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Joining in Ymuno

Estyn’s report on LEA resource bases, on the site of mainstream schools, for pupils with moderate learning difficulties What we looked at: how well LEAs plan strategically; the quality of provision and inclusion; and preparing for transition. Adroddiad Estyn ar sylfeini

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Joining in Ymuno

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  1. Estyn’s report on LEA resource bases, on the site of mainstream schools, for pupils with moderate learning difficulties What we looked at: how well LEAs plan strategically; the quality of provision and inclusion; and preparing for transition Adroddiad Estyn ar sylfeini Adnoddau AALlau, ar safleysgolion prifffrwd, ar gyfer disgyblion aganawsterau dysgu cymedrol Beth wnaethom ni edrych arno: pa mor dda y mae AALlau yn cynllunio’n strategol; ansawdd y ddarpariaeth a chynhwysiad; a pharatoi ar gyfer trosglwyddo Joining inYmuno

  2. Lack of data; Lack of research so far; Lack of consistency in planning across Wales; and Need for good practice examples Diffyg data; Diffyg ymchwil hyd yn hyn; Diffyg cysondeb wrth gynllunio ledled Cymru; ac Angen enghreifftiau o arfer dda Why this remitPam y cylch gwaith hwn

  3. Questionnaires to all LEAs and to all resource bases; Visits to six LEAs and their resource bases; and Discussions with LEA officers, headteachers, teachers and pupils Holiaduron i bob AALl ac i bob sylfaen adnoddau; Ymweld â chwe AALl a’u sylfeini adnoddau; a Trafodaethau gyda swyddogion AALl, penaethiaid a disgyblion Evidence baseSail y dystiolaeth

  4. Too few SLAs, formal policies or entry and exit criteria; Do not know enough about how well groups of pupils access the curriculum or achieve; Wider range of needs in bases than planned for; Dim digon o CLGau, polisïau ffurfiol na meini prawf ar gyfer mynediad ac ymadael; Ddim yn gwybod digon ynglŷn â pha mor dda y mae grwpiau o ddisgyblion yn cael mynediad at y cwricwlwm neu’n cyflawni; Ystod ehangach o anghenion mewn sylfeini nag y cynlluniwyd ar eu cyfer; LEAsAALlau

  5. Staff not trained to handle data or complex needs; Functions of bases not regularly reviewed; Access for pupils inconsistent across Wales; and Unclear about how they will involve other agencies Nid yw’r staff wedi’u hyfforddi i ymdrin â data neu anghenion cymhleth; Nid yw swyddogaethau sylfeini’n cael eu hadolygu’n rheolaidd; Mynediad ar gyfer disgyblion yn anghyson ledled Cymru; ac Aneglur ynglŷn â sut byddant yn cynnwys asiantaethau eraill LEAs (2)AALlau (2)

  6. Most pupils gain literacy, numeracy and personal and social skills; Good access to wide curriculum; KS4 gain qualifications; Good integration; Pupils with challenging behaviour do not do as well. Mae’r rhan fwyaf o ddisgyblion yn ennill medrau llythrennedd, rhifedd a phersonol a chymdeithasol; Mynediad da at y cwricwlwm eang; Mae disgyblion CA4 yn ennill cymwysterau; Integreiddio da; Nid yw’r disgyblion ag ymddygiad heriol yn gwneud cystal. Quality of provisionAnsawdd y ddarpariaeth

  7. Many pupils work alongside peers but not consistent across Wales; Where inclusion works well, all staff fully involved in mainstream activities and well informed about pupils’ needs; Reluctance by a few staff to include base pupils; Transport issues for extra curricular activities, and Good support and supervision Mae llawer o ddisgyblion yn gweithio ochr yn ochr â’u cyfoedion, ond nid yw hyn yn gyson ledled Cymru; Lle mae cynhwysiad yn gweithio’n dda, mae pob un o’r staff yn cymryd rhan yn llawn mewn gweithgareddau prif ffrwd ac maent yn wybodus ynglŷn ag anghenion disgyblion; Mae rhai staff yn amharod i gynnwys disgyblion sylfaen; Materion cludiant ar gyfer gweithgareddau allgyrsiol; ac Mae’r cymorth a’r oruchwyliaeth yn dda Quality of inclusionAnsawdd y cynhwysiad

  8. Good preparation; Reassurance and introduction to new setting and staff; Good involvement of parents, SENCOs and other staff. Paratoi da; Sicrwydd a chyflwyniad i’r lleoliad newydd a’r staff; Cyfranogiad da rhieni, cydlynwyr AAA a staff eraill. TransitionTrosglwyddo

  9. Careful auditing of resource bases; Monitoring provision and outcomes for pupils more carefully Easing transition; and Good links with other schools Caiff sylfeini adnoddau eu harchwilio’n ofalus; Monitro’r ddarpariaeth a’r canlyniadau ar gyfer disgyblion yn fwy gofalus Gwneud y trosglwyddo’n haws; a Chysylltiadau da ag ysgolion eraill Examples of good practiceEnghreifftiau o arfer dda

  10. WAG collect robust data on the whereabouts of resource bases attached to schools and the groups of pupils they work with; continue to extend the integrated children’s system so that information can be better shared across local authorities in Wales; and encourage LEAs to develop comprehensive admissions and exit policies with clear criteria for resource bases LlCC casglu data trylwyr ar ble mae sylfeini adnoddau ynghlwm wrth ysgolion a’r grwpiau o ddisgyblion y maent yn gweithio gyda nhw; parhau i ymestyn y system integredig i blant er mwyn gallu rhannu gwybodaeth yn well ar draws awdurdodau lleol yng Nghymru; ac annog AALlau i ddatblygu polisïau dechrau ac ymadael cynhwysfawr gyda meini prawf clir ar gyfer sylfeini adnoddau RecommendationsArgymhellion

  11. LEAs fully involve external partners in planning; collect and analyse data about pupils within their resource bases to inform strategic planning; review the groups and needs of pupils in resource bases regularly; produce formal policies and clear criteria for admissions and exits; set up service level agreements with the schools that host resource bases; and improve the training given to resource base staff and share good practice across LEAs AALlau cynnwys partneriaid allanol yn llawn wrth gynllunio; casglu a dadansoddi data am ddisgyblion yn eu sylfeini adnoddau i lywio cynllunio strategol; adolygu grwpiau ac anghenion disgyblion mewn sylfeini adnoddau yn rheolaidd; llunio polisïau ffurfiol a meini prawf clir ar gyfer dechrau ac ymadael; sefydlu cytundebau lefel gwasanaeth gyda’r ysgolion sy’n cynnal sylfeini adnoddau; ac gwella’r hyfforddiant a roddir i staff sylfeini adnoddau a rhannu arfer dda ar draws AALlau Recommendations continuedArgymhellion (parhad)

  12. schools which host resource bases should: improve training and support for mainstream staff who have pupils from resource bases in their lessons. dylai ysgolion sy’n cynnal sylfeini adnoddau: wella’r hyfforddiant a’r cymorth ar gyfer staff prif ffrwd sydd â disgyblion o sylfeini adnoddau yn eu gwersi. Recommendations continuedArgymhellion (parhad)

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