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ASN 上傳流程 (The procedure to upload ASN) For NA(Fullerton/Houston/Indy) site Hub For 北美 H ub 請點擊以下箭頭 For other site Hub

ASN 上傳流程 (The procedure to upload ASN) For NA(Fullerton/Houston/Indy) site Hub For 北美 H ub 請點擊以下箭頭 For other site Hub go to next page For 其祂 Hub 直接進入下一頁. Click here.

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ASN 上傳流程 (The procedure to upload ASN) For NA(Fullerton/Houston/Indy) site Hub For 北美 H ub 請點擊以下箭頭 For other site Hub

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  1. ASN上傳流程(The procedure to upload ASN)For NA(Fullerton/Houston/Indy) site HubFor 北美Hub 請點擊以下箭頭For other site Hub go to next pageFor其祂Hub直接進入下一頁 Click here

  2. Open the website http://www.evmihub.com, key in the User Name and Password, then press Login 打开eVMI system®网站http://www.evmihub.com,输入用户名和密码,然后按登陆

  3. 一.快速ASN 的上傳流程(Quick ASN upload process):选择Web Process 進入Quick ASNChoose Web  Process Quick ASN

  4. 選擇Add Item﹐進入本頁面。 分別上傳 ASN File, Packing List File 和Invoice File. 如果沒有ASN File 的標准格式﹐請先點擊Notice 下的藍色字體下載新的格式。Choose “Add Item” and then Enter this page. Please Upload ASN File, Packing list file and Invoice file. If you haven’t the new format of ASN File, please first click notice 1 which highlight in blue. 點擊此處DownLoad ASN Format

  5. 請務必注意新的ASN格式第一行不能再是空行﹐而且之前的”ETD”欄位已經被換成了”Country of Original”。否則ASN將不能上傳成功。Please make sure to note the new ASN format: the first line of the format must be cancelled and the “ETD” has changed into “Country of Original”. Or else you won’t upload ASN successfully. 請注意新的ASN Format將舊的Format中的ETD欄位改爲了Country of Original

  6. 下載新的ASN格式后﹐可以保存在電腦里。Please save the ASN file after your downloading .

  7. ASN File , Packing list File 和Invoice File上傳完畢之后﹐點擊右上角的”Go”﹐進入下一個界面。After finishing uploading the ASN File , Packing list File and Invoice File, please click “Go” at the top right corner.

  8. 進入本頁面后﹐請務必再核對以遍上傳的內容是否正確﹐然后再點擊右上角的”Save”標示。After entering this page, please double check the data and click the “save” notice at the top right corner.

  9. 系統將會彈出一個提示﹐以便確認您是否已經上傳成功。本窗口表示沒有上傳成功。There will be a notice to inform you whether you have uploaded successfully or not. This signal shows uploading unsuccessfully.

  10. 本窗口顯示已經上傳成功了。This page shows you have uploaded successfully.

  11. 上傳后在本畫面可以看到相關的信息﹐ASN已經被系統解讀成功﹐可以看到ARN號碼。上傳后在本畫面可以看到相關的信息﹐ASN已經被系統解讀成功﹐可以看到ARN號碼。

  12. 注意在“ Save Result”報表中查ARN號碼。Please note the ARN No. in the “Save Result” Report.

  13. 二﹑正常ASN 上傳的流程。Normal Advance Shipping Notice Upload Process與快速上傳ASN不同﹐正常上傳ASN這種方法適合出貨料號比較少的形式。Normal Advance Shipping Notice Uploading Process is better for the kinds of few material items.

  14. 二. Normal ASN upload process • There is some differences between The Normal ASN and Quickly ASN. And normal ASN it’s better for few items uploading. Normal ASN是用于料号比较少的Vendor,它的上传流程和 Quickly ASN只有一点区别 • First , Choose Process Normal ASN Upload Choose ASN Type, EDA  Add • 首先,选择Process Normal ASN 選擇ASN 種類﹐EDA Add

  15. 進入Process 下的Normal ASN UploadProcess Normal ASN Upload

  16. 選擇正確的ASN Type(一共有7種模式)﹐填寫ETA。然后點擊右上角的 “Go”﹐進入下一個界面。Please choose the correct ASN Type (There are 7 types), key in the ETA, and click “Go” at the top right corner.

  17. 進入本頁面上傳其他信息﹐尤其是用藍色標記的所有欄目以及Invoice ﹐packing list。Please upload other information, including all the items which highlighted in blue and Invoice list 和packing list .

  18. 藍色標記的欄位﹐有可以選擇的項目﹐包括供應商料號﹐鴻海料號﹐制造商﹐事業處。There are some items you can choose after you click the optional tag, including Supplier Part No, Customer Part No, MFG and Customer Name.

  19. 有些欄位是需要輸入的。包括數量﹐單價還有Invoice 號碼。You need key in the information to some items. Including the Quantity, Unit Price, and Invoice No.

  20. 輸入Invoice號碼后﹐請點擊右上角的 “Add”標示﹐上傳Invoice, 然后點 “Save”。

  21. Invoice和packing的上傳。This page shows how to upload invoice file and packing list.

  22. 保存好后﹐象本窗口一樣會有提示提醒上傳已經好了。 After you click “save” at the top right corner, you will see the successful signal as below.

  23. 產生ASN號碼后﹐可以到下一個界面去查詢是否已經上傳成功。Please copy the ASN No. and enter the next page to check whether you have upload successfully or not.

  24. 回到Process下的Quickly ASN﹐核對是否已經上傳了。Back to this page to confirm whether you have uploaded already .

  25. 檢查ARN號碼是否已經產生﹐如果沒有問題﹐表示該筆ASN已經上傳成功了。It shows the ASN has uploaded successfully when you can see the ARN no.

  26. Ok, it’s the end of the introduction for uploading ASN with 2 methods!Ok! 兩種ASN上傳方式的流程介紹完畢﹗ • 以上是兩種上傳ASN方式的介紹﹐有關于上傳過程中需要注意的細節將在以下的界面中已經一一表示出來。 • There are two methods for uploading ASN hereinbefore. Please read the following notice to note which you concern a lot.

  27. Series Notice 1. Please upload the ASN File (.xls file expected) in the Excel File Field;Pls make sure your ASN excel file follows the standard format; 请在Excel File Field上传ASN Format,请确保您的Format格式正确 2. Please upload the Invoice File in the Proforma Inv Field; 请在Proforma Inv Field上传INVOICE 3.Pls upload the Packing List File in the Packing List Field; 请在Packing List Field上传PACKING 4.The file will be renamed when uploaded. Naming rule: login name + the first char of facility no. + case ASN file "A" , else case Proforma Inv file "I" else case Packing List file "P" + time string(e.g. A vendor with login name VENDOR uploaded an ASN excel file to LH1 facility at 14:45:32 on Mar 12,2004 , .When the file uploaded it was renamed to : vendorLA04312144532.xls ) 上传资料以后系统会自动将文档更名,以下是命名规则

  28. Let’s see the New Standard ASN Formatand please note the following notice.這是新標准的ASN的格式﹐請在上傳時注意以下細節。

  29. 1. 第一行不能是空行The first line can not be blank any more.

  30. 2. Customer Name 必须正确The Customer Name must be correct

  31. 3. 供應商料號與鴻海料號必須是數字格式﹐否則象 “07941” 會自動換成“7941” 。The Supplier Part No & Customer Part No must be the character format ,or else like “07941” will be changed to “7941” utomatically.

  32. 4. MFR不能超过16个字符,否则系统无法识别. The MFR can not be longer than 16 character ,or else the system can not recognise .

  33. 5. 数量和单价必须是数字格式,否则系统无法识别。The Shipping Qty&Price must be Number format, e.g. The price can not be “USD0.023”, but must be “0.023”,or else the system won’t recognise too.

  34. 6.币别必须是 USD\NTD\HKD ,不能是usd\ntd or hkd 。The currency must be USD\NTD\HKD,It can not be usd\ntd or hkd .

  35. 7. ETA格式必须正确﹐像2005/11/03 or 2005-11-03才是正確的。The ETA must be the format 2005/11/03 or 2005-11-03.

  36. 8.原產國必須要上傳。 “The Country Of Original” must be uploaded.

  37. 9. ASN资料必须在Format文档的Sheet1里面。ASN material must be in the first sheet of Format.

  38. “EDT”不用再上傳了﹐而且第一行不能再是空行﹐請 • 務必保証上傳ASN前所有物料的基本資料在VMI HUB • 的系統里都是存在的。否則我們不能安排任何新料的收 • 貨。 • Please don’t upload EDT information any more , • and the first line can not be blank. Meanwhile • pleasemake sure all the items has information in • our system before you upload ASN. Or else we can • not arrangethe import of the new item material.

  39. The notice detail: 1.The price must not be blank or zero 单价不能为零或者为空. 2.The quantity must not be blank or zero 数量不能为零或者为空 3. Both the Item for Packing and Invoice can not blank in the same time, but left only one blank is no problem. the Packing and the Invoice不能同时为空,但 其中一栏可以为空

  40. 上傳后務必保存信息 • Please make sure to Press “Save” to save all information and finish the uploading process . • 上传完成后,務必保存所有信息。

  41. Upload ASN (NA site Hub) in Website (Advanced Shipping Notice)

  42. Click button to the new website linking page from www.evmihub.com This is the first page of new website Key in the User Name and Password (The one you used before)  Login  Step 1

  43. ClickProcess to ASN uploading function page  Step 2

  44. There are two different ways to upload ASN in new website, please choose the one you prefer Click here 1. Quick ASN Uploading Process Click here 2. Normal ASN Uploading Process Remark: You are suggested to use Normal ASN Upload if your shipments have a few items. Click here 3. ASN Query and Revisal Process

  45. Quick ASN Uploading Process: Click Quick ASN Choose Max Records(20, 30...All stands for items listed in one page) Click Go at the top right corner  Step 1

  46. Quick ASN Uploading Process: Click ADD ITEMto open ASN uploading functionRemark: If you are the first time to upload ASN in new website, you will see notice ‘No Record is found’. Please click OK to the next step. Step 2

  47. Quick ASN Uploading Process: Fill in ASN File / Format (.xls file) Keep ASN File / Format in document in your computer  Remark: You can click connection to download ASN File / Format (.xls) Step 3

  48. Quick ASN Uploading Process: This is the description of ASN File / Format including 2 sheets: Sheet 1is for filling of material details Sheet 2 is for remarks and description Remark: Please do not change the sequence of these 2 sheets

  49. Quick ASN Uploading Process: Let’s see the Standard ASN File / Format and note the remarks Supplier RefNo = Vendor ReferenceNo Customer Name = Customer code The columns in green can not be blank Supplier Name = Vendor code ETA date (YYYY-MM-DD) should be after the uploading date

  50. Quick ASN Uploading Process: Upload ASN File / FormatUpload Packing list / Invoice (Both or alternative) Click Go at the top right corner to the next step  Step 4

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