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Science PreK-12 in the Baltimore County Public Schools, Maryland. Presented by Hays B. Lantz, Jr., Ed. D., Director of Science PreK-12. BCPS STARLAB Portable Planetarium. August 30, 2005. Questions to be addressed during this presentation:.
Science PreK-12 in the Baltimore County Public Schools, Maryland Presented by Hays B. Lantz, Jr., Ed. D., Director of Science PreK-12 BCPS STARLAB Portable Planetarium August 30, 2005
Questions to be addressed during this presentation: • What are the guiding educational philosophies for the science program PreK-12 in BCPS? • What are the graduation requirements and other accountability measures for science PreK-12 in BCPS? • How do these requirements and measurements impact and guide curriculum development in science? • How is curriculum development in science impacting teaching and learning?
Guiding Philosophies for Science PreK-12 1. The 5E Teaching/Learning Cycle is used explicitly for all unit and lesson planning PreK-12 2.A “backward mapping” design is used to: • define Indicators aligned with the MSDE Voluntary State; • develop end of unit and end of course summative assessments; • design instructional activities that support the collection of evidence of student understanding of indicators; and • select appropriate print and non-print materials 3. Standard, Honors, and GT levels are clearly defined and delineated with unique end of course exams and different text material for each level.
Guiding Philosophies for Science PreK-12 4. There is a focus on collecting both formative and summative evidence of student understanding, with exemplary answers, rubrics, and other scoring tools being included for self and peer assessment. 5. All units are integrated with technology, mathematics, and reading. 6. The unit engagement is Problem - Based and uses GRASPS (Goal, Role, Audience, Setting, Product/Performance, and Standard for Success) to define the problem. 7. Pre-assessment of student pre-conceptions follows the unit engagement. 8. The unit consists of a series of Explorations coupled with Explanations that are formatively assessed with criteria – based tools (rubrics).
Guiding Philosophies for Science PreK-12 9. The unit Elaboration is the Engagement revisited and is part of the summative assessment that is assessed with criteria – based tools and anchor papers. 10. Differentiated instructional strategies and learning styles are included in the Implementation Section of the Teacher’s Guide. 11. Electronic data acquisition through the use of computers, calculators, and sensors is integral to each unit. 12. The use of contemporary web sites, digital libraries, and electronic information and data acquisition are included. 13. All units will include Online Research Models as one G/T differentiation strategy.
Graduation Requirements in Science • HSA –Biology (passing score of 400) • Course Credit – 3 in the Biological, Physical, and/or Earth/Space Sciences, one of which must be Biology • Student Service Learning
“No Child Left Behind” Legislation • In addition to Biology, beginning in the 2007-2008 school year, it is projected that students in Maryland will take end of year online science assessments in grades 5 and 8 • These MSDE assessments for grades 5 and 8 will be based upon the Voluntary State Curriculum (VSC) • Science assessments will not count for Adequate Yearly Progress
What is the Science Curriculum PreK-8? Based upon the VSC and the BCPS Scope and Sequence, it is an integrated science curriculum consisting of: • 1.0 Skills and Processes • 2.0 Earth/Space Science • 3.0 Life Science • 4.0 Chemistry • 5.0 Physics • 6.0 Environmental Science
What is the Science Curriculum PreK-8? 1.O Skills and Processes – Students will demonstrate the thinking and acting inherent in the practice of science. A. Constructing Knowledge B. Applying Evidence and Reasoning C. Communicate Scientific Information D. Technology
What is the Science Curriculum PreK-8? 2.0 Earth/Space Science - Students will use scientific skills and processes to explain the chemical and physical interactions of the environment, Earth, and the universe that occur over time. A. Materials and Processes that Shape a Planet B. Earth History C. Plate Tectonics D. Astronomy E. Interactions of Hydrosphere and Atmosphere
What is the Science Curriculum PreK-8? 3.0 Life Science - Students will use scientific skills and processes to explain the dynamic nature of living things, their interactions, and the results from this interactions that occur over time. A. Diversity of Life B. Cells C. Genetics D. Evolution E. Flow of Matter and Energy F. Ecology
What is the Science Curriculum PreK-8? 4.0 Chemistry - Students will use scientific skills and processes to explain the composition, structure, and interactions of matter in order to support the predictability of structure and energy transformations. A. Structure of Matter B. Conservation of Matter C. States of Matter D. Physical and Chemical Changes
What is the Science Curriculum PreK-8? 5.0 Physics - Students will use scientific skills and processes to explain the interactions of matter and energy and the energy transformations that occur. A. Mechanics B. Thermodynamics C. Electricity and Magnetism D. Wave Interactions
What is the Science Curriculum PreK-8? 6.0 Environmental Science - Students will use scientific skills and processes to explain the interactions of environmental factors and analyze their impact from a local to a global perspective. A. Natural Resources and Human Needs B. Environmental Issues
How Are We Impacting Teaching and Learning Prek-8? • A new BCPS Scope and Sequence in Science PreK-8 based upon the VSC • Producing and piloting 16 new science units per year aligned with the BCPS Scope and Sequence (increased focus on including technology, engineering, math, and language arts) • Online Research Models in all units • Number of schools conducting science fairs (now called STEM Fairs) will increase to 80+ schools • Second annual countywide STEM Fair was conducted at Chesapeake High School on May 20-21
How Are We Impacting Teaching and Learning PreK-8? • Implementation of the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Resource Teacher (STEM RT ) Program in 41 schools • All Title I schools now have science labs, equipped with microscopes, balances, electronic data acquisition equipment, etc. • Tablet technology and Vernier electronic data acquisition equipment in all middle schools • Virtual science fairs implemented in 10 middle schools
How Are We Impacting Teaching and Learning PreK-8? • Implementation of end of year assessments in science in grades 3 and 5 in 2004-05 school year • Grade 8 end of year (2003-04) pilot assessment results - students scored highest in Environmental Science and lowest in Chemistry
How Are We Impacting Teaching and Learning PreK-8? Professional Development in Science Teaching • 140 elementary teachers are enrolled in Elementary Summer Science Institute - a content/pedagogy program in partnership with CCBC • 148 elementary and middle school teachers are enrolled in university cohorts leading to masters degrees in science teaching and highly qualified status • New cohorts have been developed as part of the NSF Grant with UMBC – STEM, Physical Science, and Elementary Science Teaching
What is the Science Curriculum 9-12? Standard Program • Concepts of Physical Science (as applied to Biology)** • Biology (Assessed for HSA) • Chemistry • Physics • Earth/Space Science • Environmental Science • AP Science and/or Electives ** Pilot Program in 5 High Schools in 2005-06
What is the Science Curriculum in Grades 9-12? Honors Program • Honors Biology (Assessed for HSA) • Honors Chemistry • Honors Physics • Earth/Space Science • Environmental Science • AP Science and/or Honors Electives
What is the Science Curriculum In Grades 9-12? G/T Program • G/T Biology (Assessed for HSA) • G/T Chemistry • G/T Physics • Earth/Space Science • Environmental Science • AP Science, G/T Science 12 and/or Honors Electives
How Are We Impacting Teaching and Learning in Grades 9-12? • Elimination of all low level science courses • Increased focus on AP Science • Data collection on student achievement via end of unit and end of year countywide assessments in all core sciences • Curriculum alignment with the appropriate mathematics and technology courses (Example: Concepts of Physical Science as Applied to Biology aligned with Algebra I and new Principles of Technology course)
How Are We Impacting Teaching and Learning in Grades 9-12? • All units designed around authentic problems, incorporating data acquisition technologies, mathematics, and reading and writing • Increased focus on formative assessment and evidence of student understanding to guide and differentiate instruction • Redesign of Earth/Space Science and Environmental Science to become upper level electives
Balto Co. School-to-School Comparison BCPS Ave = 58.5% State Ave = 60.9%
Why Focus On Science Education in BCPS? “The focus of our education systems - K-12 and postsecondary - is seriously out of line with the constantly increasing demand of tomorrow’s world. The changing fields, functions, and advances in technology demand people with better preparation in science and mathematics in particular.” Paul Barton, Policy Information Center, ETS
Why Focus On Science Education in BCPS? “The majority of the jobs available over the next several decades will reside mostly in the science and technology fields, and in particularly in Biochemistry/Biotechnologies. As a result, public schools should be offering these courses to all their students.” Dr. William Daggett, International Center for Leadership of Education
A Continued Focus Develop a World Class Science Program PreK-12 in BCPS
"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." • Albert Einstein