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Helen Coombes Director – Adult’s Wellbeing

Helen Coombes Director – Adult’s Wellbeing. Important Info https://www.herefordshire.gov.uk/businessopps Proactis Portal https://tenders.herefordshire.gov.uk

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Helen Coombes Director – Adult’s Wellbeing

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Helen Coombes Director – Adult’s Wellbeing

  2. Important Info https://www.herefordshire.gov.uk/businessopps • Proactis Portal https://tenders.herefordshire.gov.uk - Networking page-https://www.herefordshire.gov.uk/health-and-social-care/adult-services/information-for-providers/adult-social-care-providers-networking/

  3. Commissioning and Procurement Strategy • Commission the services under one procurement broken down into different lots for service areas • Could be 1 or a  group of  suppliers and can bid for as many lots as you wish • Contract for each lot • The contract(s) will complement the personalisation agenda it is expected that a greater number of service users will take Person Budgets and apply their own choice and control to meet their care needs. • Procurement to commence in November

  4. Commissioning Principles • Broadly looking at framework approaches • User and Carer experience and involvement • Proportionate tendering exercises and qualification criteria dependent on complexity • Safeguarding and Quality • Outcome based with a strong focus on enablement • Supplier Diversity and Support Local Economy where we can • Promote Choice and Control – range of access for Personal Budgets • Encourage partnerships and joint ventures to maximise benefits of volume linked price reductions and capability of market • Flexible contracting

  5. Day Opportunities delivered previously by Wye Valley NHS Trust Laura Ferguson and Sean Ladd

  6. The Facts • Number of service users on books = 255 • Ave number of service users per day = 140 • Ave number of people with complex needs = 57 • Number of people in enablement service = 198

  7. Building Based Services • RyefieldGrammar School Close Ross-on-Wye Herefordshire HR9 7QD Office Tel No: 01989 768273 • MarshfieldsRyelands Road Leominster Herefordshire HR6 8NZ Office Tel No: 01568 614772 • Canal Road Canal Road Hereford HR1 2EA Office Tel No: 01432 266881 • WidemarshWidemarsh Workshop Units 26 / 27 Foley Trading Estate Hereford HR1 2SF Office Tel No:01432 354259 • St Owen's St Owen's @ the Hub Symonds Street Hereford HR1 2HA Office Tel No: 01432 355005

  8. The services as they are now…..

  9. Social Businesses There are a range of social business projects around the county. These are focussed on developing new skills and qualifications which improve confidence and assist the pathway into a paid job.

  10. Retail Music Box Gov gift store

  11. The Music Box

  12. Governors Gift Shop

  13. Horticulture Eaton Widemarsh Childrens Centre Ryefields –Community gardening

  14. Eaton

  15. Widemarsh Gardens

  16. Workshop Activity • Pews • Leo Trading • Widemarsh Enterprise • Kindling

  17. Pew Renovation ( Take A Pew )

  18. Leominster Trading

  19. Catering Willow Café Café 13 Catering Worx

  20. Willow Cafe

  21. Café 13

  22. Health and Wellbeing Our health and wellbeing opportunities aim to enable individuals to stay happy, healthy and safe in their community. The benefits are: • Increased self confidence and self belief • Increased community involvement • Increased fitness and mobility • Increased independence • Increased social networks • Increased health!

  23. Gym Swimming Trampolining Therapies Older persons service Rambling Cooking Extend For Example….

  24. Health and WellBeing

  25. Community and Volunteering We support a number of volunteering opportunities to enable people to contribute to their communities and increase social networks. These can be both individual volunteering opportunities ( sometime supported) as well as group volunteering. We aim to work alongside other volunteers and for people to access their own communities where possible

  26. Community Larder Red Cross Alupro/textile recycling Charity shops Vocational Learning Accredited courses Leisure Link Churchyard maintenance For Example….

  27. Community and Volunteering

  28. Any Questions…..?

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