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The Role of Semantic Technologies in the Future Internet

The Role of Semantic Technologies in the Future Internet. Klaus Tochtermann. Where am I from ?. Austria is not Australia. Graz is. Austria. 46% of Austria is covered by forest. High -tech Truck in the Forest and the Internet. Future Internet Initiatives. People….

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The Role of Semantic Technologies in the Future Internet

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  1. TheRole of Semantic Technologies in the Future Internet Klaus Tochtermann

  2. Where am I from? • Austriaisnot Australia

  3. Graz is...

  4. Austria • 46% of Austriais • coveredbyforest

  5. High-tech Truck in the Forest and the Internet

  6. Future Internet Initiatives

  7. People… • 2008 – >1 Billion Internet User • 200 Millionen usersDoubling within 8 months

  8. More and More Content…[Future Internet Ongoing Activities; Presentation byP. Fatelnig EC] 2002 - 2007 – 2 Billionsnewphotos 2007 - 2008 – 1 Billion newphotos 1998 – 26 * 106. indexed Webpages 2008 – 1018indexed Webpages

  9. ... and „Knowledge“…

  10. Future Internet Internet by and for People Internet of Content & Knowledge

  11. ChallengesforSemantic Technologies SocialReading

  12. SocialReading – Today‘sBottlenecks

  13. Comment Comment Comment Comment Social Semantic Reading Same Topic Obama, Putin haveBreakfast Obama, Putin to meetoverBreakfast Comment Comment

  14. Vision –Social Semantic Reading Platforms

  15. Semantic Data Republishing Social Web Site Breakfast Russia <html> </html> RDF

  16. HowmanyTrees in Austria? 3.475.000.000 4.294.967.296

  17. Adressability… • IPv4: 1032 IP-Addresses (4.294.967.296) • IPv6:10128 IP-Addresses 40.282.366.920.938.463.463.374.607.431.768.211.456

  18. „Things“ online Dessert is Great I Havearrived in KL

  19. Internet of ThingsPeople, Behavior, and Location

  20. Challenges ... • Regulation evolves at muchslower rate than Technology • Whoistheowner of thedata in networkedsystems

  21. Future Internet Internet by and for People Internet of Content & Knowledge Internet of Things

  22. Future Internet(FI movie – notincluded in slides)

  23. Future Internet Internet of Services Internet by and for People Internet of Content & Knowledge Internet of Things

  24. ChallengesforSemantic TechnologiesServices on the Internet Austrian-Hungarian Wolfgang von Kempelen 1734–1804

  25. Challenges for Semantic TechnologiesServices on the Internet • Shortcomings Only simple „all in one“ services No assembledservices

  26. Challenges for Semantic TechnologiesSemantic Service Support • Traditional Web Service Technologies • SOAP forcommunication • UDDI forpublishing and discovery • WSDL forinterfacedescription • ... • Lack of semanticcomponent • e.g. WSDL defines Input and Output butnotwhatthe Service does

  27. Semantic Service Integration Service Ontology SemantificationLocation, Time, Movies... UserQuery Which 2008 blockbusterhas scenesin Austria?

  28. Mediation of Semantic Service Descriptions • Overcome differences between ontologies to allow reuse and integration Feature 2 Feature 3

  29. Visual Ontology AlignmentFirst Results of joint project between MIMOS and Know-Center • Detailed view of two related concepts (Anorexia)

  30. Future Internet Internet of Services Internet by and for People Internet of Content & Knowledge Internet of Things

  31. Conclusion 1 Austria250 Miolitreswine/year Future Internet Old wine in newbottles? Future Internet An integration of thefourcomponents?

  32. Conclusion 2 ?

  33. Thank You! Prof. Dr. Klaus TochtermannGraz University of Technology & Know-CenterInffeldgasse 21aA-8010 Graz Tel.: +43 316 – 873 9250Fax: +43 316 – 873 9254 Email: ktochter@know-center.at

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