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Draw the organization chart of a house-keeping department and write the duties of Executive House-keeper

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Draw the organization chart of a house-keeping department and write the duties of Executive House-keeper

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  1. House Keeping Management

  2. House Keeping Management Note : (1) Attempt any 8 questions (2) All questions carry Equal marks Q1.(a) Explain in detail about control desk. (b) Write in detail about the various types of keys.  Q2.(a) What are the departments that house-keeping co - ordinates with and how?(b) What are the registers found in House-keeping department ? – Explain. Q3.(a)Write down the cleaning and care of cleaning equipments.   (b) What is floor finishes ? How will you care and maintain different floor finishes ?

  3. Q4.(a) Explain the room cleaning and maintenance procedure in a 5 star hotel. (b) Write in detail about spring cleaning.  Q5.(a)What do you mean by Par Stock ? Explain its importance. (b) What are the equipments required in a linen room ? - Explain. Q6.(a) How will you plan a uniform for kitchen staff ?  (b) Define stock taking. Write down the methods and principles involved in stock taking.

  4. Q7.(a) Classify stain. How will you identify the stains ? (b) Classify fibre and explain.  Q8. (a) Explain in detail about weaving.  (b) How will you remove the following stain ? (i) Tea. (ii) Blood. (iii) Fruit. (iv) Iron. (v) Lipstick. 

  5. Q9.(a) Draw the organization chart of a house-keeping department and write the duties of Executive House-keeper.  (b) Write the duties and responsibilities of linen room supervisor and night supervisor.  Q10.(a)Briefly explain about commercial laundry.  (b) Draw the layout of a laundry and the equipments required for the laundry of a large hotel. 

  6. Global Study Solutions Dr. Aravind Banakar aravind.banakar@gmail.com www.mbacasestudyanswers.com 9901366442 - 9902787224

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