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Road infrastructure in Bulgaria

REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS. Road infrastructure in Bulgaria. Vasilka Kostadinova Director of Directorate “Implementation of EU funded Projects” Road Infrastructure Agency. Slovene – Bulgarian Business Forum, 12 th May 2010. 1.

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Road infrastructure in Bulgaria

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  1. REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS Road infrastructure in Bulgaria Vasilka Kostadinova Directorof Directorate “Implementation of EU funded Projects” Road Infrastructure Agency Slovene – Bulgarian Business Forum, 12th May 2010 1

  2. European transport corridors 2

  3. European transport corridors in Bulgaria 3

  4. Road Junctions – 268 km Motorways – 418 km I Class roads – 2975 km II Class roads – 4027 km • Territory of Bulgaria: 110 900 km² • Total length of national roads: 19 436 km • Density of national roads: 0.18 km/km² 4

  5. State budget; Pre-accession programmes PHARE and ISPA; Operational programmes Transport and Regional development 2007-2013(EU financing); State investment loans Sources of financing: 5

  6. Operational Programme Transport 2007 – 2013 Total budget of 990Million Euro for construction of 213 km motorways and 69 kmI class roads, part of the TEN-T network. Road Infrastructure Agencyis the only beneficiary on Priority Axis II “Development of road infrastructure along the major national and Pan-European transport axes”. 6

  7. Projects in Operational Programme Transport 1. Trakia MW (from Sofia to Burgas) – 115 km – 350 Million Euro 2. Mariza MW (from BG to TR) – 67 km – 208 Million Euro 3. Struma MW (from BG to GR) – 132 km – 250 Million Euro 4. Kardshali – Podkova (from BG to GR) – 28 km – 32 Million Euro 5. Hemus MW(from Sofia to Varna) – 8.5 km – 32 Million Euro 6. Е-79, Vraza – Botevgrad (north of Sofia) – 31 km – 85 Million Euro • Е-79, Vidin – Montana (from RO to BG) – 20 km – 32 Million Euro Σ 990 Million Euro 7

  8. Projects on Operational Programme Transport 2007 - 2013 7 6 1 5 2 4 8 3

  9. “Trakia” MW, Lot 2 Stara Zagora–Nova Zagorafromkm 210+100 to km 241+900 Length – 31.800 km Sections of Trakiya MW in exploitation Projected sections of Trakiya MW • The tender procedure for construction is completed. Signature of construction contract: 23 April 2010 Investment cost: 70.5 Million Euro. • The tender procedure for supervision was announced on 22 February 2010. Signature of contract: expected in May 2010 • End of construction: Summer 2012 9

  10. “Trakia” MW, Lot 3 Nova Zagora – Yambol from km 241+900 to km 276+200 Length – 35.697 km Sections of Trakiya MW in exploitation Projected sections of Trakiya MW • Start of the tender procedure for construction: 26 February 2010. Signature of contract: expected inJuly 2010. • Start of the tender procedure for supervision: 23 April 2010. Signature of contract: expected in July 2010 • End of construction: Summer 2012 • Tentative investment cost: 108 Million Euro 10

  11. “Trakia”, Lot 4 Yambol - Karnobat from km 276+200 to km 325+280 Length – 49.080 km Sections of Trakiya MW in exploitation Projected sections of Trakiya MW • Start of the tender procedure for construction: 07 April 2010. Signature of contract: expected in August 2010. • Start of the tender procedure for supervision: expected 14 May 2010. • Signature of contract: expected in August 2010 • End of construction: Autumn 2012 • Tentative investment cost: 146 Million Euro 11

  12. “Maritza” MW, Orizovo – Harmanli (connection Trakia MW – Turkish border) from km 5+000 to km 71 + 011 Length – 66,011 km • Tender procedures for construction and supervision: Preparation of tender documentation is forthcoming. Start of tender procedures - second half of 2010 expected. • Possible division of the project implementation – in 2 lots. • Tentative investment cost: 209 Million Euro 12

  13. Corridor No IV, Sofia to Greek border Lot 1 Dolna Dikania – Dupnitza from km 305+220 to km 322+000 Lot 2 Dupnitza-Blagoevrad from km 322+000 to km 356+000 Lot 4 Sandanski-Kulata from km 423+500 to km 438+500 Lot 3 will be constructed in the next programming period 2014-2020 Total length of Lot 1, Lot 2 and Lot 4: 65.78 km. Indicative cost: 250 Million Euro. Tender procedures for construction and supervision of Lot 1 and Lot 4: first half of 2011. Lot 2 – Tender procedure for design: forthcoming Struma Motorway 13

  14. „Hemus” Motorway Section : „Sofia Ring Road – “Yana” road junction”from km 0 to km 8+460. • Start of the tender procedure for construction and supervision: expected in June 2011 • Selection of Contractor and Consultant: expected in October 2011 • Tentative investment cost:32 Million Euro 14

  15. Corridor No IX, road to the Greek border The project includes rehabilitation of 8 km of the existing road and 24 km new construction from Kardzhali to Podkova. RoadI-5 Kardzhali – Podkova • Start of the tender procedure for construction and supervision: expected in December 2010 • Selection of Contractor and consultant: expected in April 2011 • Tentative investment cost: 32 Million Euro 15

  16. Operational Programme Regional Development 2007 - 2013 OPRD Phase 1, 302 km 14 Lots, ongoing tender procedures for construction and supervision. Expected beginning of the construction – July 2010.Budget – 110, 6 mil. Euro OPRD Phase 2, 311 km 15 Lots, tender documents are approved. Expected start of tender procedures –second half of 2010. Budget – 135,5 mil. Euro OPRD Phase 3 Indicative list of projects, ready to be included in the programme. 16

  17. ІI. Road infrastructure projects for design 2010 – 2013 under Operational Programme Transport Construction 2014 – 2020 17

  18. Operational Programme Transport OPT – 2007-2013 PROGRAMME PERIOD OPT – 2014-2020 PROGRAMME PERIOD 18

  19. Struma Motorway Lot 3 /Blagoevgrad - Sandanski/ • Total length: 67.5 km • 3 major sections: • 3.1 - Blagoevgrad – Krupnikfrom km 356+000 to km 380+000 • 3.2 – Krupnik – Kresna (Kresna defile) from km 380+000 to km 400+600 • 3.3 - Kresna – Sandanskifrom km 400+600 to km 423+500 Preparation of Application form for funding the design of Lot 3 by Technical Assistance of Operational Programme "Transport“ is ongoing. Start of tender procedures for design – Autumn 2010. 19

  20. Trakia MWLot 6 (Black Sea Motorway) The project is part of the Pan-European Transport Corridor No. VIII and connects the two biggest ports of the Republic of Bulgaria – Varna and Burgas Length:100 km Indicative cost: 350 Million Euro 20

  21. “Sofia – Kalotina (border to Serbia)” MW Length:50 km Indicative cost: 150 Million Euro 21

  22. “Sofia – Gyueshevo (border to Macedonia)” MW Length:85 km Indicative cost: 260 Million Euro 22

  23. “Shipka” Tunnel The total length is approx.:3.2 km 23

  24. Thank you for the attention! 24

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