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Introductions. Leslie Jackson, TMIECE Project DirectorBob Siegel, National Director Easter Seals Early Care and EducationParticipants. Purpose of Today's Session. Preview the TMIECE training curriculumDescribe training activitiesSample learning activities and materials from the curriculumDiscuss benefits for Child Care Resource and Referral agencies..
1. Preparing Child Care Providers to Include Children with Disabilities: The Easter Seals Training Modules Project 2008 NACCRRA Professional Development Institute
Pittsburgh, PA
3. Purpose of Today’s Session Preview the TMIECE training curriculum
Describe training activities
Sample learning activities and materials from the curriculum
Discuss benefits for Child Care Resource and Referral agencies.
4. Activity Following Directions
5. The Training Modules for Inclusive Early Care and Education What it is
How we got here
Organization of the modules
6. What are the Training Modules for Inclusive Early Care and Education? Training materials and resources designed to improve the capacity of early care and education providers to meet the needs of children with varying abilities
Training, consultation and technical assistance
Based on Easter Seals ICC Operating Standards
7. How Did We Get Here? History of the Easter Seals Child Development Center (CDC) Network
Operating Standards
Response to requests from CDC staff
8. CDC Network Easter Seals created a Child Development Center (CDC) Network in the late 1990s, as response to the national child care need
Approx. 90 accredited and licensed center-based full-day child care centers serving children 6 weeks to 5 years of age; 27% have disabilities
Daily activities are educational, the curriculum is driven by developmentally-appropriate practices to meet each child’s physical, educational, social, emotional and developmental needs.
9. Implementation Guide: Operating Standards for HighQuality Inclusive Child Care In late 2002, Easter Seals received a 3-year grant from the Goizueta Foundation to develop program standards for high quality inclusive child care.
Goal: better define elements necessary to boost quality and quantity of inclusive childcare in the United States.
The four major areas are:
10. Operating Standards Operations – Requires that Centers
Provide services to all children
Use formal assessment tool to identify possible developmental problems
Collaborate with state and local intervention programs
Offer resource services to childcare providers interested in inclusive care.
11. Operating Standards Parent Communications: Requires
Formal, on-going, consistent communication with families about their child's daily experience and behavior
Communication with all parents concerning the benefits of inclusive child care
Encouragement for parents of all children to interact with one another.
12. Operating Standards Teacher/Therapist Integration: Requires
Therapies be delivered in the child's natural setting, during routine activities;
Interventions outside the natural setting are carefully planned so that they don’t disrupt the child’s participation in program activities;
Therapists and child care providers meet as equals on a regular basis to exchange information and plan individualized programs for each child, work to integrate classroom curricula with IFSP/IEP goals and therapy treatment plans.
13. Operating Standards Teacher/Therapist Integration: Requires
Therapists and child care staff work with parents to identify appropriate goals and activities for children who have IFSPs/IEPs, and assist families whose children may be eligible for IDEA services but are not yet enrolled.
14. Operating Standards Staff Training and Resources: Requires programs to
Create and provide orientation programs to all new staff, that highlight the unique aspects of inclusive childcare
Provide annual training in inclusive childcare to all caregiving staff
Use available CDC Network resources, as well as community, state and national resources to enhance the knowledge and skills of therapists and caregivers in providing inclusive care.
15. Response to CDC Staff Despite our experience serving children w/disabilities:
Growing number of children with behavioral issues stemming from other disabling conditions or family difficulties.
Centers are enrolling more children who have been expelled, sometimes multiple times, from other child care centers.
16. Professional Development Improves Quality of Child Care Staff need training tools to help adapt existing programs to meet the needs of children with a variety of disabilities.
Teachers need materials to help them meet every child's individual developmental needs and provide appropriate educational activities.
Need to better integrate therapists & specialists into the classroom.
17. Activity: Hot Buttons Each of us have behavior “hot buttons” that get pushed when children act up
What do children do that “push your buttons”?
How do you feel when children behave this way?
18. Hot Buttons Challenging behavior, then, is any behavior that pushes our button(s) and challenges our patience and understanding
Warning signal that something is not right
Problematic when they begin to affect how we think about a child and how we intervene/interact with that child.
19. Strategy Thought-Stopping Behavior:
Stop (upsetting thoughts)
Reframe (replace with a calming thought).
He whines from the moment he gets here until the time he gets on the bus to go home – Possible response: He must really miss his family
She’s clingy not only with her mother but with other adults as well – Possible response: she might be slow to warm up in new settings or in the presence of other children and adults.
20. Components of the Curriculum… 5 topical modules:
Introduction to Inclusive Early Care and Education
Challenging Behavior
Communication Delays
Physical Disabilities
21. Components of the Curriculum… Orientation video
Trainers Guide
Network of Trainers
The result is a set of evidence-based and user-friendly materials to help early care and education providers to promote children's growth and development in all areas.
22. Organization of Modules Overview of Module
Classroom Strategies
23. Module 1 – Introduction to Inclusive Early Care and Education What is inclusion
Benefits of inclusion for children, families, staff
Partnering with parents and therapists
Classroom practices
Administrative tools, processes
24. Module 1 Developmentally appropriate practices
Environmental, curricular considerations
Strategies for supporting children’s participation in activities and routines
Resources for more information about inclusion.
25. Video Activity: What Does Inclusion Look Like What do you notice about the classrooms?
What do you notice about the activities the children are doing?
How are the children participating?
Who is the child with the disability?
Who is the teacher?
Who is the specialist?
26. Module 2 – Behavior Definition of terms
Why behavior is important
What is challenging behavior
Forms and functions of behavior
Positive behavior supports (The Teaching Pyramid)
Classroom strategies
27. Sample Activity: Forms and Functions of Behavior Behavior serves a particular purpose
Trying to get something
Trying to avoid something
Respond to sensory input
Any form of behavior can serve multiple purposes Ex. Crying:
To get attention
Avoid an activity
Indicate pain
28. Activity: Functional Behavioral Assessment Watch the video clip
Jot down your observations on the card
29. Module 3 - Communication Delays Definition of terms
What is a speech-language delay/difference/disorder
What you might see in children with communication challenges and how to address
Including parents, caregivers, peers.
30. Sample Activity: Case Vignette 2 y/o Sara says about 6-8 words that are understandable and refuses to repeat when you try to teach more words. Most of the time she plays by herself and doesn’t seem interested in playing with other children unless they’re sitting next to her.
What do you know about Sara’s communication skills?
How could you help to increase Sara’s response to contact with others?
What activities would you use to increase her attending skills?
31. Module 4 – Autism Definition of terms
What is autism
Partnering with parents
Characteristics/“red flags” of autism
Common interventions
Classroom strategies using certain interventions
Suggestions for families/parents.
32. Sample Task Analysis Opening a door
Approach door
Grasp handle
Turn handle
Pull door
Go through door
Release handle
33. Activity - Task Analysis Eating snack
Going down slide
Washing hands
Wiping table
Starting your car
34. Module 5 – Physical Disabilities Definition of terms
General principles of inclusion
Working with/including families
Strategies for children with specific types of disabilities.
35. Adaptations and Accommodations The difference between a child merely being present in your program and a child who is actively involved.
Different ways in which environments, activities, and routines can be adapted to make them more conducive for children's participation
1st step: identify what activities or routines are not going well. Then decide what needs to be changed.
Also identify times during the day that are difficult generally or hard for the child.
36. Adaptations and Accommodations Changes can be made in one or more of the following areas:
Instructional groupings or arrangements
Lesson format
Teaching strategies
Curricular goals and learning outcomes
Method for responding
Environmental conditions
Instructional materials
Level of personal assistance.
37. Deciding Which Adaptation to Use Use the following list to determine which accommodation might be needed
In most instances, adaptations will be successful before you get to the bottom of the list
When a child can participate in an activity as it is, no changes need to be made.
38. Adaptation Framework Start at the top of the list (least intrusive) and work your way down to the bottom (most instrusive):
Environmental accommodations
adapt room set-up
adapt/select classroom equipment
equipment/adaptations for positioning
Adapt schedule
Select or Adapt activity
Adapt materials
39. Adaptation Framework Adapt requirements or instructions
Have an individual child do something different
Have another child help
peer assistance/tutoring
cooperative learning
Have an adult help a child do the activity
Have an individual child do something outside the room with an adult.
40. Sample Activity: Making Adaptations Identify a situation where a routine or activity is not going well
Suggest changes to the routine/activity, using the previous list of strategies.
41. Using the Curriculum How it can be used
Training we’ve already done
Use in state-supported training efforts
42. We Are Using the Curriculum to… Provide professional development for early care and education organizations (child care, early intervention, Head Start/preschool)
Help supervisors/managers effectively support their staff
Enhance the capacity of therapists, specialists to provide inclusive services in natural environments.
43. Using the Curriculum TMIECE materials are great complements to/supplements for other training efforts
Designed to be a stand-alone resource, but can also be supplemented by other training materials.
44. Training Customized to meet each program’s specific needs, help staff improve quality of care for all children
Variety of topics to choose from: specific modules; mini-topics from each module; core module
Hands-on learning activities
Evaluative component to ensure we are meeting our objectives.
45. We Have Already Trained… Easter Seals affiliates
Local Head Start programs, child care providers, YMCA programs
Presentations at National Conferences: Division for Early Childhood (DEC); NAEYC; NATTAP; American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA); Autism Society of America
46. State Training Efforts Several affiliates have contracted with state agencies to use TMICC to train other early childhood providers in the state:
Delaware & Maryland Eastern Shore
Baltimore/Greater Washington
Topeka Kansas
47. Why This, Why Now Benefits to your providers
Increase staff knowledge and skills
Reduce turnover
Increase child success, outcomes
Retain/build enrollment
Improve reputation
Other benefits?
48. Why This, Why Now Benefits to training directors
Increase staff knowledge and skills
Be a hero
Fill your training rooms
Bring in cash/cachet/bodies
Impress your boss
Be seen as a problem solver
49. Why This, Why Now Benefits to CCR&Rs
Increase capacity of provider agencies to serve all children
Increase options for families
Community resource
Be seen as a problem solver.
50. Questions? Thank You!
For More Information, contact:
Leslie Jackson, ljackson@easterseals.com
Bob Siegel, bsiegel@easterseals.com