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Definicija modalnih glagola. U engleskom jeziku, modalni glagoli su pomocni glagoli (dakle, stoje uz glavni glagol) koji se koriste da se iska
2. Definicija modalnih glagola U engleskom jeziku, modalni glagoli su pomocni glagoli (dakle, stoje uz glavni glagol) koji se koriste da se iskae gramaticki nacin u recenici (npr.kondicionalni). Glavna karakteristika modalnih glagola je to nemaju sve oblike, npr.nemaju participe ni infinitiv.
U engleskom postoje sledeci modalni glagoli. Ovde su predstavljeni kao oblik za sadanje i prolo vreme:
shall i should
will i would
may i might
can i could
Must (samo jedan oblik)
3. Navedeni glagoli nisu modalni ali mogu da se koriste u istu svrhu:
ought to i had better
used to
dare i need
have to
Iako su se nekada zaista odnosili na prolost, oblici za prolo vreme se u mnogim slucajevima upotrebljavaju bez takvog znacenja.
4. Can, could and (be) able to Can je jedan od najcece upotrebljavanih modalnih glagola.
1. possibility/allowance (mogucnost/dozvola)
2. ability (sposobnost)
We can see the lake from our bedroom window. (ability)
I havent got a pen. You can use mine. (allowance)
Negativni oblik je cannot (cant):
Im afraid I cant come to the party on Friday.
5. Ukoliko can ima znacenje sposobnosti, umesto njega se moe upotrebiti izraz (be) able to:
We are able to see the lake from our bedroom window.
Can ima samo dva oblika, can (sadanji) i could (proli). Za druga glagolska vremena zato se koristi (be) able to:
I cant sleep. / I havent been able to sleep recently.
(Ne mogu da spavam. U poslednje vreme ne mogu da spavam)
Tom can come tomorrow. / Tom might be able to come tomorrow. (Tom moe da dode sutra. Tom ce moda moci da dode sutra.)
6. Can and Could Could se kao prolo vreme od can koristi uz glagole:
See hear smell taste feel remember understand
We had a lovely room in the hotel. We could see the lake.
As soon as I walked into the room, I could smell gas.
I was sitting at the back of the theatre and couldnt hear very well.
Could se takode koristi da bi se izrazila opta sposobnost ili dozvola koju je neko imao u prolosti.
My grandfather could speak five languages. (sposobnost u ovom smislu can/could se prevode kao umeti/znati)
We were totally free. We could do what we wanted.
7. Could (do) and Could have (done) Could ima vie upotreba:
1. kao prolo vreme od can. Uporedi:
Listen! I can hear something. (now)
I listened. I could hear something. (past)
2. Kao modalni glagol, i tada oznacava ne prolo vreme nego mogucnost u sadanjosti ili buducnosti (za predloge):
What shall we do this evening? We could go to the cinema. (mogli bismo-predlog)
Takode se moe reci We can go to the cinema. (Moemo ici). Ako koristimo could, manje insistiramo na predlogu.
8. 3. Could se koristi i za radnje koje nisu realne. Na primer:
Im so tired. I could sleep for a week. (ne I can sleep for a week)
Uporedi can i could:
I can stay with Julia when I go to Paris. (realno, jer ona tamo ivi)
Maybe I could stay with Julia when I go to Paris. (moguce, ako se ona sloi)
This is a wonderful place. I could stay here for ever. (nerealno)
4. Could = it is possible/will be possible
The story could be true, but I dont think it is. (moda je istinita)
I dont know what time Liz is coming. She could get here any time. (moda ce stici)
9. Could have (done) Could have (done) koristimo za mogucnost, ali koja je postojala u prolosti:
The situation is bad, but it could be worse. (now)
The situation was bad, but it could have been worse. (past)
It could have happened = it was possible but did not happen:
I didnt know that you wanted to go to the concert. I could have got you a ticket. (I didnt get you a ticket.) = Nisam znala da eli da ide na koncert. Mogla sam ti uzeti kartu. (ali nisam)
Dave was lucky. He could have hurt himself when he fell, but hes OK.
10. Couldnt (do) i couldnt have (done) Couldnt (do) = it is not possible/will not be possible (nepostojanje mogucnosti u sadanjosti ili buducnosti):
I couldnt live in a big city. I would hate it.
Everythings fine right now. Things couldnt be better.
Za nepostojanje mogucnosti u prolosti: couldnt have done = it was not possible
We had a really good holiday. It couldnt have been better.
(Divno smo se proveli na odmoru. Nije moglo biti bolje.)
11. Must and cant Must je takode modalni glagol, s tim to ima samo jedan oblik sadanji.
Znacenje: must moe da oznacava postojanje obaveze, ali takode izraava i verovatnocu, odnosno da je govornik siguran u neto.
It must be true = I am sure it is true
Youve been travelling all day. You must be tired. (Im sure youre tired.)
Carol must get very bored in her job. She does the same thing every day.
Sally gave me her phone number. I must have it somewhere.
12. Kad elimo da kaemo da smo sigurni da neto nije verovatno ili moguce, koristimo cant:
It cant be true = Im sure it is not true
Youve just had lunch. You cant be hungry already.
They havent lived here for very long. They cant know many people.
Cant u ovaknoj upotrebi prevodimo sa sigurno ne ili nemoguce je
13. Za prolost koristimo konstrukcije:
Must have (done)
Theres nobody home. They must have gone out. (Sigurno su izali.)= Im sure they went out.
Cant have (done)
Sue hasnt contacted me. She cant have got my message. (Sigurno nije dobila moju poruku.) = Im sure she didnt get my message.
Must/cant (do) = sigurni smo da je neto moguce (ili nemoguce) u sadanjosti
Must / cant have (done) = sigurni smo da je neto bilo moguce (ili nemoguce) u prolosti.
14. May and might 1 Modalni glagoli may i might oznacavaju mogucnost/verovatnocu da je neto tacno. Might nije prolo vreme od may, vec se koristi da oznaci manju verovatnocu, tj. da je govornik smatra da je neto manje verovatno .
She may know = perhaps she knows
She might know
Odricni oblici su may not i might not:
She may/might not work here any more = perhaps she doesnt work here.
15. Za mogucnost/verovatnocu u prolosti, koristimo may/might have (done):
I wonder why Kate didnt answer the phone. She may have been asleep = perhaps she was asleep
She might have not known that we were coming.= perhaps she didnt know
May/might i could imaju skoro isto znacenje.
The story could be true= It may/might be true.
Ali couldnt ima drugacije znacenje od may/might not:
Sarah couldnt have got my message ? Sarah might not have got my message.
16. May and might 2 May/might takode koristimo da bismo govorili o mogucim aktivnostima ili dogadajima u buducnosti:
I havent decided yet where to go for my holidays. I may go to Greece. = perhaps I will go
Take an umbrella with you. It might rain later. = perhaps it will rain
Uporedi will i may/might:
I will be late this evening. (sigurno)
I may/might be late this evening. (moguce)
17. Obicno su may i might medusobno zamenljivi, a razlika u znacenju je minimalna:
I may go to Greece ili I might go to Greece
Ali ukoliko govorimo o nerealnoj situaciji, moemo koristiti samo might:
If I were in Toms position, I might look for another job. (but I am not in Toms position) = Kad bih bio na Tomovom mestu, moda bih traio drugi posao.