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R.K. Sinha Director, Reactor Design & Development Group Design Manufacturing & Automation Group

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R.K. Sinha Director, Reactor Design & Development Group Design Manufacturing & Automation Group

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  1. Collaborative Project ProposalonInvestigation of technological challenges related to removal of heat from reactor cores operating at temperatures between 600-1000°C with focus on liquid metals and molten salts for use in high temperature reactors, accelerator driven systems, molten salt reactors and advanced fast reactors(IND-2) R.K. Sinha Director, Reactor Design & Development Group Design Manufacturing & Automation Group Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India

  2. Need for the proposal • Next generation reactors, as needed for hydrogen production and similar other applications, will need to incorporate innovative approaches to further enhance their reliability and safety as needed for large scale deployment in different regions of the world. • An important feature of these reactors will be the use of coolants at temperatures much higher than being used in current generation reactors. • This involves addressing a wide range of issues concerning design and safety of these reactors. • Joint studies and research, involving several competent research institutes located in different countries, would offer a cost beneficial approach towards addressing these issues.

  3. Objectives • One or more of the following objectives may be selected based on interest of other participating Member States (MS): • Research to establish properties of high temperature coolants (molten heavy metal, molten salts, etc), establish their thermal hydraulic correlations and investigate issues related to natural circulation of such coolants. • Research on issues related to handling of high temperature coolants • Research on components for service in intimate contact with high temperature coolants • Research on issues related to high temperature coolant chemistry monitoring and control

  4. International activities using heavy liquid metals (HLM) have generally been restricted to 650C Future research in HLM needs to focus on demands of higher temperature operation

  5. Issues related to removal of heat from reactor cores operating at temperatures between 600-1000°C with focus on liquid metals and molten salts (1/3)

  6. Issues related to removal of heat from reactor cores operating at temperatures between 600-1000°C with focus on liquid metals and molten salts (2/3)

  7. Issues related to removal of heat from reactor cores operating at temperatures between 600-1000°C with focus on liquid metals and molten salts (3/3)

  8. Funding • Each country is expected to meet its own expenses including those on manpower deployed for this purpose • The flow of information should be done by e-correspondence, hence avoiding the expenses incurred in travel • Where meetings are essential, India will offer to organise them at Mumbai

  9. Resources • India has an active high temperature reactor programme in progress • Extensive analytical and experimental studies have been planned as a part of this programme • Well-equipped laboratories and a well-trained manpower are available for carrying out work in these areas

  10. Content and workplan (1/2) • It is planned to study various issues related to higher temperature application of these coolants in phased manner • Exact work plan shall be worked out based on discussions with other interested member states. • Proposed implementation process is shown in below • First Year • Phase-0 (Pre project stage) • Formulation of scope, schedule and responsibilities for the entire project duration • Approval at institutional levels • Approval of detailed structure of activities and detailed responsibilities through e-correspondences • Monthly exchange of newsletters giving information of status • Phase-1 • E-correspondence and exchange of initial responses • Review meeting to exchange views and midcourse course corrections if any

  11. Content and workplan (2/2) • Second Year • Phase-2 • Further activities by MS at their respective workplaces • E-correspondence and exchange of results • Review meeting to exchange views and midcourse course corrections if any • Preparation of related documents • Third Year • Phase-3 • Compilation of results • Preparation of related documents • In IAEA INPRO secretariat nominates one person to coordinate the work among all member states

  12. Expected outcome and deliverables • Generation of properties, thermal hydraulic correlations and to establish feasibility of natural circulation in high temperature coolants • Guidelines to address handling issues for active and non-active high temperature coolants. • Guidelines for design of components in intimate contact with high temperature coolants. • Methodology for monitoring of coolant chemistry and its control

  13. Procedure for implementation • It is anticipated that extra budgetary CRP/JIP would be an appropriate mechanism of implementation

  14. Interface with other similar projects inside or outside the agency • To the best of information available, an overview of similar work being done elsewhere has been compiled and detailed in this presentation. It is requested that INPRO team may kindly ascertain current status of these and other similar activities. A selected list of documents referred by us is given below: • Comparative Assessment of Thermophysical and Thermohydraulic Characteristics of Lead, Lead-Bismuth and Sodium Coolants for Fast Reactors, IAEA- TECDOC-1289, 2002, Date of Issue: 6 August 2002. • Power Reactors and Sub-Critical Blanket Systems with Lead and Lead-Bismuth as Coolant and/or Target Material, IAEA-TECDOC-1348, 2003, Date of Issue: 17 June 2003. • The ATHLET-MF code and Its Application to Heavy Liquid Metal Cooled Systems, FZKA-7165, September 2005 • IAEA-TECDOC-1520, Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Heavy Liquid Metal Thermal Hydraulics

  15. Status of current activities in India

  16. Analytical and experimental studieson molten lead based coolant technologies e.g. Studies carried out for Compact High Temperature Reactor EXPANSION TANK HEAT EXCHANGER TEST VESSEL MELT TANK HEATED SECTION CALIBRATION TANK SUMP Temperature distribution in Plenum Liquid Metal Loop Temperature distribution in Reactor core

  17. e.g. CFD code based analysis for Pebble bed – molten Pb/ salt cooled reactor Preliminary design based Schematic of the reactor Results of analytical studies Retaining Mesh Outer Shell Reflector Heat exchanger Core Downcomer Inlet plenum

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