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Iran Natanz1 platan

Natanz is a city in Isfahan Province. The Karkas mountain chain (Kuh-e Karkas) (meaning mountain of vultures), at an elevation of 3,899 meters, rises above the town, and locals point in its direction telling how the Achaemenian King, Darius III, was killed nearby.

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Iran Natanz1 platan

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  1. Natanz Situatîn provincia Isfahan în vecinătatea instalaţiilor nucleare iraniene, la o altitudine de 1600 de metri, la poalele Munţilor Vulturilor (Kuh-e Karkas) orăşelul cu 40000 de locuitori este cunoscut pentru perele sale şi pentru moscheea din secolul XIV Natanzis a city in Isfahan Province. The Karkasmountainchain (Kuh-e Karkas) (meaningmountain of vultures), at an elevation of 3,899 meters, risesabove the town, and locals point in its direction telling how the Achaemenian King, Darius III, waskillednearby. The NatanzNuclearFacility, locatedsome 30 km NNW from the townnear a major highway, isgenerallyrecognized as Iran's central facility for uranium enrichmentwith over 19,000 gas centrifuges currentlyoperational and nearlyhalf of thembeingfedwith uranium hexafluoride

  2. Although Natanz dates back to the pre-Islamic era, it remained under the loose influence of Kashan’s feudal, and later the regal protectorate of the early Islamic period up until the Mongol rule. It came under direct sphere of the newly converted Shiite Safavid Kings less than 400 years ago when most of its Zoroastrian residents were compelled to convert. The houses were uniquely built with clay Locuitorii spun că după ce a fost învins de Alexandru Macedon, Darius III, ultimul rege achemenid, a fost ucis în munţii Karkas de către satrapul Bessus Localitatea are o vechime de peste 3000 de ani iar casele sunt construite din cărămizi uscate la soare (chirpici) care din cauza climei uscate se pietrifică

  3. Platanul, (Platanus Orientalis) a fost din cele mai vechi timpuri unul dintre cei mai importanţi copaci din Persia. Cunoscut sub denumirea de Chenar, asemeni chiparosului este arbore sacru. Trees were regarded as holy in ancient Iran. They have been also respected in Islam. Platanus, cedar and Ziziphuswereamong the treeswhichwerepopularwith the Iranians. The hugeplatanustree has a wideleafyshade. The Prophet Muhammad, for instance, saidthatbreaking a treebranchamounts to cutting an angel’swing

  4. Platanul şi chiparosul, reprezintă longevitatea şi sunt simbolurile ideale pentru Amertat (imortalitate) Tress and forests were of immense significance in Iranian mythology which hails trees as good humans who have turned into trees after their death and have been given an eternal life. So cutting huge fruit trees was a practice widely frowned upon. Ancient Iranians believed that anyone who cuts a tree would lose a loved one in the same year. 

  5. Încă din cele mai vechi timpuri el era plantat în Grădina Persană (Paradis) fiind un arbore cunoscut pentru umbra sa (dus de arabi în Spania, ibericii îi spun plátano de sombra) Iranianswere the first people whoestablished a forestryorganization and paidspecial attention to sustainabledevelopment. “Othersplanted [trees] and weate the fruits; we are expected to plant [this time] sothatotherscaneat the fruits” is the meaning of “sustainabledevelopment” an Iranianold village man said in response to Anooshiravan [Khosrau] 14 centuries ago.

  6. De asemenea platanii sunt plantaţi lângă moschei sau mormintele sfinţilor islamici spunându-se că frunza lui seamănă cu Hamsa (palma deschisă a Fatimei) simbolul loialităţii şi toleranţei în lumea musulmană Also the plane trees are planted near the mosques or the tombs of the Islamic saints, saying that their leaves resemble Hamsa (the open palm of Fatima) the symbol of loyalty and tolerance in the Muslim world

  7. Platanul este important şi în religia lui Zoroastru, fiind una dintre esenţele de lemn din care se poate confecţiona Barsamul (simbolul puterii şi unităţii) Platan is also important in Zarathustra's religion, being one of the wood essences from which Barsom can be made (the symbol of power and unity) Mithra, Zeul Soarelui ţine în mână un Barsam (Tagh-e Bostan, investitura regelui Ardashir II (379-383) Mithra, the Sun God, holds a Barsom (Tagh-e Bostan, the investiture of King Ardashir II (379-383)

  8. Aria lui Xerxes (Largo de Haendel) Ombra mai fu este un cântec de dragoste a lui Xerxes pentru un platan căruia se spune că i-ar fi scris o odă, spre uluirea grecilor! (Dar cam tot pe atunci sub alt faimos platan Hippocrates preda medicina) The Tree of Hippocrates, under which Hippocrates — the "Father of Medicine" — taught at Kos, is reputed to have been an oriental plane. A plane tree is the main theme in the aria Ombra mai fu composed by George Frideric Handel, in which the main character, Xerxes I of Persia, admires the shade of a plane tree.

  9. Iran Fotografii: Sanda Foişoreanu Nicoleta Leu Prezentare: Sanda Foişoreanu https://www.slideshare.net/michaelasanda https://ma-planete.com/michaelasanda 2010 Fond muzical:Händel – Xerxes Ombra mai fu - Marilyn Horne

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