other Opportunities: Visa Students • International Student Recruitment - in 2004, Taiwan was Canada’s 6th largest market for study visas – 22% were issued to those seeking BA or grad degree -Canada was students’ 2nd choice after USA - considerable room for expansion since only approx. 2100 Taiwanese came to study in Canada while over 14,000 went to USA -high standard of living in Taiwan, high value put on education, parents willing to pay for high quality education

  30. Other Opportunities, 2 • Strong interest in graduate programs – in last five years, numbers of Taiwanese students seeking grad degrees has more than doubled • CECN report, July 2004: “Quality candidates are often discouraged by the long response time of Canadian graduate programs compared to those of other countries.”

  31. Other opportunities, 3 • ESL -continued strong demand for ESL programs at all levels -for Canadian universities and colleges, ESL programs tied to conditional admission is very attractive -opportunities for exchange of ESL personnel with ESL centres at major Taiwanese universities

  32. Conclusion • For Canadian universities, there are many excellent opportunities to build strong academic relations with Taiwan’s universities and relationships, and to recruit high quality undergraduate and graduate students

  33. Experimental Forest of National Taiwan University, Chitou

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