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Summary of National Consultations on. National Tiger Recovery Priority. Anand Seth, Global Tiger Initiative. NTRP Synthesis Matrix. NTRP Synthesis Matrix. A+ : Working in Tandem, Nearly 100% Completion and Selectivity Most Desired Policy Support Actions
Summary of National Consultations on National Tiger Recovery Priority Anand Seth, Global Tiger Initiative
A+ : Working in Tandem, Nearly 100% Completion and Selectivity • Most Desired Policy Support Actions • Making Core Breeding Areas/Corridors Inviolate • Wildlife Law Reforms • Balancing development & conservation: legally establishing sound sectoral policies. • Empowering Communities • Payment for eco-services/valuation of landscapes. Significant progress since huahin
Primary Cross Boundary Actions. • Arresting Illegal Trade. • Eliminating Demand. • Joint Management of 10 Shared Landscapes • Key Areas of Institutional Development • Shift focus from Production Forestry to Conservation. • Create Specialized Wildlife Conservation Units • Professionalize Protection & Monitoring Units. • Unify Approach to Wildlife Crime. Significant progress since huahin
B +/-- : Costing Needs Better Harmonization • Order of Magnitude Costing Only. • Huge Range among TRCs and Themes. • Major Outliers: • Landscapes: 8 TRC; 80% in 2. • Law Enforcement: 10 TRC; 60% in 2. • Prof Mgmt: 9 TRC; 60% in 3. • Cap Build: 7 TRCs;70% in 1. • Time Horizon from 2 to 12 years. • Recurrent v/s Capital. • A+ : 60% Self Financing. • Foundation Exists for Global Tiger Recovery Program. Significant progress since huahin
South Asia: IDA Regional project on wildlife illegal trade and capacity building. China: GEF5 for Restoring Amur Tiger. Vietnam: GEF4 for Demand management. India, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Myanmar, Cambodia, Russia, Vietnam: “Interest” in GEF5 Channel Partners to Priorities, Facilitate Preparation and avoid Duplication. Gti “MATCH-MAKING” starts….
Better Harmonize Costing Work. • Normalize to 5 years. • Review/Revise major Outliers • Implement Policy Actions before Summit • National Pledges. • Summit Declaration. • Prioritize Trans-boundary Landscapes. • “Match” Demand and Emerging Supply. SUGGESTED Next steps
$12M; 3 Priority Actions in NTRP Institutional Strengthening Tiger Human Conflict & Community Engagement Controlling Illegal Trade Scientific Monitoring Bangladesh
A dedicated institution for wildlife conservation and management with appropriate training and logistical support. Go from production forestry to conservation within FD with organizational change, clear vision and objectives across all layers of staff Cost: Staffing, incentives and risk insurance US$ 1 million; Infrastructure 4 million Bangladesh: Institutional Strengthening
Conflict Tiger Response Teams to: respond and monitor conflict and problem tiger presence; compensation for depredations; insurance support. Awareness programs to: encourage safer behavior inside forest; need for tiger, prey and habitat conservation; stigmatize poaching and consumption; link AIG to conservation Community-led anti-poaching teams, crime reporting system, and monitoring Cost: US$ 1 million (anti-poaching and conflict mitigation) Continue to Community Engagement Slide Bangladesh: Tiger Human Conflict
AIG linked to wildlife and healthy habitats to: reduce the dependency on forest products; minimize activity in forests, reducing potential for conflict and habitat degradation. Forest co-management committees to build forest management partnerships between local communities and the FD for local community stewardship Update co-management guidelines, policy, and rules. Cost: US$ 1 million for community stewardship and forest management; US$ 6 million for AIG Bangladesh:Community Engagement and Stewardship
Create a mechanism for trans-boundary collaboration to curb cross-border poaching, smuggling and trade of tigers/parts and other wildlife. Inter-Ministerial Policy decisions to strengthen collaboration with the police, coast guard and local administrations. Include wildlife crime in cross border law enforcement MOU between Bangladesh and India Cost: US$ 7 million for protection logistics (includes mobility/patrolling, communication, monitoring/MIST) Bangladesh:Controlling Illegal Trade
Recruit and train wildlife conservation cadre with logistical support for patrolling and monitoring. (fast boats, fuel allowances, communication devices, guard posts and housing with essential facilities; training in MIST, radio-tracking) Coordination with police, coast-guard, local administration, local communities, and media. Cost: US$ 7 million for protection logistics (includes mobility/patrolling, communication, monitoring/MIST) Bangladesh:Scientific Monitoring
$6M, 4 Priority Actions in NTRP Controlling Habitat Encroachment Institutional Strengthening Tiger Human Conflict & Community Engagement Scientific Monitoring Bhutan
A proactive assessment of planned/proposed infrastructure and climate change-related impacts on intact habitat, especially corridors. Appropriate policy to discuss, develop, coordinate, and implement mitigations with line agencies and ministries. Cost: Classifying and zoning tiger landscape US $1.5 million (includes boundary marking) Bhutan:Controlling Habitat Encroachment & Fragmentation
Better linkages among the different units (Division and National Parks) of the Department of Forests and Park Services (DoFPS) and clear conservation mandates. Recruit and train additional staff dedicated to wildlife conservation in monitoring, PA management. Strengthen DoFPS partnerships with other relevant government sectors (law enforcement agencies, national environment commission, UWICE, NRTI, NGO, Local communities, BTFEC, etc.) Cost: Enhancing institutional capacity of DoFPS US$ 1.3 million Bhutan: Institutional Strengthening
Community-based livestock insurance programs. Human wildlife coexistence education and awareness programs. Cost: included in AIGs and other incremental costs. Continue to Community Engagement Slide Bhutan: Tiger-Human Conflict
Community participation & engagement through community forestry in appropriate management zones in protected areas and corridors to facilitate conservation and protection. AIGs and PES as compensation for opportunity costs associated with living in tiger conservation areas. Joint anti-poaching programs and intelligence networks with communities. Decentralization/co-management policies to involve local communities and institutions. Cost: US$ 2 million and incremental costs by other donors in sustainable livelihoods and PES Bhutan: Community Engagement and Stewardship
Scientifically defensible nationwide baseline and monitoring system to track status of tiger population and progress towards goal. Cost: nationwide monitoring program for tigers and prey, US$ 1 million (5 years) Bhutan: Scientific Monitoring
$3.5 M; 4 Priority Actions in NTRP Controlling Habitat Encroachment Controlling Prey and Tiger Poaching Institutional Strengthening Controlling Illegal Trade Reducing Demand Scientific Monitoring Cambodia
At least one inviolate source site secured and zoned to create a ‘safe haven’ for future re-introduction and restoration of wild tigers in Cambodia Design and implement awareness raising-program for the tiger source site. Sub-decree to legally designate inviolate source site. Inter-ministerial cooperation and coordination to ensure sustainable management of land-use across the Eastern Plains Landscape. Cambodia: Controlling Habitat Encroachment & Fragmentation
Adequate, effective patrols and law enforcement, with operational resources, to prevent hunting of tiger and prey species, logging and other land clearance, and human disturbance monitor law enforcement and management effectiveness in potential source sites Cambodia: Controlling Prey and Tiger Poaching
Forestry Administration (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries) and General Department of Administration for Nature Conservation ad Protection (Ministry of Environment) will establish and resource at least 50 full-time, dedicated, well-trained and equipped law enforcement officers to secure inviolate tiger habitats Cambodia: Institutional Strengthening
Trans-boundary agreement between Cambodia and Vietnam for cooperation on combating wildlife crime across the border Cambodia: Controlling Illegal Trade
Greater awareness of threats and improved perception of conservation value of tigers among local communities. Cambodia: Reducing Demand
Integrate MIST into tiger and prey monitoring to assess overall impact of the tiger recovery program Cambodia: Scientific Monitoring
Habitat Conservation Capacity Building Control Poaching Engagement of Local Communities Control Wildlife Trade China
Habitat and pray population restoration, including hunting bans in tiger areas Connectivity between core areas Prepare pilot sites for release of captive bred Amur tigers Cost $1,000,000 China:Habitat Conservation
Strengthen conservation and monitoring of tiger populations and habitats Improve infrastructure, including monitoring stations where lacking and replenish equipment Cost $500,000 China:Capacity Buiding
Staff training to enforce hunting ban and stop poaching; research to understand tiger ecology for conservation Cost included in 0.7 Million for enforcement China: Control Poaching
Socio-economic development of local communities for conservation support Compensation mechanism for wildlife depredation and mitigation of crop damage Awareness programs for tiger protection China: Engagement of Local communities
law enforcement over smuggling and illegal trade of tiger products • Strengthen staff of regional law enforcement agencies, with logistical support • Propaganda and education to guide public to resist using tiger products • International seminars, international professional training and friendly natural reserves will be used to strengthen tiger conservation and experiences exchange to promote joint enhancement of conservation management • Artificial reproduction of tigers are under strict supervision with permits system • Cost $700,000 China: Control wildlife trade
Habitat Protection Capacity Building Community Engagement Control Trade India
Securing tiger habitat from encroachment and economic development • Core areas free from development and anthropogenic impacts • Buffer zones and corridors for functional landscapes • Protect tiger/prey base from poaching through smart patrolling India: Habitat Protection
Scientific adaptive management tools in tiger conservation • Robust mechanisms for monitoring progress towards achieving goals • Institutional framework to provide training to frontline staff and build capacity • System for performance-based management assessment and incentives India: Capacity Buiding
Link sustainable livelihood support to tiger conservation Minimize tiger-human conflict Improved field delivery system to efficiently converge economic returns from line departments India: Community Engagement
Enforcement of laws and follow up on wildlife crimes Sensitize criminal justice system on wildlife crimes Improve trans-boundary collaboration on illegal wildlife trade issues India: Control Trade
$20M, 4 Priority Actions Controlling Habitat Encroachment Institutional Strengthening Tiger Human Conflict & Community Engagement Controlling Illegal Trade Reducing Demand Scientific Monitoring Indonesia
Secure source sites and maintain landscape integrity by mapping concession areas for connectivity, with and legal backing to protect tiger habitat outside of protected areas Integrate source sites into park management plans; priority landscapes into provincial and district spatial planning. Legally binding protocols for best management practices of forest industry land uses to ensure contribution to tiger conservation Cost: US$ ~ 1.26 million to mainstream tiger and habitat protection through National Development Program and create a legal basis to protect tiger habitat outside of protected areas. Indonesia: Controlling Habitat Encroachment & Fragmentation
Add 30 well-equipped Species Protection Units Create well-trained Elite Investigation group (100 staff) within the Ministry of Forestry to investigate wildlife law infringement investigations. Establish national tiger advisory board with Ministerial decree Cost: included in conflict mitigation, trade control, and landscape planning Indonesia: Institutional Strengthening
A comprehensive strategy for human-tiger conflict mitigation with practical guidelines for animal handling, transportation, translocation, release, and euthanasia. • Establish three Rescue Teams for capturing, pre-conditioning, and relocating problem tigers • Establish Conflict Mitigation Coordinating Team in provincial level and Response Unit at district level to address human-tiger conflict. • Programmatic trainings on human-tiger conflict mitigation techniques and tiger conservation in general for UPT PHKA, local government officers, general public, and other relevant institutions. • Cost: US$ ~8.4 million. Indonesia: Tiger Human Conflict
Replicate specialized tiger law enforcement and conflict mitigation units. Upgrade legal basis for arresting suspected poachers with higher penalties Establish high-level inter-agencies command unit (Police, Customs, Justice, Interpol, UNODC, and WCO) to interdict and prosecute wildlife traders operating across state and national boundaries Indonesia: Controlling Illegal Trade
Obtain commitment of countries involved in international trade of tiger, its parts and derivatives to stop. Cost: US$ 100,000 Indonesia: Reducing Demand
Robust system to monitor trends of tiger and prey populations for adaptive management in priority landscapes. Patrolling capacity for MIST and spatial monitoring framework in priority landscapes. Cost: US$ ~ 6.1 million Indonesia: Scientific Monitoring
Adopt law enforcement and tiger monitoring standards Habitat protection Scientific surveys and monitoring Capacity building Lao PDR
Standardize use of MIST and tiger monitoring in protected areas and across projects Installation of MIST and staff training Cost: US$0.24 million Lao PDr: Adopt law enforcement & tiger monitoring standard
Establish inviolate core zone at Nam Et PhouLouey NPA • Habitat establish and maintain connectivity between other neighboring TCLs • Manage land concessions and infrastructure development in TCLs to comply with PA management plans and zoning • Ensure cross-sectoral compliance with PA TPZs and corridors • Cost: US$12.5 million LAO pdr: habitat protection
Confirm that tigers are present or absent in all Tiger Conservation Landscapes (TCLs) • Conduct scientific surveys in all TCLs by 2020 • Make core area of TCLs where tigers are confirmed inviolate from human activities • Cost: US$0.7 million for surveys LAO pdr: scientific survey and monitoring
Capacity building in DoFI, , customs staff, border staff, economic police and CITES MA and SA (training, equipment) • Establish Lao WEN • Establish a Prime Minister’s Commission on Endangered Species and under the PM Commission (housed in the PM Environment Committee) and under MAF create a Tiger Taskforce • Cost: US$ 0.5 million Lao pdr: capacity building