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European Systems Science Union (ESSU) 6th EUROPEAN CONGRESS ON SYSTEMS SCIENCE Paris, France, September 19-22, 2005 ISA – International Sociological Association RC51 on Sociocybernetics Principles of Sociocybernetics Bernd R. Hornung Marburg University, Germany 1. INTRODUCTION
European Systems Science Union (ESSU) 6th EUROPEAN CONGRESS ON SYSTEMS SCIENCE Paris, France, September 19-22, 2005 ISA – International Sociological Association RC51 on Sociocybernetics Principles of Sociocybernetics Bernd R. Hornung Marburg University, Germany
1. INTRODUCTION • What is Sociocybernetics ? • How does it relate to (general) system theory and (1st and 2nd order) cybernetics ? • Which are the basic principles that system theory and sociocybernetics have in common and how can they be applied in sociology and other social sciences ? ISA RC51 on Sociocybernetics
2. SOCIOCYBERNETICS The application of system theory or rather systems science, including 1st and 2nd order cybernetics, to sociology and the other social sciences. • System Theory, Systems Science. • Study of observed systems vs. study of observing systems (cf. H. von Foerster) • Constructivist epistemology ISA RC51 on Sociocybernetics
URL: http://www.unizar.es/sociocybernetics/ ISA RC51 on Sociocybernetics
3. A PARADIGM OR DISCIPLINARY MATRIX(according to Thomas S. Kuhn) • A scientific community • Metaphysical assumptions • Central components of a theory • Specific methods • Standards for problem solutions • Paradigm in a narrow sense - EXEMPLAR • Kind of data accepted by scientific com. • Specific problems to be dealt with ISA RC51 on Sociocybernetics
3.1 THE SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY IWithin the Paradigm of Systems Science Scientific Associations, e.g.: • WOSC, World Organization of General Systems and Cybernetics • ISSS, International Society for Systems Sciences • IFSR, International Federation for Systems Research • Society for Systems Science • UES/ESSU, Union europeénne des systèmes, • European Systems Science Union • RC51, Research Committee 51 on Sociocybernetics of the ISA – International Sociological Association ISA RC51 on Sociocybernetics
3.1 THE SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY IIWithin the Paradigm of Systems Science Institutes, e.g.: • IIASA, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg near Vienna • Instituto Andino de Sistemas, Lima, Peru • FHG/ISI Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Institut für System-technik und Innovationsforschung, Karlsruhe, Germany • Santa Fé Institute, Santa Fé, USA ISA RC51 on Sociocybernetics
3.1 THE SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY IIIWithin the Paradigm of Systems Science Journals, e.g.: • Kybernetes • Behavioral Science • International Journal for General Systems • International Journal for Systems Science • Revista Internacional de Sistemas ISA RC51 on Sociocybernetics
3.2 METAPHYSICAL ASSUMPTIONSWithin the Paradigm of Systems Science • Nominalism / Constructivism • Unity of Nature / Unity of Science • Interdisciplinarity • Holism / Emergence / Synergy • Complexity / Interdepence / • Networks ISA RC51 on Sociocybernetics
3.3 CENTRAL COMPONENTS OF THEORYWithin the Paradigm of Systems Science • Relation System-Environment • Systems Hierarchy • Feedback Loops (negative & positive) • Information Processing • Cognition (Knowledge, Meaning) • Problem-Solving • Complexity • Self-Organization / Autopoiesis ISA RC51 on Sociocybernetics
3.4 SPECIFIC METHODSWithin the Paradigm of Systems Science • Graphical Representation • Modelling • Computer Simulation A model is a construction; it permits to experiment, to test, and to simulate ISA RC51 on Sociocybernetics
3.5 STANDARDS FOR PROBLEM SOLUTIONSWithin the Paradigm of Systems Science • Solutions compatible with the theories and methodologies of systems science and cybernetics Solutions both to theoretical problems and to practical issues and applications ISA RC51 on Sociocybernetics
3.6 THE PARADIGM(or Exemplar) of Systems Science • The System • e.g. according to Laszlo ISA RC51 on Sociocybernetics
3.7 DATAWithin the Paradigm of Systems Science • All data acceptable by the sciences and the social sciences In addition data obtained by means of simulations ISA RC51 on Sociocybernetics
3.8 SPECIFIC PROBLEMS AND ISSUESWithin the Paradigm of Systems Science • All empirical and theoretical issues related to the specific concepts and methodology of system theory ISA RC51 on Sociocybernetics
4. Basic Principles: WHAT IS A SYSTEM ? A system is a whole which consists of interdependent components. ISA RC51 on Sociocybernetics
4. Basic Principles (cont.):THE ONTOLOGICAL CONSTRUCTION 1) Event 2) Process 3) Structure („slow“ variables) ISA RC51 on Sociocybernetics
4. Basic Principles (cont.):CHARACTERISTICS OF A SYSTEM(according to Laszlo) • Holon property - it is a whole • Negative feedback circles • Positive feedback circles • Systems hierarchy ISA RC51 on Sociocybernetics
4. Basic Principles (cont.):RELATIONS AND CIRCULARITIES • Structure: Focussing on relations between « objects » not on « objets » • Process: Circular causality, self- referential sequences ISA RC51 on Sociocybernetics
CAUSALITY Feedback Cause and Effect Multi-Causality ISA RC51 on Sociocybernetics
CIRCULAR CAUSALITY + + - Negative Feedback Positive Feedback ISA RC51 on Sociocybernetics
CIRCULAR CAUSALITY (cont.) Compare Effect Measure + - ISA RC51 on Sociocybernetics
CIRCULAR CAUSALITY (cont.) - Cognition - - Outputs - - Inputs - Compare Effect Measure Action/ Matter/Energy Communication/ Information - Transformation - Matter/Energy Information Organisational Work ISA RC51 on Sociocybernetics
CIRCULAR CAUSALITY (cont.) Adaptation: Changement structurel en réaction à l´environnement Adaptation: Structural change in reaction to the environment Organisational Work Self-Organisation: - Structuring and Restructuring • Self-Reproduction/Autopoiesis: • Producing/Replacing Components (Self-) Procreation/Life: - Creation of New Systems ISA RC51 on Sociocybernetics
4. Basic Principles (cont.):THE CONSTRUCTION OF COMPLEXITY • Circular Causality • Positive Feedback: Deviation amplification • Negative Feedback: Deviation reduction • Absence of feedback effects • Controle: Feedback after the event - corrective action • Steering: Feed-forward before the event – anticipative action ISA RC51 on Sociocybernetics
4. Basic Principles (cont.):THE CONSTRUCTION OF COMPLEXITY • Goal-orientation: Conscious systems, decision-making • Information processing • Self-organisation • Living systems, autopoietic systems ISA RC51 on Sociocybernetics
4. Basic Principles (cont.):THE CONSTRUCTION OF COMPLEXITY • Goal-Orientation: Goal-seeking systems, conscious systems, decision-making systems • Information Processing: Communication between two or more systems • Circular processes ofself-organization; • Living systems,autopoietic systems ISA RC51 on Sociocybernetics
5. APPLICATIONS TO SOCIOLOGY Social Systems : Interactions and communications between individuals or actor-systems. • Feedback between different levels of systems and the different levels of emergence – both upwards and downwards • Organization of social phenomena at different levels of emergence and different levels of social structure • Analysis of effects of communication, action, steering, and control in hybrid systems: Communities, regions, countries, etc. according to the type of sociological units (individuals, small groups, collectivities, organizations, etc.) ISA RC51 on Sociocybernetics