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Reconfigurable Computing

Reconfigurable Computing. Dominique LAVENIER IRISA / CNRS Rennes lavenier@irisa.fr. Reconfigurable Computing Idea (1). micro processor. ASIC. FPGA. programmable slow. not programmable fast. program. architecture. Reconfigurable Computing Idea (2). Y(i) = X(i-k) W(k).

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Reconfigurable Computing

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  1. Reconfigurable Computing Dominique LAVENIER IRISA / CNRS Rennes lavenier@irisa.fr

  2. Reconfigurable Computing Idea (1) micro processor ASIC FPGA programmable slow not programmable fast program architecture

  3. Reconfigurable Computing Idea(2) Y(i) = X(i-k) W(k) Sequence of pre-defined instructions Assembly of boolean functions memory memory Von Neumann model

  4. Talk overview • FPGA Technology • Reconfigurable Architectures • Reconfigurable Processor Arrays • Perspectives

  5. 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 FPGA in short • FPGA: Field Programmable Gate Array • Introduced by Xilinx in 1985 • Implement a few millions of logic gates • Market: 2500 - 2000 - 1500 - 1000 - 500 dollars in million

  6. FPGA Market Share - Q1 1997

  7. FPGA Structure I/O Logic block Switching box Routing network

  8. CLB(configurable logic block) REG RAM Look-up table

  9. Conventional FPGA Tile

  10. XC4K Interconnect Details

  11. Traditional Design Flow VHDL EDIF RTL a few minutes to a few hours Tech. Indep. Optimization LUT Mapping Placement Routing Bitstream Generation Config. Data

  12. FPGA Component Use • FPGA components are used for • ASIC substitution • Rapid prototyping • VHDL simulation • Reconfigurable Computing • . . .

  13. Reconfigurable Architectures • Functional Unit • Co-processor • Accelerator • System

  14. UAL MEM Reconfigurable Functional Unit • FPGA integrated into the datapath • Idea: • tailored the operations/instructions • to the application • Level of Reconfigurability: • Instructions

  15. Spyder Project • C. Iseli (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne) RFU1 RFU2 registers registers RFU3

  16. Why it does not work ? • RFUs are slow • between 5 to 10 times slower than standard functional units • No programming tools • the synthesis of specific operators must be automatic

  17. UAL MEM Reconfigurable Co-Processor • Close connection to the CPU • Integrated on the same die • Not (yet?) available • Level of Reconfigurability: • Functions

  18. ArMen • B. Pottier (UBO, Brest) P P M M P P M M

  19. Level of Reconfigurability: • Application Reconfigurable Accelerator UAL • Communicate through I/O bus • External board • Matrix of FPGA components • with external RAM • Commercial boards available MEM

  20. PAM boards • PAM : Programmable Active Memory) • J. Vuillemin, P. Bertin, D. Roncin (DEC PRL) • Perle-0 (87), Perle-1 (91), Pamette (95), … Host computer FPGA memory

  21. P P M M • Level of Reconfigurability: • System Reconfigurable System • System on Chip • - 1 reconfigurable zone connected • to several components • - available soon • Virtex + PowerPC (Xilinx/IBM)

  22. Functional Unit Co-processor Accelerator System ? ? ? Intensive computation cryptography, image processing, DNA sequencing, … Embedded systems mobils of 3rd generation, ... Architectures - Applications

  23. Reconfigurable Processor Arrays • Principle • parallelize intensive computation on an array of hundred (thousand) of tailored processors • Performance come from • the parallelization • the customization

  24. ... ... ... … send ( … ) receive ( … ) … … Parallelization initial code ... ... ... … for ( … ) for ( … ) for (… ) … …

  25. Customization • data-path width • dedicated operator • parallelism A C B D

  26. Design of Reconfigurable Processor Arrays • fast design time thanks to • regular structure • specify one processor, then replicate • local interconnection • optimize place-and-route step

  27. Reconfigurable Processor ArraysApplications • Image processing • Signal processing • Bio-computing • Crypyography • Text processing • ... Today : mostly integer applications

  28. Performance examples • DNA search • PeRLe-1 board (16 Xilinx 3090 - 1991) • speed-up = 50 • K-means clustering • Wildforce board (4 Xilinx 4036 - 1997) • speed-up = 100 • PPI algorithm • Spyder board (1 Xilinx V800 - 2000) • speed-up = 200 host same technology

  29. Limitations host • host-board data bandwidth • bottleneck • programming tools • automatic parallelization • partitioning • hardware generation • portability !

  30. Perspectives • Technology • Applications • Architecture

  31. Exponential Growth in Density LUT logic cells logic gates 1 000 000 100 000 10 000 1000 12 M 1.2 M 120 K 12 K 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006

  32. Technology 1998 2000 2002 2005 30-50M gates Xilinx Virtex XCV300 (0.3M gates) Xilinx Virtex II (10M gates) 400 Nios Xilinx Virtex XCV3200 (2M gates) • Altera APEX20K1500 (2.4 M gates) • 30 x 32-bit Nios processor (80K gates)

  33. Applications • until now • performance have been demonstrated on integer applications with a high degree of parallelism • from now • it becomes « reasonable » to investigate the implementation of floating point applications

  34. Floating-point operators • Estimation based on current research at IRISA • Component Xilinx XCV1000 (1 Mgates) • Pipelined operators Simple precision Double precision adder area 3% 5% multiplier area 5% 20% frequency 50Mhz 100Mhz

  35. Floating point performance 1998 2000 2002 2005 5 FPA 25 MHz 0.1 1 10 100 25 FPA 50 MHz 125 FPA 100 MHz 500 FPA 200 MHz Giga Flops FPA : double precision floating-point adder

  36. Architecture • Today accelerator board: • restricted bandwidth • parallelism on 1D array

  37. Architecture • dual-port RAM connection Fast dual-port memory

  38. Architecture • On-chip FPGA An alternative way of using the one billion-transistor processors of the next decade

  39. Conclusion • The technology is available for reconfigurable computing • 30-50 M gates in 2005 • Application domains are increasing • floating point • No programming tools • model ? • portability ?

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