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Mission Statement . Knox Junior High School is committed to creatingand maintaining an environment whereby each studentis given the opportunity and encouragement togrow intellectually, physically, emotionally, and socially in order to assume a responsible role in today'sever-changing world. Stud
1. Knox Junior High School
Welcome Future Knights!
2. Mission Statement
3. Administration Mr. Daw (Principal)
Mrs. Good (Assistant Principal A-K)
Mr. Gourley (Assistant Principal L-Z)
Mrs. Morrow (School Counselor A-K)
Ms. McCracken (School Counselor L-Z)
4. Welcome Looking forward to a new year
New challenges for students
New responsibilities for students
New opportunities for students
5. Goals Provide a safe environment
Enable students to become successful:
Encourage well-rounded education
Prepare students for their future
Work together to make school a fun place to be
6. A Typical Day Arriving at School
Time into Building (8:00am)
Students must remain in the cafeteria until 8:40am
First bell rings at 8:40 to go to first period
Tardy bell rings at 8:50
Lunch/4th Period (30 min lunches)
School Ends at 3:55
Pick-up/Car and Bus
7. Sample 7th Grade Schedule
8. The Registration Process Mr.Daw visited with Intermediate School teachers
Distribute course selection sheets (Guides Available Online or by Request)
Information Nights
Course selection sheets are due Feb 15.
Counselors will visit your campus on Feb 16 (Collins) and Feb 17 (Wilkerson) to input your Course Selection Sheets
Course Selections sent home April 2nd
9. Information Nights Parent Night
Feb 6 at 6:30pm
Your parents are invited to attend in the cafeteria.
Elective Night/Counselor Help Sessions
Feb 13 at 6:00 pm
You and your parents are invited to attend.
Counselors will be available to discuss your course selections on a first come first serve basis.
10. 7-12 Program of Studies: Course Description and School Information Guide General Information
Course Descriptions
Placement Criteria
Athletic Information
High School Degree Plans/Career clusters
On Website under Parent/ Student Services
11. Factors in the Scheduling Process Staffing
Class Size
Availability of Course
Core Course Selection
Level vs. PreAP
Specialty Classes
Many Unique Choices for electives
Seniority – 8th grade gets 1st choice
12. Adventure Into Academics Core Subject Information
13. Required 7th Grade Courses Language Arts
Texas History
Physical Education
14. Academic Success! Use planner/agenda
Attend teacher tutorials (teachers provide this information via webpage, class syllabus, etc…)
Parent/Student Access Center (PAC/SAC) will give you an opportunity to stay current with your class averages and attendance records
15. Academic Placement Pre-AP
Language Arts
Texas History
Rigorous Curriculum
More challenging
Look at the requirements
More Homework is to be expected
More outside projects
Are you a thinker and a doer? Work ethic is everything in PreAP.
In high school do you plan to take AP classes prior to graduation? If so, PreAP needs to be strongly considered.
2 PreAP classes are recommended
16. Enrichment Classes: Math Enrichment and Reading Enrichment All students’ TAKS and STAAR scores will be reviewed
Students needing assistance will be placed in a mandatory TAKS class
Usually the student will score 75 or below on test scores
Previous years will be examined as well
8th graders who do not pass may not go on to 9th grade
Do your BEST in 6th grade on STAAR!!
17. Semester and Final Exams All classes will take a semester and final exam during the course of the year
The exam may or may not be cumulative
The exam will count 10% of the students semester average for junior high courses
The semester and final exams for courses that receive high school credit will count 15% of the semester average (Algebra, Geometry, Spanish, Health, Communication Applications)
18. Information to Help A Guide to Success
19. Communication E-Mail – Easiest, Quickest
Agendas – Provided to keep YOU on track and organized in your classes.
Teacher Web pages
Knox Web page http://info.conroeisd.net/junior/knox/index.htm
Counselor Web page for more information
Parent/Teacher Conferences – welcomed!!
20. Student Access CISD Homepage www.conroeisd.net
Student Access https://pac.conroeisd.net/slogin.asp
Class Conferences
Student Email accounts through First Class
Students file storage on First Class
21. School Rules Provide a Safe Atmosphere
Provide a Healthy School Environment
Provide a Positive and Proud Attitude
Limit Disruptions - Distractions to a minimum
Positive student behavior has a direct effect on student success!
22. Discipline Knight Pride… Men of Character and Ladies of Honor
Knight Pride Tickets
Earn prizes for good behavior
Teach Problem Solving Skills
Teach Good Decision- Making Skills
Promote School Safety
23. Guiding our Knights
Knight School
Character Ed. program
Knighting Ceremony for new students
Counseling Groups
Mentor Program
24. Electives A Taste of Adventure
25. Elective Choices Art I
Music Appreciation
Exploring Career Connections
Computer Applications
Technology I
Teen Leadership
Theater Arts I
Theater Arts II
Human Services
TV broadcasting
Health (8th only)
Comm. App. ( 8th Only)
Spanish I (8TH only)
Art II (8th Only)
26. Spanish I 1 year program- 8th grade only
Will receive an elective high school credit
Will count as a foreign language credit in high school
Must have a strong A average in 7th grade Language Arts
27. Athletics Athletic Period
Volleyball (sign up for Girls Athletics)
Football (sign up for Boys athletics)
Basketball (For B-Ball only sign up for P.E.)
Cross Country (sign up for Cross Country)
Before or After school
28. Athletics Watch for Tryout/meeting dates – all 6th graders who want to be in athletics will need to attend one meeting this Spring
Feb 13(Elective Night)
Coaches will visit your campus
Watch for practice start dates
Physicals required
Birth Certificate - copy
1 year Commitment!!!!!!!
29. Private PE Application required: http://ci.conroeisd.net/depts/pe/alt/
5+ hours per week will fulfill the Physical Education requirement (attend school all day but no PE or Athletics)
15 + hours a week for early release 7th period at 3:05
Must be an approved facility
Must register for a year-long elective
30. Fine Arts Music Band
Each of these courses requires an audition.
Each course is a full year course.
1 year Commitment!!!!
31. Spirit/Performing Groups Cheerleaders
Parent meeting March 6, 6:30
Tryouts March 19-22
Information packets will be available at your campus front office
Gingham Girls
Parent meeting March 20, 6:00
Information packets will be available at your campus front office
32. Clubs Athletic
Color Guard
Campus Watch
Reading Buddies
Student Council
Student Council
Knox Knitters
Video Game Club
…and anything you may want (pending approval and finding a sponsor)
33. Technology Computers in Class
Computer lab in Library
WOW carts
Smart Boards
Web Page
34. A Junior High Student’s Responsibilities Be at school each day
Participate in school activities
Respect yourself, other students, and all adults
Be a Man of Character and a Lady of Honor
Turn in all assignments
Have a positive attitude ?
Solve your problems – seek help!
Take responsibility and be responsible
35. Knox Elective Night Feb. 13 at 6:00 p.m. – come and go
Information about Elective Choices
Meet other students
Last minute schedule help
Athletics will have a meeting in the gym at 6:40
You will be able to see the classrooms where the electives are held and visit with students and teachers.
36. Important Dates Parent Night: February 6
Elective Night: February 13 6:00 (athletics 6:40)
Course Selection Sheet due February 15
Course Data Entry
Collins Feb 16
Wilkerson Feb 17
Initial Course Verifications will be sent home April 2nd.
Course Change Deadline: May 1
Final Course verifications sent home early May
Student Orientation Mid August
37. Student Orientation Mid August - Student Orientation
(lockers and schedules) 4 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Opportunity to:
Receive books
Receive lockers
Receive schedules
Locate classes
PTA Information
Purchase School Supplies
Bus Information
Athletic Information
38. Now it’s time to pick your classes! Here is your course selection sheet.
Do not lose it. Keep it somewhere safe.
You will turn it in to your teacher on February 15th.
39. Step I- Required Academic Courses Select a total of 7 credits.
You are required to take at least 5 credits of Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, History, and Physical Education.
Select one from each required course.
The remaining courses will come from your elective choices.
40. Step II: Elective Courses
Select your remaining credits from the elective choices on the right side of your sheet.
Notice some electives are only .5 credits. (remember .5+.5= 1.0 credit)
Use the worksheet at the bottom of your sheet to help you add up your credits.
41. Step III- Alternate Electives Please list 3 alternates in order of preference.
Alternates will be used if a student’s first choice is unavailable.
42. Step IV: Scheduling Every effort will be made to honor student/ parent requests, as expressed in the spring registration process; however, please be advised that the final student schedule may not be an exact match to expressed interest, due to reading and or mathematics support requirements, as well as the number of students enrolling and course availability.
Pre AP recommendations: it is strongly recommended that 7th grade students
do not enroll in more than 2 Pre AP
advanced courses.
43. Step V. Commitment There is a one year commitment that you will sign on your course selection sheet for all Pre AP classes, athletics, and 1 year electives.
That means you will not be allowed to change your schedule once your selections are made.
44. Step VI- Sign and Return Please sign your course selection sheet at the bottom.
Also, have your parent/guardian sign your sheet.
You will return your sheet to your school on Wednesday, February 15th.
We will be back to input courses on:
Feb. 16 at Collins
Feb. 17 at Wilkerson
45. Knox Junior High School GO KNIGHTS!