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CQUIN pre-qualification requirement. Innovation, Health and Wealth committed that: “From April 2013, compliance with the High Impact Innovations will become a pre-qualification requirement for CQUIN.”
Innovation, Health and Wealth committed that: “From April 2013, compliance with the High Impact Innovations will become a pre-qualification requirement for CQUIN.” (Innovation , Health and Wealth – accelerating adoption and diffusion in the NHS, December 2011)
Six High Impact Innovations • 3 million lives – accelerate use of assistive technologies… aiming to improve >3 million lives over 5 years; • Oesophageal Doppler Monitoring (ODM) – launch a national drive to get full implementation of ODM, or similar fluid management monitoring technology into practice; • Child in a chair in a day – launch a programme to transform delivery of wheelchair services throughout the NHS; • International and commercial activity – require NHS organisations to work with the NHS Improvement Body supported by UKTI to explore opportunities to increase national and international healthcare activity; • Digital by default – require the NHS to work towards reducing inappropriate face-to-face contacts and to switch to higher quality, more convenient, lower cost alternatives; • Carers for people with dementia – require the NHS to commission services in line with NICE/SCIE guidance on supporting people with dementia
How will prequalification work? • Pre-qualification applies to all providers on the NHS contract • Providers have to meet each of the pre-qualification criteria before CQUIN payments can be made in 2013-14 i.e. pre-qualification is different from, and separate to, 2013-14 CQUIN schemes (national, regional or local) • The majority of organisations should ultimately achieve the prequalification criteria • Work is on going to define the progress that commissioners need to see from all providers on the NHS contract in implementing the 6 High Impact Innovations. • This progress must be demonstrated before CQUIN payments may be made to those organisations during 2013-14 Notes CQUIN will account for 2.5% of budget in 2013-14 Deadline for establishing progress/pre-qualifying – likely to be end March 2013 Criteria will be sufficiently testing that organisations are obliged to work on this during 2012-13 but not so testing that many/most fail? High impact innovations may become a CQUIN in year 2- Six more innovations being identified – may become a rolling process
Which types of organisation do the six High Impact Innovations apply to?
IOFMT CQUIN Workstream aims • Improve uptake of Intra Operative Fluid Management Technologies for appropriate surgical procedures and help reduce length of stay and mortality Measuring progress – current thinking • Possible to track sales of probes or other kit used as a proxy for uptake • Possible to track reductions in length of stay for a range or basket of appropriate procedures, effectively measuring the impact of compliance • Basket of procedures (OPCS codes) in which IOFMT has good evidence and expectation of ?% implementation • Formulation of OPCS code for IOFMT
Timeline for implementation April ‘12 May ‘12 June ‘12 July ‘12 March ‘13 • Release pre-qualification proposal to providers • Final proposal included in NHS planning guidance for 13-14 • Establish and hold first meeting of T&FG • Discuss and agree metrics with workstream • CQUIN prequalification measurement • Finalise detail of pre-qualification criteria