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REVEAL . Developing a New Resource for Visually Impaired People. Have the same information needs as sighted people. Instead of standard text, use accessible formats - Braille, Moon, audio, large print and electronic texts.
REVEAL • Developing a New Resource for Visually Impaired People Have the same information needs as sighted people. Instead of standard text, use accessible formats - Braille, Moon, audio, large print and electronic texts. 100,000 new UK titles published each year, but only 3% also available in accessible formats. Visually Impaired Community Mostly produced by more than 230 voluntary sector agencies and schools. Most individuals know about only a few of these. Some commercial production of large print and audio. Focus on mainstream fiction and leisure interests. UKOLN is funded by Resource: The Council for Museums, Archives and Libraries, the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) of the Higher and Further Education Funding Councils, as well as by project funding from the JISC and the European Union. UKOLN also receives support from the University of Bath where it is based.
REVEAL • A National Union Catalogue nowNational Union Catalogue of Alternative Formats (NUCAF) • Accessible only via intermediaries • c. 86,000 records on file • c. 86,000 items without records • 1999 Review of NUCAF • 2000 Feasibility study • 2001 Commissioning of system to support Reveal • 2002 Launch of Reveal • Accessible as a web OPAC • Work in progress to capture details of missing items • Web based data entry facility for producers the futureRevealThe National Database ofResources in AccessibleFormats
REVEAL The Planned Reveal Web Site Users can locate range of collections Producers can update their entries via web Collectionsregister Reveal web site Users can find materials in a range of collections RevealWebSite Union catalogue Producers can add new records via web • Louis databaseNLS BPHPCNIB VisucatMiracle • Public library union catalogues Links to other resources Develop Z39.50 search facility
REVEAL • Reveal Will Provide: • A web-based union catalogue of materials in accessible formats held in the UK • A register of collections of accessible format materials in the UK • Web-based data entry facilities for producers • Web site designed using WAI Content Accessibility Guidelines • Fiction and non-fiction indexing to assist users • Support for interlibrary lending • Links to similar collections outside the UK • Links to catalogues of commercially produced items in print and collectionsheld in public libraries • The Reveal union catalogue will also be available as a CD product Reveal is part of the UK initiative to improve library and information services for visually impaired people being co-ordinated by Resource: the Council for Archives, Museums and Libraries and Share the Vision and funded by the Department of Culture, Media and Sport. Reveal project partners are: Royal National Institute for the Blind, National Library for the Blind, UKOLN and Juliet Leeves, an independent library automation consultant.