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Liz Sayce

Empowering disabled individuals to access skilled work & apprenticeships. Providing resources, advice, and policy initiatives for inclusive employment. Join us in leading change for equal opportunities.

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Liz Sayce

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Liz Sayce Inclusive apprenticeships and routes into skilled work

  2. Disability Rights UK • We are disabled people leading change • Working for equal participation for all • Majority of trustees, staff and volunteers have lived experience of disability or health conditions • 3 strategic priorities: • Independent living – getting a life • Career opportunities – getting work, education and skills • Influencing public attitudes and behaviours Disabled People Leading Change

  3. Why inclusive skills • To enable everyone to fulfil their potential • To enable everyone to participate in the present and future economy • To benefit our economy • To meet our values as a country eg under the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities • To meet our policy priorities eg growth in apprenticeships Disabled People Leading Change

  4. Guides and stories Disabled People Leading Change

  5. Sharing what’s possible • All information and advice designed by and for people living with disability or long-term health conditions • Website reaches 1.6 million people per year, mainly people living with disability/health conditions; and over 43,000 twitter followers • Over 100,000 downloads of factsheets on education, skills and apprenticeships • 1500 advised through our Student Helpline

  6. Sharing good practice Disabled People Leading Change

  7. Learning points - presentations • For instance: • All working together – the individual, their line manager, others in the workplace, college tutor, job coach….. • Gains for the employer – new perspectives • Job carving • Adjustments – from buddies to door toggles Disabled People Leading Change

  8. Good practice through your career • Working with employers to promote career development opportunities for disabled people • ‘I Can Make It’campaign to open up employment opportunities for young disabled people • Leadership Academy for disabled people in work keen to progress in their careers: 80% achieved career aspirations eg promotions, leading new projects

  9. Partnerships are all • Working with employers to support good practice eg Channel 4 and Barclays, contributing to their toolkit • Ensuring Disabled People’s Organisations know the opportunities available • Linking with the education and skills sector – so we all promote best materials, good practice, integrated approaches eg Association of Colleges, Education and Training Foundation • With the careers sector – eg Careers and Enterprise Company, Career Development Institute • With policy and development organisations - eg The Work Foundation, Learning and Work Institute Disabled People Leading Change

  10. Policy advice • Maynard Review: steps to make apprenticeships more inclusive • Access to Work: extending it, promoting it to apprentices and their employers • Apprenticeship levy and incentives • All-Party Parliamentary Disability Group Disabled People Leading Change

  11. Conclusion • We can aim to move the needle on inclusive skills and employment opportunities – by working in partnership. Together we are stronger • www.disabilityrightsuk.org • https://www.disabilityrightsuk.org/policy-campaigns/education-skills-and-employment/disability-and-skills-unit • liz.sayce@disabilityrightsuk.org Disabled People Leading Change

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