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Cattle Digestion

Cattle Digestion . Animal Science Cattle Unit. Recall Equine Digestion…. Monogastric Mouth Teeth chew to break down food Saliva breaks down starch Esophagus Tube that carries food from mouth to stomach Stomach Chemicals added to food to bread down further

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Cattle Digestion

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cattle Digestion Animal Science Cattle Unit

  2. Recall Equine Digestion… • Monogastric • Mouth • Teeth chew to break down food • Saliva breaks down starch • Esophagus • Tube that carries food from mouth to stomach • Stomach • Chemicals added to food to bread down further • Smaller materials are absorbed into the bloodstream

  3. Small Intestine • Absorbs nutrients • Enzymes help break down food further • Cecum • Has little function • Between small and large intestines • Large Intestine • Main function is to absorb water • Rectum • The terminal portion of the large intestine • Leads to the anus where waste is passed to the outside of the body

  4. Ruminants—Four Chambered Stomachs • One stomach • Four compartments • Used for the digestion of mass quantities of roughages • Hay and grasses • The path is the same • Mouth • Esophagus • Stomach • Small intestine • Cecum • Large intestine • Rectum

  5. Ruminant Mouth • Functions the same as monogastric EXCEPT… • Ruminants regurgitate their food and re-chew it • A cow makes 40,000-60,000 jaw movements a day just from chewing

  6. Ruminant Esophagus • Functions the same as monogastric EXCEPT… • There is a valve that allows animals to regurgitate feed stuffs to be chewed separately • How well could you digest these? • What happens to you when you eat corn?

  7. Ruminant Stomach • Functions the same as monogastric EXCEPT… • There are 4 chambers • Rumen • Reticulum • Omasum • Abomasum

  8. Chamber #1: The Rumen • Acts as a large fermentation vat • Using microbes to do fermentation • Movement of the rumen mixes its content • Finds large particles and regurgitates them

  9. Chamber #2: The Reticulum • Considered an extra piece of the rumen • Has a honeycomb shape • Site of hardware collection • Cattle may ingest metal from the feed/ground • Cow magnets help the metal from going any further Cow Magnet

  10. Chamber #3: The Omasum • Aids in water absorption • Numerous folds help to trap digestive particles • Increases the time spent to be absorbed

  11. Chamber #4: The Abomasum • Considered the “true stomach” • Functions the same as the monogastric stomach • Hydrochloric acid helps break down the material http://www.cteonline.org/portal/default/Curriculum/Viewer/Curriculum?action=2&cmobjid=178382&view=viewer&refcmobjid=197387

  12. Eructation (Belching) • Production of Carbon Dioxide and Methane • Produced by microbial population in the rumen • Rumen will contract and force the gas out • Bloating can result if ruminant does not belch Bloat and Trocar Flipped Stomach and Gas

  13. Cattle Parts

  14. Circle the following parts • Poll • Dewlap • Brisket • Hoof • Dew Claw • Hock • Switch • Flank (rear pictured) • Back • Loin • Hooks • Rump • Round • Rib • Belly • Heart Girth

  15. Label the picture with the parts

  16. Meat cuts Meat Cut/Quality Video

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