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Réunion AXE ECHANGE – TUNISIE- 14 mai 2012 Tour de table des participants Présentation d'Olivier Pringault – VASCO P résentation de Gerald Gregori PIROG3 ) Marc Tedetti MANGA ( LEFE - EC2CO , ..) Isabelle Biegala (FISH – FUI)
Réunion AXE ECHANGE – TUNISIE- 14 mai 2012 • Tour de table des participants • Présentation d'Olivier Pringault– VASCO • Présentation de Gerald GregoriPIROG3) • Marc Tedetti MANGA (LEFE-EC2CO, ..) • Isabelle Biegala (FISH – FUI) • 4) Discussion sur un ou plusieurs projets transverse TUNISIE basés • sur les manques définis précédemment • 5) Autres points de fonctionnement de l'Axe
Objectifs de PIROG3 (Lettre d’intention) • 1) high frequency in situ automated monitoring of phytoplankton from a moored buoy, • 2) automated monitoring of zooplankton along a ship track, • 3) link between satellite altimetry and water mass circulation, • 4) assessment of Saharian dust pulses, • 5) production of an original dataset, • 6) project built interface between technology (monitoring) and social issues (management), • 7) translation of monitoring data into useful indicators to define the development policy, • 8) bacterial metatranscriptomics as functional indicators of water quality, • 9) molecular methods for assessment of bacterial community composition and functioning (CARD-FISH and MicroCARDFISH), • 10) photophysiological indicators of phytoplankton functioning. • To our knowledge, this will be the first time that the impact of Saharian dust pulses on an ecosystem will be addressed in situ. Previous studies were conducted in the laboratory or in mesocosms.
Partenaires *MIO: expertise in automated in situ observation of phytoplankton at high frequency and at the single cell level (international leader), microbial ecology, in situ automated observation of zooplankton, organic matter transfer to higher trophic levels, use of satellite coastal altimetry, numerical modeling and in situ physical measurements. *LPED: expertise activities in relationships between population dynamics, the environment and development, cross-cutting approaches based on social sciences and ecology. LPED will lead the investigation regarding stakeholders and the building of the interface between research-observation results and governance players (Laboratoire "Population, Environment, Development” – Pytheas)) *LOV: expertise in Saharian dust geochemistry and impacts, expertise in buoy deployment. Presently, LOV runs a buoy in the Bay of Villefranchesurmer equipped with the automated submersible flow cytometer of MIO. (Antoine SCIANDRA) *SZN: expertise in microbial assemblages composition and activity, and in water quality indexes. (EnricoALLEVA) *INSTM: as the national institute in marine sciences, INSTM covers most of the fields related to the marine environment and has teritorial competence. (National Institut National des Sciences et Techniques Marines, RidhaMRABET) *FSS: expertise in microbiology, microbial ecology and microzooplankton distribution in the Gulf of Gabès (Faculté des Sciences de Sfax - Maher MNIF) *IRA: expertise in collecting Saharian dust (Institut des RégionsAridesMedenine - HoucineKHATTELI)