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Natanz is a city in Isfahan Province. The Karkas mountain chain (Kuh-e Karkas) (meaning mountain of vultures), at an elevation of 3,899 meters, rises above the town, and locals point in its direction telling how the Achaemenian King, Darius III, was killed nearby.
Natanz Situatîn provincia Isfahan în vecinătatea instalaţiilor nucleare iraniene, la o altitudine de 1600 de metri, la poalele Munţilor Vulturilor (Kuh-e Karkas) orăşelul cu 40000 de locuitori este cunoscut pentru perele sale şi pentru moscheea din secolul XIV The wordNatanz, in Middle Persian-Pahlavi means “the beautiful city.” The townisalsoassociatedwithpotterymaking and tile production 3
Stilularhitectural al moscheilorpersane a împrumutatelemente de stil din arhitecturapalatelorpersane din vremeaParțilorși a Sassanizilor. According to Persian historian and archae-ologist Arthur Pope, the supreme Iranian art, in the proper meaning of the word, has always been its architecture. The supremacy of architecture applies to both pre- and post-Islamic periods. The architectural style of the Persian mosques borrowed elements of style from the Persian palace architecture from the time of the Parthians and the Sassanids.
Astfel intrarea principală a moscheii persane numită iwan are în partea superioară arcade, de asemeni domul folosește acelaș stil precum acoperișul palatelor persane Thus the main entrance of the Persian mosque called iwan has in the upper arches; the dome also uses the same style as the roof of the Persian palaces
După ce Persia a fost cucerită de arabi, arhitectura moscheilor împrumută elemente arhitecturale parte și sasanide. The fall of the Sassanian dynasty to the invading Muslim Arabs led to the adaptation of Persian architectural forms for Islamic religious buildings in Iran. The two styles, both the Parthian and the Sassanian, by their joining, contributed to the birth of the Islamic style used in the construction of mosques
Cele două stiluri, atât cel part cât și cel sasanid, prin îmbinarea lor au contribuit la nașterea stilului islamic folosit în construcția moscheilor After Persia was conquered by the Arabs, the architecture of the mosques lends architectural elements from the Parthians and the Sassanids. Certain design elements of Persian architecture have persisted throughout the history of Iran
La moscheile din Iran curtea interioară are patru iwane (încăperi cu acoperiş în formă de boltă încorporate clădiriidar cu o latură deschisă spre curtea interioară, asemenea bolţilor de la intrarea monumentală în edificiile de cult, publice şi în casele de locuit. In Iran's mosques, the inner courtyard has four walls (roofed in the form of a vaulted roof built in walls but with an open side to the inner courtyard, like their bowls from the monumental entrance to their worship, public and Iwan (a vaulted space with a wall open to an inner courtyard), a typical element of Persian architecture (both in the Parthians and the Sassanids period) was taken over by the Islamic architecture becoming a compulsory feature of the mosques, but being also used in residential architecture not only in the public domain Iwan, (un spaţiu boltit cu un perete deschis spre o curte interioară) element tipic al arhitecturii persane (atât în epoca partă cât şi în cea sassanidă) a fost preluat de arhitectura islamului devenind o caracteristică obligatorie a moscheilor dar fiind folosită şi în arhitectura rezidenţială nu doar în cea publică An iwan is a rectangular hall or space, usually vaulted, walled on three sides, with one end entirely open. Iwans are most commonly associated with Islamic architecture; however, the form is Iranian in origin and was invented much earlier and fully developed in Mesopotamia around the third century CE, during the Parthian period of Persia. The form is not confined to any particular function, and is found in buildings for either secular or religious uses, and in both public and residential architecture.
Curteainterioară este folosită ca loc de rugăciune, iar în jurul acesteia se află clădirea moscheii. The inner courtyard is used as a place of prayer, and around it is the mosque building
Sanctuarul şeicului sufit Abd al-Samad Esfahani, mort în anul 1299, este octogonal, o formă cu totul neobişnuită pentru morminte şi cea mai veche construcţie de acest fel din Iran. Sheikh AbdussamadEsfahanidied in Natanz in 1299 and thisbeautiful, smallmosquewasbuilt in hishonourearly in the 14th century. The friezeisfrom 1308 and wasformerly part of anotherreligious building. The mosqueisspecial in design, withitsdifferent roof and its one tower. It is an important example of Persian architecture
Iran Fotografii: Sanda Foişoreanu Nicoleta Leu Prezentare: Sanda Foişoreanu https://www.slideshare.net/michaelasanda https://ma-planete.com/michaelasanda 2010 Fond muzical:AbdolVahab Shahidi - BaharGhamangiz