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華僑或外國人投資新設國內事業申請流程 Investment Flow Chart ( Establishment of New Enterprise in Taiwan ). 華僑或外國投資人 Overseas Chinese and Foreign Investors. 申請核發公司 / 商號名稱及營業項目預查表 Apply for reservation of company name and business scope 1. 設立公司型態( enterprise ):經濟部商業司( The Department of Commerce, MOEA )
華僑或外國人投資新設國內事業申請流程 Investment Flow Chart(Establishment of New Enterprise in Taiwan) 華僑或外國投資人 Overseas Chinese and Foreign Investors 申請核發公司/商號名稱及營業項目預查表 Apply for reservation of company name and business scope 1.設立公司型態(enterprise):經濟部商業司(The Department of Commerce, MOEA) 2.設立商號(business firms):各縣市政府(Local city/county government) 僑外投資申請/Apply for Foreign Investment Approval 經濟部投資審議委員會(Investment Commission, MOEA) (檢附投資申請書、預查表影本、投資人身份證明文件及代理人授權書正本等) (Investment Permission with Application Form A, Investor Certification, Power of Attorney etc.) 匯入資金/Remit capital in 銀行(Banks) 資金審定/Capital verification and Approval 經濟部投資審議委員會(Investment Commission, MOEA) (檢附審定投資額申請書、匯入匯款通知書、買匯水單正本及投資事業籌備處銀行存摺影本等) (Capital Approval with Advice of Inward Remittance, Foreign Exchange Memo, A Photocopy of the Company Deposit Passbook etc.) 辦理公司設立登記/Company registration 1.設立實收資本額新台幣5億元以上(paid-in capital of at least NT500 million): 經濟部商業司(The Department of Commerce, MOEA) 2.設立實收資本額新台幣未逾5億元(paid-in capital of under NT500 million): 經濟部中部辦公室、台北市政府、高雄市政府、台北縣政府 (Central Office of MOEA or Taipei City Government or Kaohsiung City Government or Taipei County Government)