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Iran Natanz2

Natanz is a city in Isfahan Province. The Karkas mountain chain (Kuh-e Karkas) (meaning mountain of vultures), at an elevation of 3,899 meters, rises above the town, and locals point in its direction telling how the Achaemenian King, Darius III, was killed nearby.

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Iran Natanz2

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  1. Natanz Situatîn provincia Isfahan în vecinătatea instalaţiilor nucleare iraniene, la o altitudine de 1600 de metri, la poalele Munţilor Vulturilor (Kuh-e Karkas) orăşelul cu 40000 de locuitori este cunoscut pentru perele sale şi pentru moscheea din secolul XIV The wordNatanz, in Middle Persian-Pahlavi- means “the beautiful city.” The townisalsoassociatedwithpotterymaking and tile production. The Karkasmountainchain (Kuh-e Karkas) (meaningmountain of vultures), at an elevation of 3,899 meters, risesabove the town, and locals point in its direction telling how the Achaemenian King, Darius III, waskillednearby. 2

  2. În epoca ilkhanidă (după devastarea ţării de către Gingis Han, perioada cât stăpânirea mongolă este reprezentată de imperiul ilkhanid 1256-1335) cele mai mari realizări arhitecturale au fost complexele funerare. In the Ilkhanid dynasty (after the devastation of the country by Gingis Han, while the Mongol rule is represented by the Ilkhanid empire 1256-1335), the greatest architectural achievements were the funerary complexes.

  3. Primii ilkhanizi, la fel ca şi strămoşii lor, mongolii, şi-au ascuns mormintele dar după ce Ghazan (1295-1304) se converteşte la islam iar Üljaitü adoptă islamul shiit în 1310, se construiesc adevărate complexe funerare numite „micile oraşe ale lui Dumnezeu” care cuprind ospicii, şcoli coranice, spitale, moschei, biblioteci, academii de filozofie, observatoare The first Ilkhanids, like their ancestors, the Mongols, hid their graves but after Ghazan (1295-1304) converted to Islam and Üljaitü adopted shiite Islam in 1310, real funerary complexes called "the small cities of God" are built, which include schools, hospitals, mosques, libraries, philosophy academies, obser-vatories

  4. Oraşele lui Dumnezeu au fost construite şi pentru viziri sau alţi demnitari locali. The cities of God were also built for viziers or other local dignitaries

  5. La Natanz vizirul Zain al-Din Mastari a construit mormântul maestrului său, şeicul sufit Abd al-Samad, mort în anul 1299, precum şi o khanka (ospiciu pentru sufiţi) din care a mai rămas doar portalul At Natanz, Vizier Zain al-Din Mastari built the grave of his master, Sheikh SuffiAbd al-Samad, dead in 1299, and a khanqah (Sufi hospice or even monastery, which included a study house). The portal on the western end of the façade is the only remains of an early fourteenth century khanqah that was destroyed and replaced by a mosque in the 1930s The portal takes the form of tall, two-story iwan with a pointed arched vault. The facade of the iwan is decorated with both glazed fired tiles and unglazed carved terracotta. 

  6. În anul 1307 vizirul a mărit şi Moscheea de Vineri de lângă mormântul maestrului său In 1307, the Vizier also enlarged the Mosque of Friday near the grave of his master

  7. Meşterii care au lucrat la Natanz s-au mutat apoi la Sultaniya, la mormântul lui Üljaitü, Soltanieh Dom The craftsmen who worked at Natanz then moved to Sultaniya at the grave of Üljaitü, Soltanieh Dom

  8. Minaretul a fost adăugat în anul 1325 de un şeic local The minaret was added in 1325 by a local sheik

  9. Iran Fotografii:Sanda Foişoreanu Nicoleta Leu Prezentare: Sanda Foişoreanu https://www.slideshare.net/michaelasanda https://ma-planete.com/michaelasanda 2010 Fond muzical: Abdol Vahab Shahidi - Bahar Ghamangiz

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