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Monday, November 26. Warm Up: Clear your desk! Take out a pen or pencil. Make sure you have a prompt AND an essay document. Homework: Bring any of MY books back that you are finished reading. MUST return before you leave for Christmas!!!! New Vocab Will Be Given Out Tomorrow!.
Monday, November 26 • Warm Up: • Clear your desk! • Take out a pen or pencil. • Make sure you have a prompt AND an essay document. • Homework: • Bring any of MY books back that you are finished reading. MUST return before you leave for Christmas!!!! • New Vocab Will Be Given Out Tomorrow! • Today’s Agenda: • Lit Essay Timed Writing • SSR 19 days until Christmas Break!!!!
Tuesday, November 27 • Warm Up: • Pick up new vocab- due Friday! • In journal: What is this comic about and how do you know that you’re right? • Homework: • Vocab Due Friday! • Today’s Agenda: • Oedipus Rex • Notes: Sophocles, Greek Drama, Themes, Symbols 18 days until Christmas Break!!!!
Introducing Oedipus Rex! http://app.discoveryeducation.com/player/view/assetGuid/A76BCDAD-0588-4BD4-A6EC-B77410DA1AB3
Wednesday, November 28 • Warm Up: • Write the following quote in your journal and then respond to the thinking question that follows. • “I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts.” • (Abraham Lincoln) • Can people be trusted with the whole truth? Why or Why not? • Today’s Agenda: • Oedipus Characters • Begin Reading 17 days until Christmas Break!!!!
A little backstory… Laius and Jocasta have a baby son (Oedipus) whom they plan to kill. The royal shepherd is ordered to dispose of the child on Mt. Cithaeron. Instead he gives Oedipus to the royal Corinthian shepherd. The Royal Corinthian Shepherd takes the child back to the childless king and queen of Corinth (Polybus and Merope), who adopt him. At about the age of 18, at a dinner party, one of Oedipus' friends makes a rude remark about his not being a real Corinthian but only adopted. Oedipus is shocked and shamed, and goes off to Delphi to ask Apollo about the truth.
Oedipus Reading • Silently read Oedipus...as you read: • Fill out Character List with descriptions of characters • Who are they? • What do they say? • What do they do? • Physical descriptions? • ***Add Laius (Oedipus’s biological father) and Apollo (God of music, poetry, plague, oracles, the sun, medicine, light and knowledge/son of Zeus) to this list! • 2. In notes, write any questions you have as you read. Is there anything you don’t understand? What are you left wondering? (we will discuss these questions as we read aloud tomorrow!) • 3. In your own words, summarize the entire play. Your summary should be in your notes & take up about ½-1 page.
Thursday, November 29 • Warm Up: • 10 minutes silent reading! • Homework: • Vocab Due Tomorrow! • Today’s Agenda: • Irony & Conflict Notes • Read Oedipus as a class 16 days until Christmas Break!!!!
Irony Verbal Irony: words are used to suggest the opposite of what is meant. (Sarcasm) Situational Irony: an event occurs that directly contradicts what is expected to happen. Dramatic Irony: contradiction between what a character thinks and what the reader knows to be true.
What is conflict? • A conflict is a struggle between opposing forces that is the basis of a story’s plot.
Internal Conflict - NOT visual or tangible. -A character dealing with mixed feelings or emotions. A struggle that takes place in a character’s mind.
Examples of Internal Conflict • A character has to decide between right or wrong. • A character has to decide on a solution to a problem.
External Conflict • A struggle between a character and an outside force.
Types ofExternal Conflict Man vs. Man Man vs. Environment
Man vs. Man • Usually seen when two characters are against each other. • It does not have to be a physical confrontation; it can be a battle between two ideas.
Man vs. Environment • Environment is anything that surrounds the character. • Anything EXCEPT people. • Examples: weather, objects, activities, etc.
Friday, November 30 Warm Up: Turn in vocab homework! In journal: Can you solve the riddle of the Sphinx? What goes on four legs in the morning, on two legs at noon, and on three legs in the evening? (morning, noon, and night are metaphors) In Greek mythology, the Sphinx sat outside of Thebes and asked this riddle of all travelers who passed by. If the traveler failed to solve the riddle, then the Sphinx killed him/her. And if the traveler answered the riddle correctly, then the Sphinx would destroy herself. • Today’s Agenda: • Symbolism in Oedipus • Read Oedipus as a class/Discuss 15 days until Christmas Break!!!!
The Sphinx In Greek tradition, it has the body of a lion, the wings of a great bird, and the face of a woman. She is mythicized as treacherous and merciless. Those who cannot answer her riddle suffer a fate typical in such mythological stories, as they are killed and eaten by the monster. Greek Sphinx vs. Egyptian Sphinx Unlike the Greek sphinx, which was a woman, the Egyptian sphinx is typically shown as a man. In addition, the Egyptian sphinx was viewed as kind in contrast to the wicked Greek version.